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Application Collection-04

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for regular supply of Newspaper in common room / library. To The Headmaster, PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for regular supply of newspapers in the common room / library. Sir, With due respect we, the students of your school would like to draw your kind attention to the scarcity of newspaper in the common room / library. Our school is one of best schools in the district. Also we have a very good common ­room / library, but sorry to say that we don’t have regular supply of newspaper in the common room / library. It is needless to say that a newspaper is the best medium to meet our curiosity about what is happening around the world. But we are being deprived of this knowledge. Moreover, if there is an English daily, it will also be helpful for us to learn English language. We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to realise the situation and make an arrangement for the regular supply of newspaper in the common room / library. We remain Sir, Your most obedient pupils, The students of PROGATI High School.

Suppose, you are the inhabitants of any locality. The people of your area have been badly affected by the recent flood. Their miseries are beyond description. Now all the students of your school want to solve this problem. Now, Write an application to the Headmaster seeking permission to open a relief camp in the school premises for the flood victims. 14th January, 2021 The Headmaster, H.B. High School, Chittagong. Sub: Prayer for permission to open a relief camp in the school premises. Sir, We, the students of your school, beg most respectfully appeal to you to open a relief camp in the school premises. The people of this area have been greatly affected by the' unprecedented flood of this year. The standing crops have been destroyed. Cattle and other domestic animals have been washed away. Most of the people have become homeless and helpless. The condition of the victims beggars description. Whenever, flood occurs in a particular area, it is the bounden duty of the people t come forward with all possible help. Now the students are unite to (or determined to) solve this flood problem. So we want to open a relief camp and extend our helping hands among the distressed people. Under the above circumstances, we fervently pray that you would be kind enough to permit us to open a relief camp in the school premises for the flood victims and thus oblige. We beg to remain, Sir, Your most obedient pupils, The students of H.B. High School.

Suppose you are the inhabitants of any locality. Your area has been seriously affected by the recent flood. The sufferings of the people beggar description. Now, write an application to the Thana Nirbahi Officer for relief for the flood- affected people of your area. 18th January, 2023 The Thana Nirbahi Officer, P.S. Patiya, Chittagong. Sub : Prayer for relief for the flood-affected people. Sir, We, the inhabitants of the village of Noapara under P.S. Raozan, beg to approach you most humbly and respectfully with the prayer and hope that it will be met with a kind and sympathetic consideration at your hands. The population of our village is about seven thousand. It is a matter of great concern that the people of our village have been seriously affected by the recent flood. The standing crops have been destroyed. Cattle and other domestic animals have been washed away. Most of the people are rendered homeless and foodless. So to speak, they have no food, no drinking water and no medicine. They now live under the open sky. Cholera and other fatal diseases have broken out in the epidemic form in the village. As a result, the sufferings of the people know no bounds. They need food, clothes, shelter, medical care and pure drinking water and many other essential things of life. But government relief is not sufficient as they need. In these circumstances, we fervently pray and hope that you would be kind enough to arrange for providing substantial relief for the sufferers. Yours faithfully, Md. Nazim Uddin,

On behalf of the villagers.

Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for sending relief materials and medical aid for the flood affected people of your locality. The 25th February, 2021 The Deputy Commissioner, Chittagong District, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for relief materials and medical aid for the flood victims. Sir, With due respect and humble submission we, the inhabitants of ‘X’ Ward under P.S. Kotowali have the honour to invite your kind attention to a dire need of the locality for your kind consideration and immediate action. The recent flood has done havoc to this area. Most of the people of this locality are farmers and day labourers. The devastating flood completely damages their all the crops in the field. At present the miseries of the people in this area know no bounds. Many of them have become victims to diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases. In this situation, they are badly in need of food, clothes, medicine and other things. Moreover, adoption of preventive measures should be taken with an urgent effect. If an immediate step with necessary relief and medical aid is not taken for them they must be victimised to hunger, epidemic disease and even death. I, therefore, fervently request that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary arrangements for sending relief materials and medical aid on emergency basis to mitigate the sufferings of the victimised people. We have the honour to be, Sir, Yours most faithfully, Abidur Rahman On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’ ward.

Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for sending relief materials and medical aid for the flood affected people of your locality. To The Deputy Commissioner, Chittagong District, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for relief materials and medical aid for the flood victims. Sir, With due respect and humble submission we, the inhabitants of ‘X’ Ward under P.S. Kotowali have the honour to invite your kind attention to a dire need of the locality for your kind consideration and immediate action. The recent flood has done havoc to this area. Most of the people of this locality are farmers and day labourers. The devastating flood completely damages their all the crops in the field. At present the miseries of the people in this area know no bounds. Many of them have become victims to diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases. In this situation, they are badly in need of food, clothes, medicine and other things. Moreover, adoption of preventive measures should be taken with an urgent effect. If an immediate step with necessary relief and medical aid is not taken for them they must be victimised to hunger, epidemic disease and even death. I, therefore, fervently request that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary arrangements for sending relief materials and medical aid on emergency basis to mitigate the sufferings of the victimised people. We have the honour to be, Sir, Yours most faithfully, Abidur Rahman On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’ ward.

Write an application to the Editor of a newspaper appealing for the relief to a flood affected area. To The Editor The Bangladesh Times

Dhaka. Dear Sir, I shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish the following letter in the letter column of your wide circulated newspaper. Flood Devastation The flood that has occurred recently in the ‘P’ Union / Ward of the district of Chittagong has broken all the records of the past. Never before did water level rise so high nor was the destruction so long. Normal activities have been stopped for a long time. Thousands of people have become hopeless, foodless and clothless. The miseries of the affected people know no bounds. Crops have been greatly damaged. People are now living under the open air. Cholera, diarrohea, typhoid, dysentery etc have broken out here and there. They may turn in an epidemic form at any time. The affected people now need food, clothes, medicines and pure drinking water. The government and other organisations should come forward with the help to reduce the miseries of the affected people. I, would, in the circumstances, draw the attention of the authority concerned to sanction relief to the flood affected people of this area immediately to lessen the sufferings of the people. Yours faithfully, Abidur Rahman On behalf of the ‘P’ Union X Ward Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for sending relief materials and a medical team for the flood affected people of your locality. To The Deputy Commissioner, Chittagong District, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for relief materials and a medical team for the flood affected people. Sir, With due respect and humble submission we, the inhabitants of ‘X’ Ward under P.S. Kotowali have the honour to invite your kind attention to a dire need of the locality for your kind consideration and immediate action. That the recent flood has done havoc to this area. Most of the people of this locality are farmers and day labourers. The devastating flood completely damages their all the crops in the field. At present the miseries of the people in this area know no bounds. Many of them have become victims to diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases. In this situation, they are in badly need of food, clothes, medicine and other things. Moreover, adoption of preventive measures should he taken with an urgent effect. If an immediate step with necessary relief is not taken for them they must be victimised to hunger, epidemic disease and even death. I, therefore, fervently request that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary arrangements for sending relief materials and a medical team on emergency basis to mitigate the sufferings of the victimised people. We have the honour to be, Sir, Yours most faithfully, Abidur Rahman On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’

Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for sending relief materials and medical aid for the flood affected people of your locality. The 25th February, 2006 The Deputy Commissioner, Chittagong District, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for relief materials and medical aid for the flood victims. Sir, With due respect and humble submission we, the inhabitants of ‘X’ Ward under P.S. Kotowali have the honour to invite your kind attention to a dire need of the locality for your kind consideration and immediate action. The recent flood has done havoc to this area. Most of the people of this locality are farmers and day labourers. The devastating flood completely damages their all the crops in the field. At present the miseries of the people in this area know no bounds. Many of them have become victims to diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases. In this situation, they are badly in need of food, clothes, medicine and other things. Moreover, adoption of preventive measures should be taken with an urgent effect. If an immediate step with necessary relief and medical aid is not taken for them they must be victimised to hunger, epidemic disease and even death. I, therefore, fervently request that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary arrangements for sending relief materials and medical aid on emergency basis to mitigate the sufferings of the victimised people. We have the honour to be, Sir, Yours most faithfully, Abidur Rahman On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’ ward.

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for remission of delay fine. To The Headmaster, PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for remission of delay fine. Sir, Most respectfully and humbly I would like to draw your kind attention towards my inability of paying the school dues timely. I have been studying in this school for last nine years. So long I have been regular in paying my school dues timely. But unfortunately, last month my father could not attend his jobs due to acute physical disease and did not get his salary. Consequently, it was not possible for me to pay the dues of the month of March timely, and the normal delay fine has been imposed upon me as a rule. At present, I am in a sound pecuniary situation to pay my dues. May, I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind and convinced enough to remit my delay fine for this time and allow me to pay the usual dues and oblige thereby. I remain Sir, Your most obedient

