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Writer's pictureFakhruddin Babar

Story Writing for JSC, SSC and HSC

Story Writing for JSC, SSC and HSC

1. A Brave Boy: On a sunny morning, a boy of 15 was going to

2. A Feeling of Pride: I was walking home yesterday

3. A Fire Accident: last Monday, I went to bed

4. A Fox Without a Tail: Once there was a clever fox

5. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed: There were two friends

6. A Generous Work of a Housemaster: A poor girl named Rina.

7. A Greedy farmer: There lived a farmer in a village

8. A Kind Hearted Boy: Once a schoolboy named Ahsanullah

9. A Kind Lion and a. Grateful Mouse: Once the lion was sleeping in a

10. A Liar Shepherd: There was a shepherd boy

11. A Little Learning is Dangerous Thing: There lived a man in a village

12. A Sly Fox and a Foolish Crow: One day a crow stole z piece of meat

13. A Thirsty Crow: One day a crow became very thirsty

14. Abdullah Shows the Path: Abdullah is a very thoughtful boy

15. Allah Loves Him Who Loves People: Once there lived a man

16. An Ant and a Dove: Once an ant was very thirsty

17. An Honest Schoolboy: One day, a little school boy found

18. An Honest Woodcutter and a Beautiful Fairy: There lived a woodcutter in village

19. An Ungrateful Wolf and a Crane: There lived a Wolf

20. Androcles and the Lion: Long ago, there lived a poor slave

21. As Great As the Dreams: There was a poor rickshaw-puller in a village

22. Bayazid's Love for His Mother: Once there was a small boy named

23. Bilkis Changes Her Life: Once there lived a middle-aged woman

24. Blessing in Disguise: Rana is an educated man

25. Bothers in need, Brothers Indeed: Once upon a time, there were two brothers

26. Bread Dividing by a Cunning Monkey: Once two rats found a piece of bread

27. Celebration of Pahela Baishakh: It was on the first day of

28. Consequences of Deforestation: Once, there lived a king

29. Don't Take Anything that's not Yours: Once, a school boy named Alok

30. Early Marriage should be Stopped: Tamanna is a Bangladeshi girl

31. Feroza's Struggle: Feroza came of a poor

32. For Emergency, Dial 999: Mita came from school

33. Forgiveness is a Great Virtue: There was a rich man called Hamidur

34. Grapes are Sour: Once a hungry fox was

35. Grasp All, Lose All: A dog once stole a piece of meat

36. Happiness Lies in Contentment: Once upon a time, a poor cobbler

37. Helping Someone is Better than Showing

38. Honesty Never Goes Unrewarded: Once there lived a farmer

39. Honesty of a Rickshaw-puller: Abdur Rahim is a rickshaw-puller

40. Industry is the Key to Success: Rahim, a boy of class VIII lost his father

41. Judgement of King Solomon: Once two women came to king Solomon

42. King Midas: The Golden Touch: Once there was a king called Midas

43. King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba: King Solomon was the wisest man

44. Look Before you Leap: Sufia is a worker in a big garment factory

45. Mr Ant and Mr Grasshopper: Once there lived two friend named

46. Necessity of Physical Labour: Once there was an old king

47. Perseverance is the Key to Success: Robert Bruce, king of Scotland

48. Perseverance, the Secret of Triumphs: Students life is better and

49. Pranks are not Always Fun: It was late at night

50. Rafin's Success: Rafin is an unemployed educated youth...

51. Responsibility of a Young Boy: Once upon a time, there was a boy named Mamun

52. Responsibility of a Young Boy: One day a boy of class VIII

53. Righteousness of Some Schoolboys: One day, some boys were playing cricket....

54. Self-employment is a Blessing: Mr. Ahmed completed his graduation

55. Sheikh Saadi's Wit: The king of Iran used to invite

56. Slow But Steady Wins the Race: Once there lived a ha in a forest

57. Sympathy: One day, I was going to school

58. The Crow's Desire to be a Peacock: The crows are ugly to look at

59. The Farmer and the Noble Man: One day, a farmer was taking some sacks

60. The Greatness of Giasuddin Azam Shah: Long time ago, there was a sultan

61. The King and the Astrologer: Once there was a king

62. The Merchant of Venice: Once there lived a merchant

63. The naughty Boys and the Frogs: There was an old pond in a village

64. The Pied-Piper of Hamelin: A long time ago, the town of Hamelin

65. The Scholar and a Boatman: There was a poor boatman is a village

66. Truthfulness of Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani: In his boyhood, Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani

67. Turn Grief into Strength: Anik was a boy of a poor family

68. Unity is Strength: A farmer had four sons

69. Unity is Strength: Once there lived a wolf in a deep

70. Unity is Strength: There lived many animals

71. Who a Contented Man is: A rich man wanted to find a

72. Who's to Bell the Cat: Once the house of a rich man

A Brave Boy: A Young School Boy Named Reza

Once upon a time, in a serene and tranquil town, a young school boy named Reza was on his way home, after completing his academic classes. As he was crossing the bustling and congested road, his sharp and discerning eyes noticed an elderly woman lying motionless and unresponsive on the road. It was a harrowing sight, for there was nobody in the vicinity to lend a helping hand to the feeble and frail lady.

Without any hesitation or second thoughts, Reza sprang into action, and rushed towards the old woman, to assess her condition. Upon examination, he realized that the woman was still breathing, and he quickly surmised that she was still alive. Understanding the severity and urgency of the situation, Reza decided to transport the ailing woman to the hospital, where she could receive immediate medical attention and care.

With resourcefulness and quick thinking, Reza hailed a rickshaw, and with the aid of the rickshaw puller, he gently lifted the old woman and placed her carefully on the vehicle. Reza then instructed the rickshaw puller to take them to the nearest hospital. Unfortunately, the area was not equipped with a hospital in its immediate vicinity. However, Reza, being a clever and astute boy, noticed a healthcare clinic nearby, and decided that it was the best option available to them.

Upon arriving at the clinic, Reza carried the woman inside, where they were met with competent and proficient doctors and well-trained nurses. The medical staff exhibited unparalleled dedication and commitment, as they provided the woman with the utmost care and attention. They attended to her every need, ensuring that she received the best medical treatment possible.

After a while, the woman began to regain consciousness, slowly opening her eyes and looking around the room. Her gaze fell upon Reza, and a wave of recognition washed over her. It was none other than Shakil's mother, Reza's best friend. Reza had spared no effort in his endeavor to save her from the brink of death, and his bravery and intelligence had undoubtedly saved her life.

In conclusion, the tale of Reza's valiant and heroic deed serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion, resourcefulness, and quick thinking, in times of need. His unwavering determination to save a stranger's life is an inspiration to all, and a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

A Brave Boy: A young boy was making his way

One fine day, a young boy was making his way towards school, when his sharp senses detected a waft of smoke emanating from a nearby dwelling. As he approached the source of the smoke, he was greeted with a distressing sight - a house was engulfed in flames, with no one in close proximity to the inferno. Only a handful of women were scurrying back and forth, their anguished cries of despair permeating the air.

Upon assessing the situation, the boy reckoned that there might be someone trapped inside the blazing abode. However, with the fire rapidly spreading its wings and encircling the house, the boy was unable to make a hasty exit. He took a few moments to gather his wits, and with a surge of adrenaline and courage, the boy darted into the flaming structure, much to the astonishment of the onlookers.

Inside the burning house, the boy frantically searched for any signs of life, dodging the leaping flames and thick smoke. Suddenly, his sharp eyes spotted a baby lying on the floor, crying and surrounded by the raging flames. Time was of the essence, and with a quick assessment of the situation, the boy knew that he had to act fast if he was to save the baby's life.

Without any regard for his own safety, the boy fearlessly rushed towards the infant, scooping it up in his arms, and sprinting out of the blazing inferno within seconds. He promptly handed the baby over to the distraught women, who cradled the child in their arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

Amidst the commotion, the mother of the boy was bawling her eyes out, her heart brimming with gratitude and relief upon seeing her son safe and sound. However, the boy himself had not emerged from the flames unscathed, with his left hand and right leg having sustained severe burns.

Word of the boy's heroism quickly spread throughout the town, and a throng of people soon gathered at the scene, hailing him as a true hero, whose selfless act of courage and bravery had saved the life of an innocent child, despite putting his own life at risk.

In conclusion, the young boy's gallant and heroic deed serves as a reminder of the power of bravery and selflessness, in times of adversity. His unwavering determination and quick thinking had undoubtedly saved the life of an innocent, and his actions will forever be etched in the annals of history as an embodiment of courage and valor.

A Brave Boy: Ratul, a ninth-grade student, bore witness to a harrowing scene

From the safe vantage point of his bedroom window, Ratul, a ninth-grade student, bore witness to a harrowing scene: a man lying inert on the street, seemingly abandoned and left for dead. Despite the potential danger posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Ratul could not turn a blind eye to the plight of the unconscious stranger. Overcoming his initial trepidation, he sprang into action by dialing the emergency services hotline at 999, requesting immediate aid from the police.

While waiting for the authorities to arrive, Ratul gathered his courage, donning a protective mask and gloves as he ventured into the throng of onlookers. Despite their entreaties and fears, he boldly approached the prone figure, determined to assess his condition and provide assistance. Shortly thereafter, the police arrived, accompanied by an ambulance, and hurried the stricken man to the hospital with Ratul by his side.

Upon reaching the hospital, the man was promptly examined by a physician, who informed Ratul of the grave extent of his injuries, noting that the man had suffered a minor stroke. Had Ratul not acted so swiftly, the consequences could have been dire. The doctors treated the man with utmost care and, at last, he regained consciousness.

Desirous of learning more about the unconscious stranger's identity, Ratul sought his address. The man could only provide a phone number for his son, which Ratul used to contact him, apprising him of the situation in full detail. The son, overcome with gratitude, rushed to the hospital posthaste to thank Ratul profusely for his valorous and selfless deed in saving his father's life despite the risks posed by the pandemic. The man himself joined his son in lauding Ratul's bravery, and prayed for his continued well-being.

With his conscience at peace and his heart swelling with satisfaction, Ratul returned home, knowing that he had made a difference in the world.

A Feeling of Pride: I was walking home yesterday

During my walk home yesterday, I was approached by a diminutive man with an extensive painted beard and only one functioning limb. He inquired as to the whereabouts of "Nur Munjil," which was quite astonishing to me as that was the name of my residence. I promptly invited him to follow me as I led him to my doorstep. My mother opened the door and immediately recognized the stranger. He was none other than one of my paternal uncles who had joined the liberation war in 1971.

He then recounted, in great detail, his experiences during and after the war. I listened with keen interest as he described his valiant acts of bravery against the enemy forces. However, he suffered a grievous blow to his head which resulted in the loss of his previous memories. The subsequent days of his life were a bleak and harrowing experience. He was driven to madness, wandering aimlessly with an incomprehensible look in his eyes.

However, just a few days earlier, he had a moment of clarity and regained his memories. It was at that moment that the significance of "Nur Munjil" became apparent to him, and he had returned to reunite with his loved ones after a prolonged absence. As I listened to his tale with undivided attention, I couldn't help but feel an immense admiration and respect for this enlightened man. He had endured unspeakable hardships but emerged from them with a newfound appreciation for life.

I am deeply moved by his story and have reserved a special place in the depths of my heart to honor and cherish him forever. He is a true symbol of perseverance, courage, and resilience in the face of adversity.

