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Dhaka university D/ Gha Unit English Question


Dhaka University D Unit Admission Question 2007-2008

Read the following passage and then answer Questions 1 – 7:
Natural calamities are not uncommon in our part of the world. Annual flooding is regularly complemented by annual droughts in many parts of Bangladesh. To these two chief agents of our misery you can add the violent storms that originate in the Bay of Bengal and wreak death and destruction on our coastal belt every now and then. The most recent example is hurricane Sidr that struck the southern districts on the evening of 15 November, 2007. Despite early warning and precautionary measures, the devastation caused by Sidr has been horrifying. You look to the West and realize with a start that catastrophes such as hurricanes, tornadoes and flash floods are also becoming more and more frequent there. You can’t help wondering whether what you call natural calamities are wholly natural today; for some of them are, to a very considerable degree. Certainly caused by air and water pollution, deforestation, was on big and small scale, each, of which is creation of man and all of which have combined to produce the alarming phenomenon called global warming you ask: are not natural calamities really nature’s vengeance for the sins committed by man against nature?

01. ‘Vengeance’ means –
A) revenge B) venerable
C) generous D) energy

02. ‘Every now and then’ means –
A) always B) never
C) now D) occasionally

03. ‘Our coastal belt’ in the paragraph refers to ____ .
A) leather strip produced and worn in the seaports of Bangladesh
B) belt like shape of the Chittagong coast
C) islands off the Sundarbans
D) The southern districts of Bangladesh bordering the Bay of Bengal

04. ‘Not uncommon’ is an instance of ____ .
A) negatives used incorrectly
B) incorrect arrangement of words
C) double negative producing an affirmative
D) sheer nonsense

05. ‘Global warming’ refers to –
A) A historical phenomenon B) political disorder
C) endangered environment D) rise in the earth’s temperature

06. ‘Deforestation’ is caused chiefly by ____ .
A) Wild fire
B) Hurricane
C) man unscrupulously destroying forest
D) long period of dry weather

07. The apraghra[h blames natural calamities on ____ .
A) god B) man
C) fate D) nature

Choose the correct option:
08. Birds of a Feather ____ together.
A) group B) fly
C) flock D) nest

09. The correct antonym of the word ‘shrivel’ is:
A) embrace B) expand
C) explode D) enslave

10. Which is the best translation of the sentence – সে খুবই আবেগ প্রবণ।
A) He is very passionate B) He is very proud
C) He is very conscientious D) He is very emotion

11. He passed ____ but did not notice me.
A) out B) on
C) by D) at

12. Choose the correct synonym for ‘buccaneer’.
A) bachelor B) presenter
C) pirate D) butcher

13. ‘Hitting below the belt’ means:
A) doing something unfair in a competition
B) injuring someone fatally
C) striking someone in the abdomen
D) beating someone in a competition

14. Choose the incorrect sentence:
A) Who is the best of the two boys?
B) Who is the best among these boys?
C) Who is the best among the three boys?
D) Who is the best boy of the group?

15. The correct spelling is:
A) Transfigaration B) Transfiguration
C) Transfigarution D) Transfigurution

Identify the pair that does not fit (Question 16 – 17):
16. A) ambiguous / obvious B) brutal / human
      C) fantastic / believable D) colossal / gigantic

17. A) obnoxious / likable B) excitable / calm
      C) spontaneous / deliberate D) determined / resolute

18. I would like a complete break down ____ these figures.
A) by B) into
C) of D) for

19. Life is a succession of lessons ____ must be lived to be understood.
A) then B) those
C) which D) these

20.The year 1913. The wright brothers had just  ____ in making an airplane that could fly.
A) delighted B) announced
C) proceeded D) succeeded

21. The correct synonym of the word ‘astute’ is:
A) autistic B) shrewd
C) economic D) acute

22. ‘Bon voyage’ means –
A) Have a sound sleep B) Devil’s advocate
C) A handsome fellow D) wish you a good trip

23. Although his dress is ____ in all other ways he seems to be a perfectly normal man.
A) eccentric B) conventional
C) conservative D) old-fashioned

24. Choose the word that is misspelled.
A) dirrhea B) cholera
C) dehydration D) typhoid

25. Which is the correct sentence?
A) I wish I was in your shoes
B) I wish I were in your shoes
C) I wish I got into your shoes
D) I wish I get into your shoes

1.    A    
2.    D    
3.    D    
4.    C    
5.    D    
6.    C    
7.    B    
8.    C    
9.    B    
10.    A    
11.    C    
12.    C    
13.    A
14.    A    
15.    B    
16.    D    
17.    D    
18.    C    
19.    C    
20.    D    
21.    B    
22.    D    
23.    A    
24.    A    
25.    B



Read the following passage carefully and answer Questions (1 — 5):
Researchers suggest that there are creatures that do not know what light means at the bottom of the sea. They don’t have either eyes or ears; they can only feel. There is no day or night for them. There are no winters, no summers, no sun, no moon, and no stars. It is as if a child spent its life in darkness in bed, with nothing to see or hear. How different our own life is! Sight shows us the ground beneath our feet and the heavens above us — the sun, moon, and stars, shooting stars, lightning and the sunset. It shows us day and night. We are able to hear the voice, the sound of the sea, and music. We feel we taste, we smell. How fortunate we are!