Write an application to the Chairman of your Municipality requestit4 trig for timely and prompt removal of garbages from the locality. May 15,2021, The Chairman, Daudkandi Municipality. Daudkandi, Comilla. Subject : Request for proper removal of garbage/ waste. Dear Sir, With due honour, 1, on behalf of the inhabitants 'of Palash Ban ward under your municipality, beg to inform you that ours is an over populated area. All the dwellers are educated. Yours is an ideal municipality in the district but now faces various' pollutions of them. Odour pollution has become very acute (severe) here for lack of proper management of garbages. 'there area few dustbin: and trash boxes here. But they are not removed promptly and regularly. As a result, it creates several odour pollution as well as air pollution which is very harmful to health. More, dustbins and trash spots are also needed here for proper, and well garbage management. I, therefore, you are requested to take immediate steps for proper and. regular removal of garbages and lessen the sufferings of the city dwellers. Yours faithfully, Rocky, On behalf of the inhabitants of Daudkandi Municipality, Daudkandi, Comilla.

Write an application to the Chairman of your Municipality requesting removing the Dengue mosquito from the city. To The Mayor, Chittagong City Corporation, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for removing the Dengue mosquito from the city. Sir, We have the honour to draw your kind attention to a serious problem faced by the people of our locality. For the last few weeks the whole metropolitan area has been infested with flies and mosquitoes causing hardship to the people of the locality. Moreover, the Aedes aegypti carrying Dengue virus has paralysed the city dwellers with fear. A bite from it can result in death. It is a serious health hazard for the people. In this connection, let me point out that the wayside drains are not cleaned regularly. As a result, the drains get waterlogged and become the breeding place of mosquitoes. Besides, the city dwellers are not aware of the cleanliness. We, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary steps for removing the Dengue mosquito from the city and oblige thereby. Yours sincerely Abidur Rahman, On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Council

Write an application to the Union Council of your locality to repair a damaged road immediately. 21st January 2021

‘X’ Union Council,

Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for repairing the main road. Sir, I, on behalf of people of ‘X’ Union Council, have the respect to inform you that the main road of this locality has been roughly damaged due to the flood recently occurred and by heavy vehicles running on it. These have caused big holes and breakage at different points of this road. Besides, this road works as flood resisting embankment, but due to the devastation of recent flood there are many breakages in it which might bring another drastic calamity in our locality. As a result, the people are suffering from much inconvenience. Because this road is mostly used by the people of this locality to communicate to other place for their day today life needs. About one thousand students come and go to school everyday along this road. So it is very essential to repair it for the smooth communication of thousands of people. I, therefore, fervently request that you would be kind and convinced enough to take immediate arrangement for repairing the road and oblige thereby.

Yours sincerely Abidur Rahman, On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Council Write an application to the TNO of your Upazila requesting for repairing a road damaged by the recent devastating flood. 20 January, 2021 The TNO, Bhairab Upazila, Kishorgonj, Bangladesh. Subject : Prayer for repairing the damaged roads. Sir, I, on behalf of the inhabitants of villages under your Upazila. beg to state that ours is a rural area of a large population. About 20,000 people live here. It is a low-lying area. Almost every year floods occur our locality and damage our crops, properties, houses, trees, bridges and roads. The recent devastating flood has caused untold losses and damages to our properties,crops, houses, bridges and roads. The roads of our locality have been seriously damaged by the recent devastating flood. As a result, no vehicle can go along the road which runs through our village to the Upazila headquarters. Everyday thousands of rural people go to the Upazila headquarters along the road for different purposes and hundreds of students have to attend schools and college situated Upazila headquarters along the road. The people of our locality have been suffering much for a few months. Specially the sufferings of the female students know on bounds. Now the repairing of the damaged roads of our locality is badly needed very soon. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take necessary steps to repair the damaged roads and remove our sorrows and sufferings. Yours faithfully, Jubiayar, On behalf of the inhabitants of village Bhairabpur.

Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council for the repair of a bridge over a canal in your locality. To The Chairman, ‘X’ Union Parishad, Sreenagar, Munshigonj. Subject: Prayer for repairing a bridge. Sir, I, on behalf of ‘X’ Union Parishad would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that there runs a canal along our village. It is near our college and market. Many people including students have to cross this canal everyday. During dry season boats are not available. The only way to cross the canal is on foot. But it is impossible for children and girl students to cross the canal on foot because the canal has become deep and wide nowadays. So, they cannot remove all these problems. In these circumstances stated above, I, therefore, pray and hope that you would take necessary steps to repair the bridge over the canal and oblige thereby. Yours sincerely Abidur Rahman, On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Council Write an application to the TNO requesting for repairing the damaged bridge of your locality. December 20, 2021 The TNO. Ashugonj Upazila, Ashugonj, Brahmanbaria. Subject : Parayer for repairing the damaged bridge. Sir, I, on behalf of the inhabitants/ people of village Baghair, under your Upazila, beg to inform you that ours is a rural area of a large population. About 30.000 people live/ reside here. It is 12 kilometres away from the Upazila headquarters- Ours is a very low- lying area in the Upazila. Almost every year floods. visit here and damage our crops, houses, trees, bridges and properties seriously which is very panic and sorrowful. A deep and wide canal runs through our big village. So there is a big and high bridge over -the dangerous canal. Everyday hundreds of people of various professions including service holders, businessmen and students have to cross the canal over the bridge. But the important bridge over the dangerous canal has been seriously damaged by the recent devastating flood. Boats are not always available. SoOlthe people of our area have been suffering much for a few months., Specially, the sufferings of the female students are untold Now the repairing of the damaged bridge over the canal is very urgent. 1, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take necessary steps to repair the damaged bridge as early as possible and lessen the sufferings of the people of our village. Yours faithfully, Md. Islam. On behalf of the inhabitants of village Baghair Ashugonj Upazila. Ashugonj, Brahmanbaria.

There are two tube-wells in your area, but one is now out of order. Now, write an application to the Mayor of the Municipal Corporation for immediate repair of a tube well. 6th January, 2021 The Mayor, Chittagong Municipal Corporation, Chittagong. Sub. Prayer for repairing a tube well. Sir, I, on behalf of the inhabitants of X area of the town, beg to I approach you with the prayer and hope that you would be kind enough to consider my case sympathetically. The population of our area is about five thousand. This area was brought under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Corporation just a year ago. There are two tube wells in our area. Unfortunately, one of the tube-wells is now out of order and only one cannot fulfil our requirements. Consequently, many people drink impure water of the ponds and the wells and suffer from water-borne diseases, like cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery. At the moment, the repairing of the tube-well in our area is most essential. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps for immediate repair of the tube-well for the interest of the suffering people. Yours faithfully, Tareq Ahmed, On behalf of the people of 'X' area

Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for sinking a tubewell in your locality. To The Chairman, ‘X’ Union Parishad, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for repairing a tubewell. Sir, Respectfully I would like to represent to you the great inconvenience caused owing to lack of a tube well in our locality. Our locality is inhabited by quite a big number of population numbering about three hundred families. It is a matter of great sorrow that there is one single tubewell in this area. So long it has served pure drinking water. But recently it has gone out of order. The people have to drink impure water of the ponds and rivers. As a result, many people often suffer from diarrhoea and other water­borne diseases in want of sufficient supply of pure drinking water. The situation may turn grave if measures are not taken in time. In the above circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to repair the tubewell at an early date and oblige thereby. Yours sincerely Abidur Rahman, On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Council Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for sinking a tubewell in your locality. To The Chairman, ‘X’ Union Parishad, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for repairing a tubewell. Sir, Respectfully I would like to represent to you the great inconvenience caused owing to lack of a tube well in our locality. Our locality is inhabited by quite a big number of population numbering about three hundred families. It is a matter of great sorrow that there is one single tubewell in this area. So long it has served pure drinking water. But recently it has gone out of order. The people have to drink impure water of the ponds and rivers. As a result, many people often suffer from diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases in want of sufficient supply of pure drinking water. The situation may turn grave if measures are not taken in time. In the above circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to repair the tubewell at an early date and oblige thereby. Yours faithfully, Tareq Ahmed, On behalf of the people of 'X' area Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parished praying for repairing the tube-wells damaged by the recent devastating flood. November 20, 2021 The Chairman, Talshahar Union Parished, Ashugonj, Brahn-ionbaria. Subject : Prayer for repairing the damaged tube-wells. Dear Sir, I, on behalf of the inhabitants of Talshahar Union Parished at Ashugonj, beg to draw your kind attention to the following fact that ours is a low-lying area. About 20,000 people live in our area. Almost every year floods visit/ hit here. The recent devastating flood <-ijt) has caused untold sufferings and lo animals, crops, houses, schools, bridges, tube-wells and culverts. All the tube-wells of our locality have been damaged seriously. Almost all the tube-wells had been under flood water above one month. Now there is an-acute crisis of pure drinking water in our locality. There is no other source of drinking water here. Asa result, various water borne diseases ,have been broken out in an epidemic form in the affected area. Many people are being affected everyday. On the other hand, the villagers of our area are very poor. So the repairing of the tube-wells damaged by the recent flood is badly needed. May I. therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take necessary steps to repair the damaged tube-wells without making any delay and save the affected people. Yours faithfully, Masum, On behalf of the inhabitants of Talshahar Union Parished.