A Fire Accident: last Monday, I went to bed

Last Friday, I was met with a harrowing experience of a fire accident. It was 11 pm and I was fast asleep when a clamourous noise abruptly woke me up. Without any delay, I sprang out of bed and rushed towards the direction of the noise, only to discover a cottage on fire. The flames were soaring high up into the sky, with one-third of the cottage already engulfed in flames, and rapidly spreading to cause further damage. Fortunately, my neighbours had also responded to the commotion and had gathered at the scene, trying to douse the fire with whatever means they had at their disposal - jugs, buckets, pots, and pitchers.

Luckily, there was a pond located nearby, and the women began to fetch water using the pots, while the men hurled it at the flames. The coordinated and united effort of everyone led to the fire being brought under control within fifteen minutes, eventually succeeding in extinguishing it. The inhabitants of the cottage were a small family of a couple with their only son. The breadwinner of the family was a farmer who earned his livelihood through hard work in the fields. The devastation of the fire left the family in distress as it had destroyed their only shelter, and everything they owned was now in ruins.

The kindness and empathy of the neighbours came to their rescue, offering the family financial assistance to help them get back on their feet. Witnessing the charred remains of the cottage left me deeply shaken, but the compassion and unity demonstrated by the community helped alleviate the tragedy. It is crucial to remember that a collaborative effort is needed to confront and overcome any adversity, no matter how formidable it may be.

A Fox Without a Tail: Once there was a clever fox

The Fox Without a Tail

Once there lived a very clever fox in a jungle. The fox that had been caught in a trap, succeeded at last, after much painful tugging, in getting away. But he had to leave his beautiful bushy tail behind him.

For a long time he kept away from the other foxes, for he knew well enough that they would all make fun of him and crack jokes and laugh behind his back. But it was hard for him to live alone, and at last he thought of a plan that would perhaps help him out of his trouble.

He called a meeting of all the foxes, saying that he had something of great importance to tell the tribe.

When they were all gathered together, the fox without a tail got up and made a long speech about those foxes who had come to harm because of their tails.

This one had been caught by hounds when his tail had become entangled in the hedge. That one had not been able to run fast enough because of the weight of his brush. Besides, it was well known, he said, that men hunt foxes simply for their tails, which they cut off as prizes of the hunt. With such proof of the danger and uselessness of having a tail, said Master Fox, he would advise every fox to cut it off, if he valued life and safety.

When he had finished talking, an old fox arose, and said, smiling:

"Master fox, kindly turn around for a moment, and you shall have your answer."

When the poor fox without a tail turned around, there arose such a storm of jeers and hooting, that he saw how useless it was to try any longer to persuade the Foxes to part with their tails.


In the heart of the jungle, resided a highly intelligent fox, whose wit was revered by all. One fateful day, while traversing through the wilderness, the fox unwittingly fell prey to a trap, losing its majestic tail in the process. The fox, crestfallen and ashamed of its appearance, was determined to come up with a plan to remedy its situation.

Seizing the opportunity, the cunning fox summoned all other foxes in the jungle to a meeting, where it revealed a purported discovery of great significance. In a resounding address, the fox asserted that the tail was nothing more than an encumbrance that hindered their agility, and suggested that they cut off their tails. Impressed by the speech, many of the foxes were enthralled by the idea and eagerly expressed their readiness to follow suit.

However, the wise elder fox, upon hearing the proposal, rose in fury and denounced the idea, warning the others not to heed the advice of the rogue fox, whose tail was lost in a trap, and who merely sought to camouflage its loss. The other foxes, incensed by the revelation, turned on the wily fox, who fled for its life in terror.

Thus, the crafty fox's plan was foiled, and the other foxes were saved from succumbing to its deceptive schemes.

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed: There were two friends

Once upon a time, in a village far away, there lived two friends whose bond was praised by many. They were inseparable and could be seen spending most of their time together. One day, while walking through a dense forest, they discussed the nature of true friendship. One of them asserted that a true friend never abandons their companion in a dangerous situation.

Suddenly, a large bear emerged from the woods, causing both friends to freeze in fear. They were unsure of how to respond, and their predicament seemed hopeless. However, one of the friends, who was adept at climbing trees, quickly scampered up the nearest tree and left his companion behind, knowing the bear could not climb trees. The other friend, who was overweight and incapable of climbing, was left on the ground, feeling abandoned and hopeless.

With no other options available, the friend on the ground decided to feign death, as he had heard that bears do not harm lifeless bodies. He lay motionless as the bear approached him, smelling his ears, nose, face, and body. To his relief, the bear believed him to be dead and walked away without harming him.

From his vantage point in the tree, the other friend watched the scene unfold. After the bear had left, he climbed down from the tree and approached his friend on the ground. "What did the bear say to you?" he inquired. His friend replied, "The wise bear advised me to be wary of friends who desert their companions in times of peril."

This story is a poignant reminder that true friends are those who stand by us in our moments of need, demonstrating loyalty and devotion even when the situation seems dire.

A Generous Work of a Housemaster: A poor girl named Rina.

In a lavish mansion resided a destitute young girl named Rina, who worked as a domestic servant. Although the housemaster was benevolent towards her, his wife was rather harsh and treated Rina with contempt. On one unfortunate day, while Rina was serving tea, she accidentally broke a delicate teacup which enraged the mistress. In a fit of anger, she mercilessly berated and punished Rina, depriving her of food for two days. The condition of the hapless maid deteriorated rapidly.

Witnessing the pitiful state of Rina, the housemaster was filled with remorse and compassion. Driven by his generous nature, he took Rina to a physician for medical attention. After Rina had recuperated, the magnanimous man resolved to find her a new job where she could work without fear of mistreatment. He reached out to a friend who owned a clothing factory and requested him to offer Rina a job in his establishment.

One day, the housemaster escorted Rina to the garment factory and introduced her to her new colleagues. As Rina was referred by the factory owner, her colleagues welcomed her with open arms and extended their helping hands. Thus, the young girl was rescued from her plight and given a chance to start afresh. The housemaster's act of benevolence was a testament to the adage that even a small act of kindness can bring about significant changes in someone's life.

A Greedy farmer / Grasp All, Lose All: There lived a farmer in a village

Once upon a time, in a rural hamlet, there resided an agriculturist who possessed a magnificent bird, a goose to be precise. The goose had an extraordinary ability of laying a solitary, lustrous, golden egg each morning. The farmer was fortunate enough to garner a significant sum by selling these prized possessions at the market. However, this still did not satisfy the avaricious farmer. His insatiable greed was driving him to covet more wealth and acquire it with a sense of urgency. The thought of accumulating all the eggs in one day and becoming exceedingly affluent overnight consumed his thoughts. Convinced that the goose was carrying a multitude of golden eggs in its womb, he was certain that if he had access to them, his prosperity would increase exponentially, hence he wished to be rich beyond measure.

Finally, one day he conceived a plan, a plan that involved slaughtering the goose and removing all the eggs of gold from its belly. He shared his scheme with his wife, who also harboured similar desires of avarice. She welcomed the proposal wholeheartedly, providing the farmer with the encouragement he needed to follow through with his plan. He indulged in an array of daydreams of immeasurable wealth, envisaging himself as the wealthiest man in the village. His dreams centred around the idea of selling the golden eggs, which he believed were nestled within the goose's belly, and thereby attaining instant riches.

The day of reckoning arrived, and the farmer executed his plan by opening the goose's belly with his knife. However, he was mortified to find that there were no golden eggs within. Regrettably, the goose's lifeless body lay in front of him, a consequence of the farmer's own greed. The farmer's heart was filled with sorrow as he had lost his prized goose and, with it, the prospect of an abundance of golden eggs.

Reflecting on his imprudent actions, the farmer soon became overwhelmed with emotion, and he burst into tears. The unfortunate events had taught him a valuable lesson that the thirst for wealth, in excess, can lead to one's downfall. Therefore, it is important to be content with what one has and not be overtaken by avarice. From this story, it is evident that the desire to grasp all will, ultimately, lead to one losing everything.

A Kind Hearted Boy: Once a schoolboy named Ahsanullah

One day, while making his way home from school, a boy named Ahsanullah witnessed an elderly woman lying senseless on a busy road. With no one else around to offer assistance, the boy quickly sprang into action. Aware of the dangers posed by the speeding buses and trucks plying the road, Ahsanullah, with the help of a passerby, moved the woman to the safety of the footpath. He then promptly summoned a rickshaw and transported the old woman to a nearby hospital. Upon arrival, medical professionals attended to the woman and assured the boy that her condition was not serious. With the aid of their ministrations, the woman soon regained her senses.

Having saved the woman's life, Ahsanullah then inquired about her situation. She revealed that she had come to town from a nearby village to beg. The noise of a truck horn had startled her, and she had subsequently fainted. Moved by the woman's plight, the kind-hearted boy then took the woman to his home, where he provided her with sustenance and comfort. In addition, his mother offered the woman some of her old clothes, as well as a sum of money to help her return to her village.

Overwhelmed by the boy's compassion and generosity, the woman prayed fervently for his well-being before departing, her heart full of gratitude. Through his selfless actions, Ahsanullah demonstrated that even small acts of kindness can make a significant impact in the lives of others.

A Kind Lion and a Grateful Mouse: Once the lion was sleeping in a

Once upon a time, in a vast jungle, there lived a mighty lion who was feared by all. One day, while the lion was taking a nap, a little mouse accidentally ran over his face while playing. As soon as the lion woke up, he caught the mouse and was about to kill it. The mouse pleaded for mercy, explaining that it was merely an accident and begged the lion to spare its life. The mouse even went so far as to say that one day it might be able to repay the favor. The lion, however, was skeptical, believing that the mouse was merely making false promises to escape danger.

Despite the lion's skepticism, the mouse insisted that it knew the value of gratitude and would be forever grateful to the lion for sparing its life. The lion, impressed by the mouse's words, decided to spare its life and let it go. The mouse thanked the lion and ran away in joy.

Days went by, and one day while wandering in the jungle, the lion became ensnared in a hunter's net. The lion roared and struggled to free itself, but to no avail. The little mouse, who happened to be playing nearby, heard the lion's cries for help and rushed to its side. The mouse remembered the lion's kindness and promised to help it.

The mouse then used its sharp teeth to nibble at the ropes of the net, one by one. The mouse worked tirelessly, cutting away at the ropes until the lion was free. The lion was overjoyed at the mouse's bravery and kindness and thanked it for saving its life.

The lion and the mouse's friendship grew from that day, based on mutual trust and respect. The two became inseparable, and their bond lasted for years to come. The story teaches us that true friendship knows no boundaries, and even the smallest creature can make a big difference in someone's life.

A Liar Shepherd: There was a shepherd boy

In a certain village, there lived a shepherd boy who tended to a flock of sheep near a nearby forest. He had a habit of lying on the slightest of excuses, and he found joy in making fun of others by telling false tales. Despite his ill behavior, the boy had a pleasant talent of singing and playing the flute, which he used to entertain himself while tending to the sheep. One day, the shepherd boy wanted to make a jest of the villagers. The villagers were known for their kindness, simplicity, and helpfulness towards others in times of need. Thus, the boy began to shout, “Wolf! Wolf! Help!” The villagers, hearing the boy's cries, came rushing to his aid. However, they found no wolf there, and the boy laughed at them for their gullibility. The boy had befooled the villagers, and they became angry with him. They warned him to not repeat such an act again.

A few days later, the shepherd boy repeated the same prank, but this time the villagers, having learned from their previous experience, did not take his cries seriously. They were fed up with his falsehoods and rebuked him for his behavior. Despite their warnings, the boy persisted in his habit of telling lies and making fun of others.