1. In the passage, a child in darkness is likened to – 
a. someone who lives where there are no season
b. an animal without the sense of touch
c. a sea creature with no seeing or hearing ability 
d. a deaf child unaffected by the environment



2. We discover that the sea creatures in the story
a. have the same sense that we do
b. have no sense of hearing as well as sight 
c. live in darkness because they do not like light
d. do not hear the sound of the sea as they are accustomed to it.



3. Which statement is true in the context of the passage?
a. We can spend our lives in darkness in bed.
b. We can see the ground beneath our feet and the depth of the ocean.
c. We are unfortunate because we cannot experience winter and summer.
d. We can feel, smell and taste, unlike the deep sea creatures. 



4. Judging from the passage, we can say that this passage is mainly about
a. the superiority of human beings over some creatures in terms of senses 
b. life of sea creatures at the bottom of the sea
c. how changes in the seasons are perceived by the deep-sea creatures
d. how wonderful our lives were and will be



5. ‘Researchers in line 1 suggest
a. laboratory tests conducted by marine biologists
b. Detailed studies about the deep sea creatures to discover new information about them. 
c. stories one hears about the deep sea creatures from sailors
d. scientific discoveries about the deep sea


6. He stood before me. The underlined word is-
a. Noun
b. Adverb
c. Preposition ✔
d. Verb



7. ‘To lose heart’ is-
a. to lose courage 
b. to have a heart attack
c. to fall in love
d. to be without passion



8. Choose the pair which is out of place
a. colossal-tiny
b. worsen-improve
c. ambiguity-clarity
d. humane-kind 



9. The synonym for “Nepotism” is
a. Favoritism 
b. Terrorism
c. Disposition
d. Neatness



10. When you think someone is “introspective”, you think s/he is
a. rude
b. selfish
c. thoughtful 
d. reserved

Fill in the blanks (11-13)

11. I’ll call you——-
a. when I’ll go home.
b. when I go home. 
c. while I get home.
d. as I go home.



12. Please leave your key——the reception.
a. in
b. on
c. at 
d. with



13. We better—–the schedule of the examination.
a. to check
b. checked
c. checking
d. check 



Answer the questions according to the instructions provided. (14 — 17)

14. Which of the following is a positive attribute?
a. haughty
b. conceited
c. irritable
d. unassuming 



15. Select the correct spelling
a. reminiscience
b. reminisceince
c. reminiscence 
d. reminiscance



16. A cobbler is a person who
a. sells shoes
b. mends cobblestones
c. mends shoes 
d. exports cobblestones



17. ‘Dog days’ means
a. a period of being carefree
b. a period of misfortune
c. days when does breed
d. hot weather 



Which of the following sentences is correct? (18 — 21):

18. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. I have looked for a good doctor before I met you.
b. I had looked for a good doctor before I met you. 
c. I looked for a good doctor before I meet you.
d. I am looking for a good doctor before meeting you.



19. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. Silver, as well as cotton, have fallen is price.
b.Banda, as well as English, are taught here.
c. The mayor, with his councillors, is to be present. 
c.The king, with his ministers, are going on a trip.



20. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. He chose well and prospered. 
b. He choose well and prospered.
c. He choiced well and prospered.
d. He chosen well and prospered.



21. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. I insist that she come along. 
b. I insist that she comes along.
c. I insist that she came along.
d. I insist that she may come along.

22. “অন্যের দোষ ধরা সহজ”
a. It is easy to find fault of others.
b. It is easy to find out fault of others.
c. It is easy to find fault with others. 
d. It is easy to find out faults of others.



23. “বিপদ কখনো একা আসে না”
a. Misfortunes comes never alone.
b. Misfortunes never come alone. 
c. Misfortunes never alone comes.
d. Misfortunes conies alone ever.



Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the keyword. (24 — 25)

24. The back charges an exorbitant rate of interest.
a. moderate
b. excessive 
c. fair
d. increasing



25. It was indiscreet action on their part.
a. unfair
b. secret
c. imprudent 
d. hasty


  1. C         

  2. B        

  3. D         

  4. A        

  5. B        

  6. C         

  7. A         

  8. D         

  9. A        

  10. C         

  11. B         

  12. C         

  13. D

  14. D         

  15. C       

  16. C       

  17. D         

  18. B       

  19. C         

  20. A         

  21. A      

  22. C        

  23. B        

  24. B         

  25. C

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