One afternoon, while the shepherd boy was grazing his sheep in the field, a wolf really did fall upon his flock and began to kill them. The boy became afraid and shouted, “Wolf! Wolf! Help! Help! A wolf is attacking my sheep! Come and help me!” The villagers heard him, but they thought that he was playing the same old trick on them. Consequently, no one came to his aid. The wolf ended up killing not only the sheep but also the shepherd boy. When the villagers found his lifeless body, they regretted their inaction and lamented that if the boy had not been in the habit of lying, they would have responded to his cries and saved him from his perilous fate.

From this cautionary tale, we learn that it is unwise and dangerous to make fun of others by telling lies. Falsehood not only brings destruction to oneself but also harms others. We should always speak the truth and avoid telling lies for our own sake and that of others around us.

A Little Learning is Dangerous Thing: There lived a man in a village

In a certain village, there once resided a man who harbored an intense fascination with the English language. Driven by his desire to become fluent in the language, he sought out a teacher who could impart the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve his goal. However, despite the teacher's tireless efforts to instruct him in the nuances and complexities of English grammar, the man's limited intellectual capacity proved to be a significant hindrance to his learning progress, and the teacher eventually abandoned the pursuit.

Despite his lack of knowledge and skill in English, the man was undeterred, believing that he had learned enough to master the language. Armed with only three words - 'yes,' 'no,' and 'very well' - whose meanings he did not comprehend, he returned to his village and boasted of his newfound proficiency in English. Whenever anyone spoke to him, he would respond with one of these three words, regardless of whether the question or topic was related to his purported language expertise.

One fateful night, a theft occurred in a house within the village, prompting the police to investigate the incident. When the police officer asked the villagers if they had any knowledge of the crime, they all denied having any information about the theft. The officer then turned to the man and queried him on the matter, to which he responded affirmatively, saying 'yes.' The officer, sensing an opportunity to make an arrest, asked the man if he objected to being taken into custody, and he responded with 'no.' The officer, emboldened by the man's compliance, proceeded to inform him that he was to be arrested, to which the man responded with a proud 'very well.' Consequently, he was promptly taken into custody and subsequently imprisoned.

Thus, the man's ignorance and his overestimation of his linguistic proficiency, born of his limited understanding of the language, proved to be his downfall, ultimately leading to his arrest and incarceration. The story serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of having a little knowledge, which can often lead to disastrous consequences.

A Sly Fox and a Foolish Crow: One day a crow stole z piece of meat

In a certain village, situated adjacent to a jungle, there lived a foolish crow. This simple-minded bird was known to steal food from time to time, and on one such occasion, it had managed to get hold of a succulent piece of meat from a local butcher’s shop. After flying away with its prized possession, the crow perched on a tree branch to relish its meal. However, unbeknownst to the bird, a sly fox had been watching its every move from beneath the tree.

Knowing the crow's weaknesses, the fox hatched a cunning plan to get its paws on the meat. First, he began to flatter the crow by complimenting its appearance and musical talent, hoping to appeal to the bird's vanity. When the crow remained silent, the fox persisted and requested it to sing a song. The foolish crow, feeling proud, began to sing loudly, only to have the meat fall from its beak to the ground below. The fox immediately seized the opportunity and snatched the meat from the ground.

Having successfully tricked the naive crow, the fox gave it a valuable lesson in life, “My dear friend, you should never be swayed by flattery, as it can lead you to your downfall.” The foolish crow, realizing its mistake, flew away with a heavy heart, having learned that one should always be wary of false praise.

A Thirsty Crow: One day a crow became very thirsty

On a sweltering summer day, a thirsty crow wandered in search of water but to no avail. Despite its tireless efforts, the avian creature couldn't locate a single source of water to slake its thirst. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the crow spotted a pitcher of water underneath a tree. It flew down to the pitcher and perched itself on its edge, only to find that the water level was disappointingly low and out of reach.

The bird tried in vain to reach the water by craning its beak, but to no avail. Frustration crept into its heart as it tried to tip the pitcher, but it was too heavy for the bird to budge. Dejected and defeated, the crow was about to take flight when a sudden idea struck it. The bird scanned its surroundings and noticed a collection of pebbles nearby.

In a flash of inspiration, the crow began to pick up the pebbles one by one and drop them into the pitcher. Each time a pebble fell into the water, the level began to rise, slowly and steadily. The crow continued its tireless efforts until the water level reached the neck of the pitcher. The bird was elated at the sight and quickly dipped its beak into the water, quenching its thirst.

Overjoyed and rejuvenated, the crow took flight and soared through the sky. This clever crow had discovered a way to solve a seemingly insurmountable problem by using its intellect and resourcefulness.

A Wolf and A Lamb/ Any excuse can do for an evil doer: Once there was a small lamb

once lived a small lamb. The lamb was a playful creature and spent its days frolicking carelessly in the fields. Despite its parents' warnings about the dangers of wild animals, the lamb remained heedless of the risks and continued to roam carelessly. One day, while quenching its thirst at a nearby river, the lamb noticed a menacing wolf drinking upstream. Despite its fear, the lamb continued to drink water, oblivious to the threat lurking nearby. The wolf, with its mouth watering at the sight of the lamb, was determined to find an excuse to attack the innocent creature.

To achieve this, the wolf, with a mischievous glint in its eye, spoke to the lamb in a condescending tone, "O lamb, why are you making the water muddy by drinking it when you see that I am drinking here?" The lamb, who had done nothing wrong, answered with naive innocence, "Sir, how can I make the water muddy? It comes down from you to me, not from me to you." The wolf, unable to fault the lamb's logic, was frustrated, but not deterred.

After a brief moment, the wolf sought another excuse to pounce on the lamb, and said, "Why did you call me names last year?" The lamb, even more humbly and innocently, replied, "Sir, I was not even born last year, how could I have called you names?" The wolf, again unable to refute the lamb's response, was increasingly irked, but resolved to continue his quest for a reason to attack the lamb.

Finally, unable to find any legitimate excuse to harm the innocent creature, the wolf decided to attack the lamb with brute force. He exclaimed, "Then it was your father or mother or someone else. You must suffer for their rudeness." The wolf pounced on the lamb, tearing it apart and devouring it in one fell swoop.

This fable teaches us a valuable lesson about the dangers of evil-doers and powerful villains who seek to harm us for no reason. It is imperative that we take precautions and safeguard ourselves against the malicious intentions of such individuals, lest we suffer the fate of the poor lamb who lost its life for no fault of its own.

Allah Loves Him Who Loves People: Once there lived a man named Abu bin Adham

In the annals of history, there lived a pious man named Abu Bin Adham, who was renowned for his good character and honesty. One night, after he had finished offering his prayers, he discovered an angel writing in a book of pure gold. Inquisitive and intrigued, Abu inquired about the purpose of the angel's task. The angel replied that he was jotting down the names of those individuals who had immense love for the Almighty Lord. Curiosity overcame Abu, and he asked the angel if his name was included in the list. Alas, he was informed that his name was not present in the book.

Abu was extremely disheartened by the news and asked the angel for an explanation. The angel's reply shook Abu to the core, "The names in the book are those who not only love the Creator but also cherish and love the creation. It is essential to exhibit love and compassion towards all, regardless of their character, social standing, or creed. The Almighty Lord adores those who extend their affection towards His creation, whether the person is virtuous or sinful. A wicked individual is also crafted by the same Creator who has fashioned a nobleman."

Abu was awakened to the realization of his flawed behavior despite being sincere and honest. He was overwhelmed with remorse and pledged to transform his ways. He saw this event as a warning from God, and his mind was consumed with repentance. He vowed never to be ill-behaved and made amends with those whom he had wronged.

After several months, the angel returned to Abu in the same manner as before. The angel conveyed that he was tasked with compiling a list of people whom God loves, and Abu Bin Adam's name was at the top of the list. The transformation in Abu's conduct had not gone unnoticed, and his act of compassion and love for mankind had earned him the love and affection of the Almighty.

In conclusion, Abu's journey highlights the importance of compassion and love towards all of God's creation. It is not enough to love and cherish the Creator alone, but also to extend the same affection to His creation. This benevolent behavior earns the love and blessings of the Lord, and it can lead to a profound transformation in one's life.

An Ant and a Dove: Once an ant was very thirsty

In a bygone era, there resided a contented dove in the midst of a verdant woodland. The dove lived a blissful life, cherishing every moment of it. One fine day, while the dove was perched on a tree beside a river, it noticed an ant. The ant appeared to be severely parched and was struggling to drink water from the river. However, due to a sudden surge in the water, the ant was swept away by the waves. With each passing moment, the ant was carried further away from the bank and began to lose its strength. Eventually, the ant resigned to its fate, as it lost all hope of survival. The compassionate dove felt a pang of sympathy for the ant and decided to intervene.

Without wasting any time, the dove pondered upon a plan to rescue the ant. In no time, it came up with an idea and dropped a leaf in front of the ant. Seeing the leaf, a glimmer of hope dawned upon the ant, and it immediately climbed onto the leaf, which proved to be its savior. Overwhelmed with gratitude, the ant expressed its heartfelt thanks to the dove.

Days passed, and one day, while the ant was searching for food under the same tree, it noticed a hunter aiming his gun at the dove. The ant was determined to save the dove from the impending danger. Without any delay, it scurried towards the hunter and bit him on his right leg, causing him to tremble and miss his target. The dove flew away unscathed, and the ant's timely intervention saved its life.

Thus, the ant's gratitude towards the dove was repaid by its heroic action, as the dove's life was saved by the ant in return. This fable teaches us the lesson that a small act of kindness can lead to a ripple effect, and one good deed leads to another.


In a dense thicket of a forest, there once resided a contented dove who passed her days in a state of felicity. One day, while the dove was perched upon a branch of a tree by a flowing river, she spied an ant. The ant appeared to be exceedingly parched and desperately in need of a drink of water. When the ant finally made it to the river, a sudden wave swept it away. Subsequently, the second wave carried it several feet away from the shore, rendering it completely helpless. Despite its best efforts, the ant was unable to make any progress towards the bank, exhausting all of its strength in the process. Drowning appeared to be its inevitable fate, and it had given up hope of survival. The dove took pity on the poor ant and determined to save its life. She decided, "I must take action to rescue this unfortunate creature." With this, the dove plucked a leaf from the tree and offered it to the ant. Upon seeing the leaf, the ant's hope for survival was rekindled. It gratefully crawled onto the leaf, ultimately saving its life. The ant was profoundly grateful to the dove.

On another occasion, the ant was scavenging for food beneath the very same tree where the dove had taken refuge. To its dismay, the ant observed a hunter aiming his gun directly at the dove. Unaware of the danger that lurked behind him, the dove remained oblivious to the peril it faced. In an effort to save the dove's life, the ant realized that it had to take swift action. Without hesitation, the ant crawled up the hunter's leg and bit him on his right leg. As a result, the hunter's hand shook and the bullet missed its intended target. Seizing the opportunity, the dove quickly flew away, narrowly escaping death. Thus, the dove's life was saved by the brave and selfless ant.

An Honest Schoolboy: One day, a little school boy found

Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, a noble-minded student by the name of Robin, belonging to the ninth grade, came across a purse or moneybag whilst on his way to school. As he looked around, he realized that there was no one nearby who could be the owner of the lost item. Upon picking up the purse/moneybag, Robin was astounded to find that it contained a sizable sum of money. However, instead of taking advantage of this opportunity, Robin decided to uphold his virtues of honesty and responsibility and return the money to its rightful owner.

Despite the fact that Robin's class was about to commence, he chose to prioritize returning the money over his own education. As a result, he took the purse/moneybag to the headmaster of his school and informed him about his discovery. The headmaster, who was thoroughly impressed with Robin's ethical conduct, accompanied him to the local police camp to hand over the money.

Upon reaching the police station, they met an old man who was conversing with the in-charge. After inspecting the contents of the purse, the old man claimed that it belonged to him, and that he had lost it on his way. The in-charge returned the purse to its rightful owner, who was overjoyed and grateful to Robin for his virtuous actions. The old man, wishing to reward the student for his noble deed, offered him a gift in return. However, Robin politely refused, stating that he was content in doing the right thing and that the old man's happiness was reward enough. Robin further humbly requested the old man's blessings so that he could continue to uphold his duties and responsibilities with integrity and rectitude.

Moral of the Story: The honest never expect any reward or return for their good work.

An Honest Woodcutter and a Beautiful Fairy: There lived a woodcutter in village

In a bygone era, there existed a destitute woodcutter dwelling in a diminutive hamlet. His sustenance hinged on procuring wood from a proximate forest and trading it in the market. One fateful day, while he was felling timber by a river, his axe inadvertently slipped from his grasp and plunged into the river, thus sinking out of sight.

The woodcutter was crestfallen, for he lacked the wherewithal to purchase another axe. Dejected and forlorn, he seated himself by the riverbank, pondering his quandary. Suddenly, the deity of the river manifested before him and inquired as to what had troubled him. The woodcutter recounted his tale of woe, informing the deity about his missing axe and his inability to work without it.

Sympathetic to the woodcutter's plight, the deity submerged into the water and reemerged with a golden axe in hand, proffering it to the woodcutter, asking him if it was his. The woodcutter, with unyielding integrity, declared that it was not his. The deity once again delved into the river, emerging this time with a silver axe, which he again presented to the woodcutter, but the woodcutter, with his uncompromising candor, once again denied it was his. Finally, the deity resurfaced with the woodcutter's own iron axe and asked him if it was his.

Overjoyed at the sight of his axe, the woodcutter unreservedly confirmed it was indeed his. The deity of the river, gratified by the woodcutter's unblemished honesty, rewarded him with all three axes.

The woodcutter returned to his village and commenced trading wood with his newly acquired axes, which expeditiously transformed his fortunes. Other woodcutters in the hamlet were incredulous at his rapid success and implored him to reveal his secret. The woodcutter, with his characteristic veracity, divulged the story of his divine encounter with the deity of the river and expounded how he was rewarded for his honesty, which helped him to attain prosperity.

From that day forth, the woodcutter's unimpeachable honesty became renowned throughout the village, and people began to repose their trust in him. He ascended to eminence in the community and lived a contented and prosperous life.

The story of the Honest Woodcutter expounds upon the age-old maxim that honesty is indeed the best policy. Even when confronted with difficulties, one ought to always choose to tell the truth and maintain fidelity to oneself and others. By doing so, one can gain the respect and trust of those around them, which can pave the way for success and happiness in life.

An Ungrateful Wolf and a Crane: There lived a Wolf

Once upon a time, there was a lazy wolf living in a jungle. Near his house was a pond. Many animals came to the pond to drink water. The wolf was always in search of food.

One day, he was sitting near the pond hoping to get something to eat. When suddenly he spotted a dead bull. “Aha! What a luck! Now I can eat all I want,” he thought and his mouth strated watering.

He began to eat the bull. A thought struck him, “if another beast comes this way he will ask for a share. I had better eat fast.” ‘Grub! Grub! Grub! Grub1’ he chewed, faster and faster.

In his haste, a piece of bone got stuck in his throat. “Ohh! Errk!” cried the wolf. He tried to bring it out of his mouth. He tried to cough it out but in vain. Next, he tried to swallow it down but he failed.

“Ooh, the bone in throat hurts. What shall I do now?” thought the wolf. Suddenly he remembered that a crane lived on the nearby riverbank.

The wolf went to the crane and pleaded, “My dear Crane! I have got a bone stuck in my throat. I will give you a present, if you pull it out of my throat with your long beak.”

The crane took pity on the wolf. He asked the wolf to look up with his mouth open. The crane then put its head into the wolf’s mouth and pulled out the bone.

“Oh! What a relief!” the wolf sighed.

“Now where is my present?” asked the crane.

“What present?” the wolf replied, pretending not aware of its promise.

“You said that you would give me a present if I remove the bone from your throat,” said the crane humbly.

“Hah! Is it not a present that you put your head into my mouth and got out alive? I could have easily crushed your head while your beak was inside my mouth,” said the ungrateful wolf and went away.

The crane felt helpless and decided not to help any ungrateful creature in the future.

Androcles and the Lion: Long ago, there lived a poor slave

Once upon a time, there lived a youthful man by the name of Androcles. Unfortunately, he was captured by a slave merchant and sold to a wealthy man in another land, where his master subjected him to unspeakable cruelty and hardship. Androcles, consumed by homesickness, longed for a means of escape from his dire predicament.

One day, while seeking refuge in a cave, Androcles chanced upon a wounded lion, who was groaning in agony. Displaying a tremendous amount of courage, he approached the lion and took the injured paw into his hand, removing a sizable thorn lodged within it. The lion, overjoyed at the relief from pain, appeared grateful and calm in his presence. After some time, Androcles departed the cave and began his journey homeward.

Unfortunately, he was apprehended by his master's people en route, who subsequently threw him into a lion's den. The ravenous lion charged towards Androcles, but upon recognizing his savior, the animal immediately prostrated himself at Androcles' feet. In a miraculous turn of events, the lion then proceeded to break open the cage and carry Androcles away on his back, ultimately allowing him to escape the clutches of his tormentor.

In the end, Androcles' selfless act of kindness towards the injured lion ultimately saved his own life, exemplifying the notion that good deeds never go unrewarded.

Bayazid's Love for His Mother: Once there was a small boy named

In the annals of time, there existed a young boy named Bayazid, whose mother was ailing and in need of care. One fateful day, Bayazid was found studying by his mother's bedside when, unexpectedly, she stirred from her slumber and requested a glass of water. The dutiful boy, in an effort to fulfill his mother's wish, took the glass and headed to the pitcher. However, his efforts were in vain as the pitcher was bereft of any liquid.

Despite this setback, Bayazid's resourceful mind led him to recall a nearby stream from which he could procure water. However, this stream was located at a considerable distance from his abode and was situated in a far-flung corner of the village. The night was pitch black and ominous, but the devoted son, resolute in his determination to provide for his mother, took the empty pitcher and set out on his quest to fetch water.

Through the dark and winding pathways of the village, Bayazid trudged onwards to the stream, undeterred by the challenges that lay ahead. After an arduous journey, he reached the stream and filled the pitcher with water. Though exhausted and weary, the boy set out to return home, his heart beating with the desire to fulfill his mother's wishes.

As he reached his humble abode, Bayazid was met with a heartwarming sight - his mother was in a deep slumber. Ever mindful of his mother's comfort, Bayazid resolved to wait patiently by her bedside with the glass of water in his hand. He knew that rousing his mother from her peaceful repose might cause her undue distress, so he decided to stand vigil until the break of dawn.

The long and lonely night passed by, and with the first rays of the sun, Bayazid's mother awoke to a heartwarming sight. Her devoted son stood by her bedside, holding a glass of water. The sight of this act of love moved her deeply, and tears of joy streamed down her face as she embraced her son with all the motherly affection she possessed. Her blessings imbued Bayazid with a profound sense of spirituality and led him to become a great saint, revered for his devotion to his mother and his unwavering faith in the power of love.

Bilkis / Feroza Changes Her Life: Once there lived a middle-aged woman

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst the verdant countryside, there dwelt a resolute and hardworking middle-aged woman by the name of Bilkis, who was entrusted with the task of providing for her family of five comprising of her husband and three sons. Despite her assiduous efforts, the onerous burden of making ends meet fell solely on her shoulders, for her spouse was a lethargic individual who did not make any contribution towards their sustenance.

One day, Bilkis had a serendipitous encounter with a group of philanthropic individuals from the Grameen Bank, who expressed their eagerness to assist indigent, landless and vulnerable people. Grasping the opportunity with both hands, she applied for a loan of three thousand taka from the Bank and was approved. Armed with this loan, she proceeded to purchase a dheki and some paddy, and embarked on her journey towards financial independence.

Undeterred by the arduous struggles that lay ahead, Bilkis and her husband began to meticulously plan out their future course of action. They first constructed a thatched hut to provide shelter for themselves and their children, sparing them from the elements. Subsequently, Bilkis sold the rice in the market, reaping a considerable profit that allowed her to repay the first instalment of her loan, as well as purchase food and clothing for her offspring.

Through sheer perseverance and unflagging determination, Bilkis persevered through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, emerging triumphant in her struggle for existence. Her tireless efforts had borne fruit, culminating in a life of dignity and self-reliance for her and her family.

Bread Dividing by a Cunning Monkey: Once two rats found a piece of bread

Once upon a time, two feline friends had the misfortune of stealing a piece of bread. However, their attempt to divide it equally failed as both were greedy and wanted the bigger portion. Consequently, the argument became heated, and the two cats sought the counsel of a wise monkey, renowned in the forest for his wisdom.

The monkey, being a creature of intellect and reason, counseled the cats to resolve the issue amongst themselves as it would be a costly affair. However, the cats insisted that they needed his assistance to find a solution to their problem.

Thus, the monkey, with his great knowledge, decided to bring out a pair of scales and divided the bread into two parts. But alas, each piece was unevenly sized, and the cats once again became agitated.

Determined to find a solution, the monkey began to nibble a small portion from the bigger piece and weighed it again. This caused the smaller piece to be heavier. He then took a small piece from the smaller portion and put it on the scales, resulting in the bigger piece being heavier again.

The monkey continued to repeat the process, but the pieces never became equal. In the end, only a small piece remained. The cats requested the remaining piece, but the monkey, infuriated by their greediness and lack of cooperation, claimed it as his own and devoured it without hesitation.

The story demonstrates how greed can lead to foolishness, and how cunning behavior can ultimately lead to unfavorable outcomes.

Consequences of Deforestation: Once, there lived a king

Once upon a time, there was a ruler who governed an island that was rich in lush vegetation, particularly trees. The king, however, had an ambitious vision to construct a grand palace on the island. To make his dream a reality, he instructed his men to fell all the trees on the island. Despite opposition from some of his subjects, the king ignored their concerns and went ahead with his plan. The trees were cut down, leaving the island bare and barren.

As a result, there was a noticeable shift in the climate, which had devastating consequences. The absence of trees led to a lack of rainfall, which, in turn, triggered floods that destroyed crops and washed away the fertile topsoil. The farmers could no longer cultivate their land, and food shortages ensued, leading to a famine. In desperation, the people of the island turned to the king, pleading for assistance and sustenance.

It was then that the king realized the grave error he had committed in felling all the trees. He grasped the critical role of trees in the environment and the lives of his subjects. To make amends, he imported a vast number of tree saplings and distributed them free of charge to his people. Over time, the saplings grew into beautiful trees, and the island was once again teeming with lush greenery.

The trees aided in restoring the ecological balance of the island, and the rains returned. The farmers were able to grow crops once more, and prosperity returned to the land. The people of the island were grateful to the king, who had learned a valuable lesson about the importance of trees and the natural environment.

Grapes are Sour: Once a hungry fox was

In the vicinity of a village, there existed a dense forest which was home to a plethora of animals. Amongst them, there was a fox that possessed a remarkable level of cunningness. This sly creature had an innate ability to make the most out of any given situation. The farmers residing in the village were quite perturbed by the existence of this fox as it could potentially pilfer their precious hens and cocks at any moment.

On a scorching summer day, while traversing through the forest, the fox found itself in a dire need of water. Despite a thorough search, the fox was unable to locate any water source. However, to its amazement, it spotted a cluster of luscious and succulent grapes hanging down from a branch that was at a considerable height from the ground.

The fox leapt repeatedly, but its attempts to reach the grapes were in vain. With every futile attempt, the fox became hungrier and thirstier, leading to a feeling of weakness. The unfulfilled desire to relish the tantalizing grapes left the fox unhappy and dejected.

In a last-ditch attempt to come to terms with the fact that the grapes were beyond its reach, the fox resorted to consoling itself by reasoning that the grapes were sour and injurious to its health. The fox arrived at the conclusion that contentment with what is attainable is a virtue and that one should not fret over what cannot be achieved easily.

Grasp All, Lose All: A dog once stole a piece of meat

On a certain day, a dog, consumed by a voracious appetite, pilfered a piece of meat from a nearby meat shop. Gripping the meat in its jaws, the canine proceeded to run alongside a babbling stream. Soon enough, the dog arrived at a bridge that spanned the stream. However, while traversing the bridge, the dog chanced upon a fascinating sight: another dog, carrying a succulent piece of meat in its own mouth, was walking in the opposite direction.

Enthralled by the prospect of acquiring yet another delicious morsel of meat, the dog halted its progress and cast a keen glance downwards towards the canal. To its surprise, it beheld a mirror-like reflection of itself, which it mistook for another dog. Overcome with a sense of greed and avarice, the dog let out a howl at the image, determined to acquire the other piece of meat.

Alas! As a result of its own foolishness, the piece of meat slipped from its grip and tumbled into the water below. In a desperate attempt to retrieve its lost treasure, the dog plunged into the water, but its efforts were in vain. Exhausted and famished, the dog eventually managed to swim to the opposite bank of the canal, where it remained unfed and dejected. Thus, the dog learned a valuable lesson that by trying to grasp everything, it could end up losing everything.

Happiness Lies in Contentment: Once upon a time, a poor cobbler

In a certain town, there once resided a cobbler, whose days were spent merrily in the pursuit of singing and dancing. Living a life of hand-to-mouth existence, he never troubled himself with thoughts of the future, content to live in the moment and subsist on his daily earnings. His wealthy neighbor, a banker, was surprised by this and inquired of the cobbler how much he earned in a year.

With a gentle smile, the cobbler admitted to never having counted his earnings in such a manner, as he was content with his simple existence. The banker, moved by the cobbler's situation, resolved to lift him out of poverty and presented him with a generous sum of ten thousand taka, urging him to keep it safe for times of need.

Overwhelmed by the magnitude of this windfall, the cobbler hastened home to secure the money, but was beset by a nagging sense of unease. Unable to rest easy, he eventually resorted to burying the money in a hole he had dug in his room, hoping to keep it safe from harm. Yet, despite his efforts, the cobbler was tormented by thoughts of the money being stolen or lost.

As the days turned into weeks, his mind plagued with worry, the cobbler found himself unable to sleep soundly, consumed by his anxiety over the safety of his newfound wealth. Unable to bear this mental agony any longer, he went to the banker and, with great reluctance, handed back the money, explaining that its presence had robbed him of his peace of mind.

Thus, the cobbler learned that true contentment and happiness could not be found in material possessions, and that the simple pleasures of life were often more valuable than great riches.

Honesty Never Goes Unrewarded: Once there lived a farmer

In a small, rural village lived a poor but worthy farmer who, with the modest income from his meager few acres of land, managed to support himself, his wife and their seven children. As he walked through his fields one day, he pondered his circumstances, realizing that as his children grew older and required more, their family expenses continued to increase. In an effort to brainstorm how he could earn additional funds, he happened upon a purse lying on the ground before him.

Initially, the farmer considered that someone must have lost the purse, and he could not keep it for himself. Nevertheless, he picked it up and opened it, revealing a substantial sum of money inside. Rushing home to share his discovery with his wife, she greedily suggested they keep the money for themselves and use it to better their family's situation. However, the farmer's moral compass pointed in a different direction. He recognized that the money was not rightfully theirs and insisted that they find the owner of the lost purse.

After a few days, the farmer successfully located the rightful owner and promptly returned the lost item, along with its contents. The owner, a very wealthy man, was deeply moved by the farmer's honesty and integrity. Impressed by the farmer's character, the wealthy man appointed him as his caretaker.

Overjoyed by this newfound opportunity, the farmer began his new job with a sense of pride and honor. His honesty had not only earned him the admiration of others, but it had also paved the way for a brighter future. The farmer learned that doing what is right is often rewarded in ways beyond measure, and his unwavering moral compass had led him to a newfound success and prosperity.

Honesty of a Rickshaw-puller: Abdur Rahim is a rickshaw-puller

Kashem, a destitute rickshaw puller in Dhaka, could barely make ends meet driving his rickshaw across various parts of the city. One day, while plying his trade, he chanced upon a group of men enticing passersby to purchase lottery tickets. Although Kashem knew that the odds of winning were slim, he was nevertheless tempted to buy a ticket. He noted the date of the draw and waited with bated breath for the results. On the day of the draw, he purchased a daily newspaper, which he perused with great eagerness. Having received rudimentary education in his childhood, Kashem could read and write, albeit to a limited extent. He carefully scanned the pages of the newspaper in search of the lottery result, his heart pounding with excitement as he searched for his ticket number. Finally, to his great surprise, he found his ticket number listed at the top of the winning numbers.

Overwhelmed with joy, Kashem broke down in tears. But the magnitude of his win left him unsure of how to proceed. Kashem decided to seek the advice of a school teacher in his neighborhood, who had kindly offered to assist him. Together, they went to the nearest police station to request security and subsequently contacted the lottery authorities. The officials confirmed Kashem's ticket and awarded him twenty-five lac taka as the first prize. Kashem returned home under police protection, his joy knowing no bounds.

With his newfound wealth, Kashem resolved to pursue self-employment. He returned to his village and invested in a poultry farm and a stationery shop, both of which proved profitable ventures. The remaining amount was deposited in a bank. Kashem's days of hardship were finally over, and he became financially stable and self-sufficient.

Honesty of a Young Boy

Rahim, a traveler aboard the Padma Express from Dhaka to Rajshahi, encountered a devastating setback when he lost his bag on the ferry while crossing the river to board another train at the stations of Gafargaon, Mymensing, and Jagannathgonj. The bag held his essential belongings, including his clothes, money, and ticket, among other items. Faced with this predicament, Rahim was overcome with frustration and anxiety, not knowing how to proceed. However, a notion dawned on him, leading him to approach the station master, who exhibited the kindness of a benevolent heart. Rahim explained his situation to the station master, who, in turn, listened to him patiently and empathetically, comprehending the gravity of his situation. Taking note of Rahim's name and particulars, the station master directed him to wait for a while and informed the "lost and found" department of the situation. He issued an announcement over the microphone in the hopes of retrieving Rahim's lost bag.

Rahim waited with bated breath for a resolution, knowing that the contents of the lost bag were critical for the maintenance of his family. Eventually, his patience was rewarded when a young man emerged, bearing his lost bag and handing it over to the department officer. Overjoyed with relief, Rahim received his bag and could not contain his gratitude, thanking the young man from the bottom of his heart. He prayed to Allah, expressing his deep appreciation for the young man's honesty and integrity, which had saved him from immense hardship.

Industry is the Key to Success:

Muna / Feroza , a young girl hailing from a destitute farmer's family, was deprived of education by her father due to their impoverished circumstances. Eventually, at the tender age of fifteen, her parents arranged her marriage to a man of similar means. Alas, the groom proved indolent, lacking any inclination towards work. Thus, Muna/Feroza had to toil relentlessly to support her family. However, she was plagued with a persistent fear: what if she gave birth to a female child? The specter of penury loomed large, and she yearned to find a way to earn a livelihood.

In her quest for a solution, Muna/Feroza sought the guidance of her cousin, who was affiliated with a youth training center. He suggested that she receive training in poultry farming. Muna/Feroza took his advice and diligently completed the course. Subsequently, she obtained a loan of 10,000 Taka from the training center under lenient terms. Using the loan, she initiated a poultry farm at her home and diligently tended to the birds. Her chickens and ducks thrived under her care, attaining robust health. Eventually, she sold them in the market and earned a substantial sum of money. After clearing the loan, Muna obtained a larger loan from the training center and invested the funds in profitable ventures, effectively running her own business.

Through her hard work and perseverance, Muna/Feroza transformed her fortunes, ascending to the status of a wealthy woman. She now enjoys a peaceful life and can afford to send her daughter to school, nurturing the hope that her offspring will attain higher education and enlighten society.

Judgement of King Solomon: Once two women came to king Solomon

In a certain village, there lived two women, one of whom had given birth to a baby. However, the other woman had claimed the child as her own, resulting in a bitter quarrel between the two. With no resolution in sight, they decided to seek the wise counsel of King Solomon, renowned for his sagacity. The king listened attentively to their pleas and requested them to tell him the truth. Both the women claimed the baby as their own, leaving the king perplexed as to how to decide the matter.

After some contemplation, King Solomon came up with a plan to resolve the issue technically. He asked the two women to return the next day and promised to give his judgment then. The next day, the two women appeared before the king with the baby. King Solomon began by stating that he had never encountered a complaint like this before, but he was determined to settle the matter.

To the surprise of both women, the king proposed to cut the baby into two equal parts and give one part to each mother. Upon hearing this, one of the women turned pale and began to weep, while the other remained silent. The true mother of the child, moved by maternal love, begged the king to spare the baby's life and give it to the other woman so that she could at least know her child was alive. The false mother, in contrast, readily agreed to the king's proposal, stating that he should cut the baby in half and give them both a share.

King Solomon, perceptive and astute as he was, recognized the real mother of the baby and punished the deceitful woman. He then awarded the baby to the true mother, who had demonstrated her willingness to let her child live, even with the false mother. Thus, King Solomon's wisdom and judgment prevailed once again, and the two women returned to their village, satisfied and grateful for the king's guidance.

King Midas: The Golden Touch: Once there was a king called Midas

Once upon a time, in a far-off land called Midas, there lived a king who had a beautiful daughter, whom he loved dearly. However, the king had a great desire for gold and had amassed a vast amount of it, but he was not content. His thirst for more gold could never be quenched. One day, while sitting in his storeroom, he was struck with the idea that he did not possess enough gold, and it was then that an angel suddenly appeared before him. The angel granted him a boon and asked him to wish for anything he desired, and the king asked for the power to change anything he touched into gold. The angel granted his wish, and the king was overjoyed.

Midas discovered that he could turn anything into gold by merely touching it, and he ran into his garden to try it out. He touched the flowers, and they turned into gold, and then he touched everything he could get his hands on. He was ecstatic with his newfound power. However, his happiness did not last long. As he sat down to dinner, he touched an egg and a cup, and they turned to gold. He then took a piece of bread and turned it into gold, and he became terrified of his golden touch.

When his daughter came to him and hugged him, she immediately turned into a golden statue. Midas was overcome with grief and anguish. He was willing to do anything to get his daughter back. Suddenly, the angel reappeared before him and asked him what was wrong. Midas begged the angel to take back his golden touch and return his daughter to him. The angel was delighted to hear this and granted his request, taking away his magical power. Things reverted to their original state, and the angel advised the king to be content with what he had. The angel then departed, leaving Midas with all that he had before his fateful wish.

King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba: King Solomon was the wisest man

Long, long ago, in a far-off land known as Palestine, there reigned a wise and just king among the Jews, known to all as Solomon. He ruled his kingdom with sagacity and keen intelligence, and his problem-solving skills were unparalleled. His judgements were infallible, and the people of his realm revered him for his wisdom.

Indeed, Solomon's reputation for sagacity spread far and wide, even beyond the borders of his own kingdom. Word of his wisdom and intellect eventually reached the ears of the Queen of Sheba, who herself was renowned for her own beauty and intelligence. Desirous of testing his knowledge and perception, she determined to visit Solomon's court.

When the queen arrived at Solomon's court, she paid due respect to the king, acknowledging his sovereignty with all the decorum of a queen. However, she also informed him that she had brought with her a small gift - two garlands of flowers - one real and one fake. Her challenge to the king was to discern which of the two garlands was real.

The king accepted the queen's challenge, though he knew it would be a difficult task. At first glance, the two garlands appeared identical - they even exuded the same fragrant aroma. Solomon, however, was not one to be easily deterred by such obstacles.

As luck would have it, it was springtime, and the windows to the court were opened. The breeze wafted through the room, carrying with it the humming of bees from the nearby garden. The bees, drawn to the fragrance of the real flowers, alighted upon the authentic garland, thereby indicating to Solomon which one was real and which was not.

The queen was greatly impressed by the king's sagacity and astuteness, and she duly paid her respects to the wise ruler before returning to Sheba.

Look Before you Leap/ Rumour of fire: Sufia / Rahima is a worker in a big garment factory

Rahima is employed at a large textile factory comprising more than five hundred workers. One day, while engrossed in her duties, she suddenly heard the startling news that a fire had erupted due to a short circuit. As is often the case, this alarming information quickly spread among the workers. However, without verifying the veracity of the report, all of the factory's employees, gripped by panic, rushed towards the exit.

Unfortunately, the factory possessed only one egress, and the passageway leading to it was extremely narrow. It was impossible for three people to traverse this path side by side. Consequently, as the entire workforce attempted to escape through the limited exit, the passageway rapidly became clogged, and a stampede ensued. Due to the jostling and overcrowding, many laborers stumbled and were trampled underfoot by their colleagues, resulting in severe injuries. In short, a state of chaos reigned within the factory.

After surveying the situation, the management intervened to quell the disturbance. Through a public address system, they announced that the fire was a mere rumor, and no actual blaze had occurred. In reality, a pipe filled with dye had burst in the dyeing section, but there had been no fatalities. After hearing this statement twice, the workers comprehended their mistake and returned to their respective duties.

Mr Ant and Mr Grasshopper: Once there lived two friend named

In a grassy meadow, there once lived an industrious ant and a carefree grasshopper. Day in and day out, the ant would toil without cease, rushing back and forth from the field to collect the grains of wheat and store them carefully in her larder. Meanwhile, the grasshopper would laugh at the ant's diligence and urge her to dance and enjoy the pleasures of summer. Despite the ant's disregard for the grasshopper's frivolous behavior, the grasshopper would continue to hop across the meadow, singing and dancing merrily.

But as summer faded into autumn and autumn turned into winter, the meadow and the farmer's field became blanketed in snow, and the grasshopper found himself cold and hungry with nowhere to shelter from the harsh weather. Desperate and in need of sustenance, the grasshopper recalled the ant and decided to seek refuge and food from her. Upon knocking at the ant's door, he greeted her with cheer and proposed to sing for her as he warmed himself by her fire, while she retrieved some food from her larder.

The ant, however, looked at the grasshopper with disdain and rebuked him for his lack of foresight. Reminding him of the hard work she had put in during the summer months, she refused to offer him shelter or food. "You should have thought of winter then!" she chided before slamming the door in the grasshopper's face.

Thus, the grasshopper was left alone in the cold and snow, regretting his inaction and lack of preparation for the inevitable winter. The moral of the story being, as the adage goes, "Look before you leap."

Moral: Work hard and don’t be lazy.

Necessity of Physical Labour: Once there was an old king

Once upon a time, there lived an indolent king who avoided physical exertion. Consequently, his body became bloated, and he found it challenging to move around. In search of a solution, he summoned a learned and astute physician who diagnosed that the king's inactivity was the root cause of his corpulence. However, the remedy to alleviate his obesity required the king to engage in physical labor. The physician was apprehensive that if he advised the king to perform such activities and the king did not comply, he would grow even more robust.

Finally, the sagacious physician conceived a plan. He informed the king that his physical health was in grave danger and he needed urgent treatment. The king became despondent upon hearing this news. The physician then handed the king a club and instructed him to swing it in the morning and evening for at least an hour each day. At the outset, the king found the task arduous, and he quickly grew weary and perspired profusely. Despite the initial difficulties, he persisted and continued to swing the club for an entire month.

After a month, the king found himself rejuvenated, and his body had returned to a more healthy size. He appeared trim and fit. The physician returned to the palace to visit the king and informed him that engaging in physical labor is the best way to maintain good health. The king realized the physician's strategy and praised him for prescribing such a valuable remedy. In gratitude, the king rewarded the physician for his service.

Failure is the pillar of success/ Perseverance is the Key to Success: Robert Bruce, king of Scotland

It has been quite some time since Robert Bruce reigned as king of Scotland. He was known for his valiant leadership as a ruler and a warrior. He had an ardent love for freedom, as Scotland was then under the oppressive rule of England. Robert Bruce aimed to gain the independence of his country and engaged in six battles with the English army, one after the other. However, despite his best efforts, he was defeated each time. His spirit became disheartened, and he lost hope of success. Ultimately, he was dethroned, and his enemies were determined to capture him. Robert Bruce became a fugitive, wandering aimlessly in search of refuge in hills and forests until he finally sought shelter in a cave.

One day, while lying in the cave, Robert Bruce reflected on his misfortunes. Suddenly, he observed a spider attempting to climb to the ceiling. He watched intently as the spider tried to crawl up, only to fall down on its silken thread a few inches up. But the spider did not give up. Instead, it continued to try and try again. On its seventh attempt, the spider finally succeeded in reaching the top. Robert Bruce was struck by the spider's persistence and determination. Despite repeated failures, the spider remained undeterred, never losing hope, and ultimately achieving its goal.

This sight of the spider invigorated Robert Bruce, filling him with a renewed sense of hope. He realized that success could be achieved through patience and repeated efforts. He emerged from the cave, gathering his forces for one final attempt. With persistence and perseverance, Robert Bruce was ultimately successful, and Scotland was finally freed from English rule. This story exemplifies how failures and setbacks can ultimately lead to success and that perseverance and determination are key to achieving one's goals.

Pranks are not Always Fun: It was late at night

As the night wore on, I was deeply engrossed in my studies, preparing for an upcoming examination. The house was quiet as everyone else in my family had retired for the night. Abruptly, my phone rang and displayed an unfamiliar number. I felt a sudden surge of fear, as late night phone calls often signal an emergency or other alarming events. My father was away on a business trip, and I immediately feared that something might have happened to him. Tentatively, I answered the phone and inquired as to the caller's identity. There was no response, only a deep sigh that heightened my sense of unease. I repeated my question, but still received no reply. For several agonizing minutes, the line remained silent until finally, a fit of laughter erupted from the other end, and the caller hung up. I was left bewildered and terrified by the experience, my mind so disturbed that I was unable to concentrate on my studies any longer.

The next day, after completing my exam, I encountered a friend who informed me that one of my classmates had played a prank on me the previous night. I was astounded by the revelation and confronted the prankster in search of an explanation. He confessed to being fond of pranks but claimed that no harm was intended. I implored him to refrain from such antics in the future, reminding him that we must all be mindful of our actions and refrain from causing needless distress to others. This incident taught me the importance of not engaging in activities that disrupt the peace of others' minds and reminded me that pranks are not always a source of amusement.

Self-employment / Rafin's Success: Rafin is an unemployed educated youth...

Rafin, an unemployed youth, had relentlessly strived to secure a lucrative job, but despite his best efforts, had failed to do so. Disheartened, he set out for Dhaka, the capital city, in search of better employment prospects, but all his endeavors ended up in vain. Returning to his hometown, Rafin was met with mockery and ridicule from his peers, who taunted him for his futile pursuit. Undeterred by the disparaging remarks, Rafin turned to vegetable cultivation, an occupation that he found solace in.

Initially, Rafin encountered numerous challenges, and his efforts were met with little success. However, he persevered and worked tirelessly in his field, honing his skills and gaining expertise. Subsequently, he enrolled in the training programme organized by the National Horticulture Board and underwent extensive training in vegetable cultivation. Encouraged by his newfound knowledge, Rafin leased a piece of land and applied his newly acquired techniques, which resulted in a profit of Taka 25,000 in the first year. The following year, he diversified his crop selection and cultivated high-quality cauliflowers, which fetched him a substantial profit of Taka one lakh.

Bolstered by his success, Rafin acquired additional land and dedicated it entirely to cauliflower cultivation. Furthermore, he commenced breeding hi-breed cows for milk production and manure generation, thus expanding his income streams. His fortune had turned for the better, and he expressed his delight at having become self-sufficient. "I am elated to have achieved financial independence," Rafin said with a contented smile. "Previously, I had nothing to call my own, but now I possess so much. It has been possible only through my unwavering hard work and methodical approach. I am also grateful to the National Horticulture Board for their support," he added.

The officer-in-charge of the National Horticulture Board lauded Rafin's perseverance and dedication, stating that he could serve as an inspiration to countless other youths in the country. Indeed, Rafin's story attests to the fact that hard work, coupled with a steadfast resolve, is the key to success.

Responsibility of a Young Boy: One day a boy of class VIII

A young boy by the name of Arif, while returning home from school on foot, stumbled upon a moneybag lying abandoned beside the road. The young boy was initially taken aback and found himself in a perplexing situation, wondering whether to pick up the bag, for fear of being branded a thief, or to leave it there unattended. However, he refused to be deemed as someone who disregarded the well-being of his community and chose to pick up the moneybag and carry it home.

Once he arrived home, Arif, being a responsible and conscientious boy, discussed the matter with his parents and younger sister. His parents advised him to search for the owner of the bag, as he had found a considerable amount of money inside it. In order to accomplish this task, Arif began to search for some identifying information inside the bag. Eventually, he stumbled upon a visiting card, which had a phone number printed on it.

Without hesitation, Arif decided to call the number printed on the card. On the other end of the line, a man with a deep and serious voice answered the call. Arif, with a sense of responsibility and honesty, informed the man of his discovery, and conveyed his identity and the fact that he had found the moneybag. The man, who was relieved and overjoyed, informed Arif that he was indeed the owner of the bag and thanked him for his honesty and responsible conduct.

Arif was still skeptical and cautious of the man's claims and sought to verify his authenticity by conversing further with him. However, during their conversation, Arif was convinced of the man's honesty and confirmed that he was indeed the rightful owner of the moneybag. Arif gave the man his address, and the man arrived at his residence, thanking him for his sense of responsibility and presenting him with a nice storybook as a token of appreciation for his honesty and integrity.

Righteousness of Some Schoolboys: One day, some boys were playing cricket....

On a fateful day, a group of young boys were engaged in a game of cricket in a school playground. Suddenly, they were interrupted by a clamor from the vicinity. They quickly halted their game and proceeded towards the source of the commotion. To their dismay, they found a house engulfed in flames, the fire raging with alarming ferocity.

Without wasting any time, the boys took it upon themselves to avert the potential disaster. They raised their voices in unison, shouting "Fire! Fire! Help!" in hopes of drawing attention from the neighborhood. The boys then rallied the people around, urging them to join forces to extinguish the raging inferno.

In their quest to extinguish the flames, the boys scurried around to neighboring houses, fetching pitchers, buckets, and other containers to gather water. They sprinted to the nearby pond and river, repeatedly ferrying water to douse the destructive fire. Despite their valiant efforts, two houses were entirely ravaged by the blaze, and three others suffered significant damage.

The young boys worked tirelessly with other adults to quell the flames and rescue the inhabitants of the affected dwellings. Their steadfast and responsible actions were met with appreciation from all present, lauding their brave and commendable efforts.

Sheikh Saadi's Wit: The king of Iran used to invite

Sheikh Saadi, an illustrious Persian poet known for his simple living, once found himself on his way to the court of the king of Iran. Tired and in need of rest, he took shelter in a nobleman's house for a night. At the time, he was dressed in plain and unassuming attire. However, the servants of the house mistook him for an ordinary man and paid little attention to his needs, serving him meager and simple food. Although Saadi felt saddened by this, he did not utter a word and managed to get through the night.

The next day, Saadi proceeded to the king's court and spent several days there before making his way back home. He once again sought shelter in the same nobleman's house, this time adorned in rich and luxurious clothing. The nobleman and his household, mistaking him for an elite figure, greeted him with utmost hospitality and respect. To his delight, the servants served him rich and sumptuous food. However, Saadi was not pleased with the behavior of the nobleman and decided to teach him a valuable lesson.

During the meal, Saadi unexpectedly began putting the food into his pockets instead of eating it. The nobleman and his servants were surprised and asked him about this unusual behavior. Saadi replied, "I am merely doing the right thing. When I came to your house in plain attire, nobody cared for my comfort. But now that I am dressed in luxurious clothing, all of you are showing me respect and serving me rich food. It seems to me that it is not I, but my attire that has earned this food. Therefore, I am putting it into my pockets."

Upon hearing these words, the nobleman was struck with guilt and remorse. He realized his mistake and begged Saadi's forgiveness. The poet's wise lesson had taught the nobleman that true worth lies not in external appearances, but in the character and actions of a person.

Slow But Steady Wins the Race/ The hare and the tortoise / pride Goes Before a Fall: Once there lived a hare in a forest

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there resided a haughty hare, who was immensely proud of his remarkable speed. He always boasted about it and mocked the tortoise, his neighbor, for being sluggish. The hare often belittled the tortoise by saying, “You have legs just like mine, but I am certain that you cannot run as fast as I do, or perhaps you cannot run at all.” Listening to this constant taunt, the tortoise got irked and responded by saying, “You can surely run fast, no doubt about that, but I think you can talk even faster than you can run.” Feeling challenged, the hare readily agreed to run a race with the tortoise. However, the hare was confident that the tortoise would not stand a chance against his swift speed. In a tone of ridicule, the hare said, “Friend tortoise, you are merely wasting your time and mine as well. You know my speed, and it would be as easy as picking some soft grass from the field to beat you in the race.” Undeterred, the tortoise responded by saying, “Indeed, I am aware of your speed, but there is one thing that I know, which you do not. And that’s precisely what I am going to take advantage of.”

After this, they both approached a wise fox and asked him to officiate their race. The fox agreed and laid down some rules for the race, and set the destination as well. Finally, the race commenced, and the hare began at a breakneck pace, leaving the tortoise far behind. The hare was supremely confident of his victory and stopped midway to rest, thinking to himself, “What a fool I am! I have run so fast for nothing. Why did I exert myself in the hot sun while that slow-moving tortoise is nowhere in sight? I should start running again when he is about to catch me, and until then, I can rest for a while.” As the hare was exhausted, he dozed off. On the other hand, the tortoise ran continuously, as fast as he could, without any pause. On his way, he stumbled upon the sleeping hare and silently moved ahead. When the hare woke up, he realized that the tortoise had already crossed the finish line, and he had lost the race. Feeling ashamed and embarrassed, the hare conceded defeat. The tortoise won the race, and he felt extremely content and proud of his accomplishment. From that day on, the hare learned that deeds matter more than words and that being overconfident could lead to one's downfall.

The Crow's Desire to be a Peacock/ The Foolish Crow: The crows are ugly to look at

In ancient times, crows were known to be a rather unattractive bird, which made them unhappy. They longed to be beautiful, but the question remained: how could they achieve this? One day, a crow stumbled upon a set of beautiful peacock feathers in the jungle. Overjoyed by the sight, the crow immediately decided to wear the feathers, discarding its own feathers, in hopes of transforming into something beautiful.

Filled with pride, the crow devised a plan to present itself as an exceptional bird within its own community. The crow flew back to its abode, where the other crows, frightened by the sudden transformation, could not recognize her. Upon being questioned, the crow asserted that it was the king of the birds who had come to visit the condition of his subjects, which assured the other crows that there was nothing to fear. Thus, the disguised crow became the king of the empire of birds through a false trick.

However, the law of nature dictates that the truth shall always prevail in the long run. One day, while the king was bathing, it shook its feathers very forcefully, causing the peacock feathers to scatter off. The other crows immediately began to insult the king, realizing that they had been deceived. In fact, deception is a characteristic that will always be exposed, sooner or later.

In conclusion, this story is a cautionary tale that emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and not deceiving others for personal gain. The foolish crow learned this lesson the hard way, as it lost the respect of its fellow birds through its dishonesty.

The Farmer and the Noble Man / Humanitarian Duty Regardless of Rank : One day, a farmer was taking some sacks

Once upon a time, a farmer was travelling towards a mill with sacks of wheat, when his horse stumbled and one of the sacks fell to the ground. The sack was far too heavy for the farmer to lift, and he was left in a quandary as there was no one around to lend him a hand. Suddenly, a horseman appeared on the horizon, riding towards him. The farmer's heart leaped with joy when he realised that it was a nobleman, who lived in a magnificent house atop the hill. However, the farmer felt it was inappropriate to approach someone of such a high rank for help, and he hesitated to call out for aid.

The farmer was stuck in a difficult situation until the nobleman, who was a gentleman with a compassionate heart, stopped his horse in front of the farmer and alighted from it. He approached the poor man, and inquired in a gentle voice, "What seems to be troubling you? You appear to be quite upset." The farmer, being too proud to ask for help from a person of such high standing, tried to shrug off the nobleman's offer, replying, "It's nothing, sir. Please, continue on your way. I do not want to trouble you." However, the nobleman would not be dissuaded, and repeated his offer to assist the farmer.

The nobleman then spotted the fallen sack and exclaimed, "Oh! Now I understand what has happened. Let me help you to set it right. Give me a hand." The farmer, compelled by the nobleman's kindness, accepted his offer and together they hefted the sack back onto the horse's back. The farmer felt grateful and wanted to express his appreciation to the nobleman. However, the nobleman merely saw it as a humanitarian duty and advised the farmer to do the same for others in their time of need.

This encounter between the farmer and the nobleman reminds us that kindness and compassion should not be limited by one's rank or social status. The nobleman's altruism and willingness to help a stranger in need, regardless of his station in life, serves as a powerful example for all of us to follow.

The Greatness of Giasuddin Azam Shah/ The King and the Son of a Widow: Long time ago, there was a sultan

Once upon a time, there reigned a magnanimous and equitable king by the name of Giasuddin Azam Shah in Bengal, whose royal seat was situated in Sonargoan, near Dhaka. The king was known for his love for hunting and would frequently venture into the forests in pursuit of his sport. One such day, after wandering for hours without any game to hunt, the king caught sight of a fawn and took aim. However, his arrow missed the mark and fatally struck a young boy, who happened to be the only son of a widow. This tragedy left the mother inconsolable, as she had lost all hope for her future.

Desperate for justice, the widow approached the Quazi and lodged a complaint against the sultan. The Quazi summoned the king and declared, "By the laws of this land, you shall be punished. But if you can compensate the widow for her loss, you may avoid such retribution." The just and fair king was pleased to oblige and offered appropriate compensation to the widow, who was satisfied with the outcome. The Quazi then stepped down from his high seat and showed deference to the king.

In an act of great humility, the king drew his sword and proclaimed, "Listen, Mr. Quazi, if you had failed to deliver justice to the widow, I would have used this sword to punish you." The Quazi also drew his cane and retorted, "If you had disobeyed my verdict, I would have beaten you with this cane." The king expressed his gratitude to the Quazi for his wise judgment and embraced him, thus cementing their newfound friendship.

The King and the Astrologer: Once there was a king

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a monarch who was deeply enamored with divining his destiny through the means of astrologers. One fortuitous day, a seasoned astrologer arrived in the royal city en route to Benares. The king, as was his wont, summoned the astrologer to unveil his future prospects, and was presented with an unsavory prophesy. The palmist disclosed that the sovereign's subjects would mount a rebellion against him, leading to his eventual ouster from the throne. The king, who was adored by his people, was instantly incensed by this prognostication, which shook him to the core.

In an impulsive burst of anger, the king ordered his retinue to publicly execute the palmist on the following day. The palmist, gripped with trepidation, spent a sleepless night pondering his fate. However, as the day of his execution arrived, the old man's demeanor inexplicably transformed. Instead of weeping, he wore a smile on his face, causing the king to be flummoxed by this display of insouciance in the face of his impending death. He scolded the palmist, accusing him of being a liar and asked him why he was laughing in the face of certain death.

The wily palmist, with a loud guffaw, retorted that the king himself would perish within a week, and that he, the palmist, would be hovering in the ether to receive the king's soul. The stars and the moon had purportedly confirmed this prophecy the previous night, which was why the palmist was chuckling away. The king, rattled by the palmist's brazenness, was overcome with fear and speechless for a moment. He then ordered his men to escort the palmist away, for he could no longer tolerate the man's presence. The king hastily departed from the scene, his mind reeling with the ramifications of the palmist's chilling revelation.

The Merchant of Venice: Once there lived a merchant

Once upon a time, in the picturesque city of Venice, there lived a prosperous merchant named Antonio, known for his philanthropic demeanor and generosity. He had a close friend, Bassanio, who approached him for monetary assistance, but unfortunately, Antonio was experiencing a liquidity crunch at that moment. Nevertheless, with a sense of unwavering loyalty towards his friend, he borrowed a large sum of money from a shrewd and notorious lender named Shylock, at an exorbitant rate of interest, and duly passed it on to Bassanio.

Bassanio, being grateful to his friend for his unyielding support, embarked upon a journey to win the heart of the beautiful and virtuous Portia. At her residence, he was informed that he needed to select one of the three caskets, made of gold, silver, and lead, to win Portia's hand in marriage. Bassanio cunningly chose the third casket, which contained a portrait of Portia and thereby won her affection.

As fate would have it, all of Antonio's ships had sunk in the sea, leaving him unable to repay his debt to Shylock. The usurer, taking advantage of the situation, demanded that Antonio honor their agreement, which stated that in case of a default in payment, Antonio would have to sacrifice a pound of flesh. Despite this dire predicament, Antonio did not hold Bassanio responsible for his current misfortune.

The situation seemed hopeless, but with the help of a brilliant lawyer named Portia disguised as a man, who outwitted the cunning Shylock, Antonio was saved from certain death. Through her astute reasoning and persuasive arguments, Portia proved that the bond did not permit Shylock to shed even a drop of Antonio's blood. Eventually, justice prevailed, and Antonio was saved from the clutches of the vindictive Shylock, while Bassanio and Portia lived happily ever after in a world of love and prosperity.

The naughty Boys and the Frogs: There was an old pond in a village

In a certain village, there existed a pond that was notorious for its murky and unclean water. The pond was home to many frogs, who spent their days in the water, enjoying each other's company. One day, a group of boys happened to pass by the pond and noticed the presence of frogs, crabs, and snails. Without warning, they began to hurl stones at the unsuspecting amphibians, finding it amusing to see them scatter and jump. Some of the frogs were injured, and others lay dying. The boys were relentless in their cruel sport, throwing more stones with each passing moment. The frogs were distraught, unsure of how to save themselves from the unprovoked violence.

In an effort to reason with the boys, the oldest and wisest frog among them approached the children and asked, "Dear little boys, why are you pelting us with stones? We have never done any harm to you. Why are you being so cruel to us? Some of us have already perished, and many more of us have been injured." The boys, who were under the impression that they were just playing, replied, "We are only having fun. We don't mean to hurt you. We are only throwing stones."

The old frog then made a plea to the boys, saying, "I implore you to stop this cruel game of yours, for what seems like play to you could result in death for us." The boys, realizing the error of their ways, felt remorseful for their cruel behavior. They ceased their violent activities and left the pond with heavy hearts, vowing never to harm the innocent creatures again.

The Pied-Piper of Hamelin: A long time ago, the town of Hamelin

Once upon a time, in a town called Hamelin, rats had infested every nook and cranny, from the corn silos and shops to the streets and houses. The rats multiplied rapidly, and the people of Hamelin were distressed by their presence. They approached the Town Hall and demanded action from the Mayor, who, surrounded by his Councilors, declared a substantial reward of one thousand gold guilders to anyone who could eliminate the rats from the town. The very next day, a stranger arrived in Hamelin, sporting a hat, and approached the Mayor and his councilors, proclaiming that he could rid the town of its rat infestation for the reward offered. The Mayor eagerly accepted the Pied Piper's offer, and the Piper stepped outside.

The Pied Piper commenced playing a captivating tune, and the rats were lured to follow him. He led them to the river's edge, where he ceased playing, but the rats continued to dance into the river and were drowned. The people of Hamelin were delighted and relieved at the triumph over the rat infestation. However, when the Pied Piper demanded the promised thousand gold guilders, the Mayor reneged on his pledge, leaving the Piper humiliated and aggrieved.

Subsequently, the Piper resumed playing his pipe on the street, and all the town's children emerged from their homes, mesmerized and entranced by the music, following him. The parents were grateful that the Pied Piper was leading the children away from the river and toward the mountain. As they approached the mountain, a small door appeared on the mountainside, and the Pied Piper and all the children disappeared into it, and the door was shut so tightly that no one could discern precisely where it had been.

The Scholar and a Boatman: There was a poor boatman is a village

Once upon a time in a village, there lived a destitute and uneducated boatman who had to row his boat from dawn to dusk just to make ends meet. It was during the month of Baishakh when one day, a scholar boarded his boat. The scholar inquired if the boatman had read history, to which the boatman replied negatively. The scholar remarked that without any knowledge of history, one-fourth of the boatman’s life had been wasted. He then admired the picturesque scenery and asked the boatman if he had any acquaintance with geography. The boatman’s answer was again in the negative, leading the scholar to declare that half of the boatman’s life had been lost. The boatman felt sad and thought about the futility of his existence. After a while of silence, in the afternoon, the scholar asked if the boatman had any knowledge of science. The boatman’s answer remained negative, and the scholar retorted that three-fourths of the boatman’s life were now ruined. The boatman rowed the boat in a despondent mood, with the scholar quietly sitting by his side.

Suddenly, the sky darkened with ominous clouds, and a violent gust of wind started to blow. Darkness engulfed the surroundings, and heavy rain accompanied by lightning struck the boat. The scholar became exceedingly frightened. However, the boatman remained composed since he was accustomed to such weather. In a calm voice, the boatman asked the scholar if he could swim. The scholar replied with a pitiful tone in the negative. The boatman then announced that the boat was about to sink, and he could see that the scholar’s erudition was of no use in this moment of peril.

Truthfulness of Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani/ Truth always triumphs.’: In his boyhood, Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani

During his boyhood, Hazrat Abdul Quadir Jilani was preparing to leave his home to attend school in Bagdad. On the eve of his departure, his mother imparted two valuable pieces of advice to him. She told him, "My son, never tell a lie and don't become frightened in danger." The young boy took his mother's advice to heart as he embarked on his journey, accompanied by a group of merchants, towards the distant city of Bagdad.

The path was fraught with danger as the region was infested with robbers. After five days of travel, a group of robbers accosted the travelers. In the ensuing chaos, one of the robbers seized the boy. However, the leader of the gang intervened, stating that the boy had nothing of value on him. To the surprise of all, the boy spoke up, "No, you are mistaken. I have forty gold coins sewn into my sleeves."

The leader was curious as to why the boy had revealed this information. The boy replied that his mother had cautioned him never to tell a lie, and he could not disobey her. The response of the truthful boy moved the leader, who experienced a change of heart. He renounced his life of crime and persuaded his men to do the same. Inspired by the young boy's honesty, the gang members endeavored to live better lives, gradually reforming themselves and eschewing all their bad habits.

Unity is Strength: A farmer had three sons

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived an old farmer with his wife and three sons who were always engaged in quarrels with each other, causing great distress to their father. Despite his attempts to bring his sons to their senses, he was unable to stop them from arguing and fighting. One day, when he heard his sons quarreling again, he decided to take a firm stance against their disunity. He took a plan in his hand and called his sons, asking them to bring three sticks and a rope.

As the sons brought the sticks, the farmer tied them together with the rope and then asked his sons to try and break the bundle of sticks. The three boys tried and tried, but despite their best efforts, they could not break the bundle of sticks. Finally, their father untied the bundle and gave one stick to each of his sons, telling them to try and break their sticks. This time they all broke their sticks easily.

Curious about the reason for their father's actions, the sons asked him, “Why have you made us do these jobs, dear father? What good will come of it?” The wise father then drew their attention to the tied bundle and the separate sticks, explaining to them that when the sticks were bound together, it was impossible for them to break the bundle. However, when the sticks were separated, it became very easy to break them. He urged his sons to take a lesson from this and understand that if they remained united, they would be as strong as the bundle of sticks. On the other hand, if they remained separated from one another like the untied sticks, they would be as weak as a separate stick. He advised them that if they remained united, nobody would be able to do any harm to them. Thus, he strongly urged them not to quarrel or do any evil among themselves, but to always remain united.

In this way, the old man successfully taught his sons the valuable proverb, “United we stand, divided we fall.” The sons, realizing the wisdom of their father's lesson, promised to remain united and never to quarrel among themselves again.

Unity is Strength / Foolishness of A Lion : There lived many animals

In a certain forest, a multitude of animals resided, but they were bereft of unity among themselves. One day, a large and ruthless lion made an appearance in their midst, preying on one animal after another, every day for his sustenance, one for breakfast, and one for lunch. This caused great distress among the animals who felt a sense of helplessness at their inability to resist this predator's ferocity.

The animals subsequently convened a meeting to discuss their predicament and formulated a plan. They decided that one animal would be sent each day to the lion's cave, and thus in rotation, every animal would eventually become the victim of the lion's rapaciousness. On a fateful day, it was the turn of a rat to face the lion. The rat, however, did not proceed to the cave in fear, but rather, a well thought-out strategy was running through its mind.

Upon reaching the cave, the rat saw that the lion was angry and questioned its late arrival, demanding to know why he was famished. The rat promptly replied, "I encountered another lion en route to your den." The lion was incensed at this, claiming that it was impossible for another lion to exist in this forest. The clever rat then led the lion to a well and pointed to its depths, declaring that the lion was indeed inside. Upon peering into the well, the lion beheld his own reflection, which infuriated him, causing him to jump into the well, believing it to be his rival. The foolish lion, however, met his demise in the deep abyss.

As a result, all the animals in the forest were relieved from the terrorizing lion, who had been outwitted by the intelligence of a diminutive rat. This tale illustrates that while the lion may possess immense physical strength, it is no match for the cunning of a small creature. Ultimately, intelligence triumphs over brute force, and unity among individuals is essential in the face of adversity.

Where There is a Will, There is a Way: Parul was a school girl

Parul, a bright and diligent school girl, faced numerous obstacles in her quest for education. Her parents, being landless, could not afford to bear her educational expenses. Despite these challenges, Parul remained steadfast in her determination to complete her studies. Her academic excellence was evident, as she was the best student in her class. However, she was unable to attend classes regularly, as she had to help her parents with their daily chores, and also tutored a few students in the evening to bear minimum academic expenses.

One day, while Parul was sobbing in the corner of her classroom, one of her teachers found her and gently asked her what was wrong. Initially hesitant, Parul eventually confided in her teacher that she was unable to pay for the registration fee for the SSC exam. Her teacher was impressed by her dedication and quickly brought up the matter with the Headmaster, who graciously waived the registration fee.

Despite facing numerous obstacles, Parul's perseverance paid off when she received her Board Exam results six months later. To her delight, she had achieved a GPA of 5.0! Overcome with emotion, she found herself weeping uncontrollably once again. Her tears were a testament to the fact that where there is a will, there is a way. Despite the numerous challenges she faced, Parul's determination to succeed helped her overcome all obstacles and achieve academic success.

Who a Contented Man is: A rich man wanted to find a contented

Once upon a time, in a bygone era, a nobleman of considerable standing had erected a grandiose mansion, the likes of which had not been seen in the region. Driven by an unquenchable desire to discover a man who was truly contented with his life, he had a sign affixed on the front gate with a most intriguing proclamation: “This house in to be given to the first man who can prove that he is contented.”

One fine day, a stranger made his way to the estate and politely requested an audience with the nobleman, having come to stake his claim on the property. The nobleman granted him an audience and inquired as to his purpose. The stranger responded with a declaration of his contentment, laying claim to the house. The nobleman, intrigued, asked him how he could prove his contentment.

The stranger, with a calm and collected demeanor, explained that it was his innate nature to remain content, regardless of whether or not his expectations were met. Unimpressed, the nobleman probed further, asking him to define the essence of a contented man. The stranger replied that a contented man was one who found happiness in what he already possessed, without a desire for more.

In a sudden flash of insight, the nobleman realized that the stranger’s very claim to the house was proof that he was not contented, for if he were, he would not have sought out such grandeur. With a heavy heart, the nobleman uttered a solemn truth: "If you were truly contented, you would not be here seeking to claim this house." The stranger, feeling the sting of shame and a broken heart, silently left the estate. Thus, the nobleman’s search for a contented man continued.

Who's to Bell the Cat: Once the house of a rich man

In a certain house belonging to a wealthy man, a swarm of rats had taken over the place, turning it into a veritable Hamelin. The owner of the house, in an attempt to rid himself of these pests, brought in a cat. The cat proved to be a formidable foe, striking fear into the hearts of the rats and driving them into hiding. The rats, unwilling to be cowed, held a meeting to discuss what to do about the cat.

During the meeting, several suggestions were put forth, but none seemed to be practical. One rat suggested building a large trap, but this idea was quickly dismissed. Another suggested poisoning the cat, but nobody knew which poison would be effective against felines. A young widow, whose husband had fallen victim to the cat's ferocity, angrily proposed cutting off the cat's claws and teeth to render it harmless. However, this idea was also rejected by the gathering.

Finally, a rat who was wiser than the rest of the group came forward and brandished a bell, calling for silence. He suggested that they tie the bell around the cat's neck so that they could always know where it was and have time to flee. All the other rats praised the wise rat for his idea, but then he rang the bell again and reminded them that someone needed to bell the cat.

At this, the mice fell silent. No one was brave enough to step forward and carry out the task. Everyone realized the harsh truth that it is easy to suggest something but difficult to actually execute it. The meeting, thus, ended in frustration and failure, and the rats remained under the cat's tyranny.

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