Write an application to the Principal of your college asking for repairing the damaged tube-wells of your college. September 20, 2021 The Principal, Nasirnagar Degree College, Nasirnagar, Brahmanbaria. Subject : Prayer for repairing the damaged tube-wells. Sir, With due respect and humble submission, I, on behalf of the students of our college, beg to state that our college campus is situated in low land. Almost every year its campus goes under flood water. During the recent devastating flood the whole college campus had been under the flood water for about one month. As a result, the tube-wells of our college have been damaged severely. The tube-wells have not yet been repaired. But about 2000 students both male and female are studying in our reputed and ideal college. The students of our collage have been suffering much for want of pure drinking water. Every day many students are being affected by drinking impure water from the college pond. So, the sufferings both the teachers and the students of our college are untold. But pure water is life. It is a great source of good health. The repairing of the damaged tube-wells is badly needed urgently. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take necessary steps to repair the damaged tube-wells of our college as early as possible and remove our sufferings. I remain, Sir, Yours obediently, Mamun, On behalf of the students of Nasirnagar Degree College.

Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council or Municipality to repair the road immediately. To The Chairman, ‘X’ Union Council, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for repairing the road. Sir, I, on behalf of people of ‘X’ Union Council, have the honour to inform you that the main road of this locality has been badly damaged due to rain water and heavy vehicles. These occurred big holes and breakage at different points of this way. As a result, the people are suffering from much inconvenience. Because this road is mostly used by the people of this locality to communicate to other place for their day today life needs. About one thousand students come and go to school everyday along this road. So it is very essential to repair it for the smooth communication of thousands of people. I, therefore, fervently request that you would be kind and convinced enough to take immediate arrangement for repairing the road and oblige thereby. Yours faithfully, Tareq Ahmed, On behalf of the people of 'X' area Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for the re-sinking of some tube wells. To The Chairman, ‘X’ Union Parishad, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for re-sinking of tube-wells. Sir, We, the people of ‘X’ Union Parishad, have the honour to invite your kind attention to the suffering of the people in our locality. In our locality, we have a few tube-wells which have so long served our purpose. But all the tube-wells have gone out of order recently. Consequently, the inhabitants of this locality are suffering much for lack of pure drinking water. Water-borne disease, such as diarrhoea has broken out in an epidemic form. We, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind and gracious enough to take arrangement for re-sinking of those tube-wells before the situation turns into a grave one. Yours faithfully, Tareq Ahmed, On behalf of the people of 'X' area Write an application to the Editor of a newspaper to publish related to preserving our culture. 5 May 2021 The Editor The Rising Sun 13/13 Shahbagh, Dhaka-1000 Dear Sir I request you to publish the following article in the letters' column of your esteemed daily for our greater interest. Yours faithfully Md Munibur Rahman Jessore SAVE OUR CULTURE We all need entertainment to make our life complete and happier. But nowadays, it is a matter of great anxiety that our own forms of entertainment, which are the part and parcel of our culture and tradition, are on the verge of extinction. 'jatra', 'palagan', 'kabigan', 'jatra', 'puppet show', 'ha-du-du', 'punthi path', 'lathikhela' and many man other indigenous forms of entertainment are soon going to be only a part of our past culture. All these are going to be superseded by foreign forms of entertainment. All of us should be more conscious to save our rich forms of entertainment which are our cultural heritage and identity.

Suppose, the day temperature has been increasing abnormally for the last few days, so you can't devote full attention to your classes at midday. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for morning school. 16th January, 2021 The Headmaster, Rammohan High School, Raozan, Chittagong. Sub: Prayer for holding school in the morning. Sir, With due respect and humble submission we, the students of your school beg to approach you with the following prayer and hope that you would be kind enough to consider our case sympatheti­cally. That the temperature has been abnormally high for the last few days. Many of us have to come to school on foot in the scorching rays of the sun. Indeed, it tells upon our health. Moreover, the heat becomes unbearable at midday. As a result, we can not pay proper attention to our lessons in the class at noon owing to excessive heat. So, it is not possible for us to continue the classes in this situation. In the above circumstances, we fervently pray that you would, kindly hold our classes in the morning from tomorrow and for., which act of your kindness, we shall remain ever grateful to you. We beg to remain, Sir, Your most obedient pupils, The students of Rammohan High School.

Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for opening a science club in our college compound. May 10, 2021 The Principal, Sylhet-M.C. College, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Subject : Prayer for opening/ setting up a science club. Sir, With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that ours is one of the most reputed colleges in the district for its standard education and co- curricular activities. Especially the result of the science group is very good (satisfactory). Every year the students of science group of our college take part in (,No,,T cN?4) the science fair. They display their own research activities and creative power in a science fair. Modern science has made our life very easy, comfortable and happy. We can not think of even a day without science. So, a science fair is an important part of education. A science club can help the students to develop their knowledge in research activities and experiments. It is also a great source of recreation and amusement. But there is no science club in our college. Now we badly feel the necessity of a science club which will help us to gear up mobilize our research activities and inspire us to take part in a science fair. 1, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly open/set up a science club for us in our college compound so that we can develop our latent talent in order to face the challenges and competitions in different fields of life. I remain, Sir, , Yours obediently, Masud, Class : XI, On behalf of the students of Science Group of Sylhet M.C. College.

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for a seat in the school hostel. To The Headmaster PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for a seat in the school hostel. Madam, I have the honour to invite your kind attention to the fact to my inability to continue my academic career in your school as my father is soon going to be transferred and our family is scheduled to shift from this place in no time. Since, I have no close relatives in the vicinity of the school, my stay here has become a great problem. In this regard, my parents prefer my stay in the school-hostel to any other quarters, where I shall get a congenial atmosphere to study. I shall, therefore, deem it a favour if you would be generous enough to allot me a seat in the school-hostel and thus relive me from the problem I have confronted with, for which I shall be ever grateful to you. I remain Sir, Your most obedient pupil, Abidur Rahman, Class: ----- ; Roll: Suppose your father has shortly been transferred to Dhaka. You have no close relative here. Now, write an application to the Headmistress/ Headmaster of your school for a seat in the school hostel. 17th January, 2021 The Headmistress, Dr. Khastagir Govt. Girls' High School, Jamal Khan, Chittagong. Sub : Prayer for a seat in the school hostel. Madam, With due respect, I beg to approach you with the following prayer and hope that you would be kind enough to consider my case sympathetically. That I am a regular student of class X in science group of your school, but unfortunately my father who was the Educational Officer here, has recently been transferred from Chittagong to Dhaka. As a result, our family will shift to my father's place of posting soon. I have been in difficulties for want of accommodation. For this reason, my studies are greatly hampered. Moreover, I have no close relative with whom I may reside and attend the classes. So, I am badly in need of a seat in the school hostel. Otherwise, it will be impossible on my part to continue my studies in your school. I would, therefore, request you to kindly allot me a seat in. the school hostel as early as possible so that I may continue my studies properly and for which act of your kindness, I shall remain ever grateful to you. I beg to remain, Madam, Yours obediently, Mouri Chakraborty, Class X, Sec. A, Roll No. 2

Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for sending relief materials and medical aid for the flood affected people of your locality. The 25th February, 2021 The Deputy Commissioner, Chittagong District, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for relief materials and medical aid for the flood victims. Sir, With due respect and humble submission we, the inhabitants of ‘X’ Ward under P.S. Kotowali have the honour to invite your kind attention to a dire need of the locality for your kind consideration and immediate action. The recent flood has done havoc to this area. Most of the people of this locality are farmers and day labourers. The devastating flood completely damages their all the crops in the field. At present the miseries of the people in this area know no bounds. Many of them have become victims to diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases. In this situation, they are badly in need of food, clothes, medicine and other things. Moreover, adoption of preventive measures should be taken with an urgent effect. If an immediate step with necessary relief and medical aid is not taken for them they must be victimised to hunger, epidemic disease and even death. I, therefore, fervently request that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary arrangements for sending relief materials and medical aid on emergency basis to mitigate the sufferings of the victimised people. We have the honour to be, Sir, Yours most faithfully, Abidur Rahman On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’ ward.

Write an application to the D.C of your district praying for setting up a family planning clinic.

December 10, 2021 The Deputy Commissioner Hobigonj District. Subject : Prayer for setting up a family planning clinic. Sir, With due honour, I, on behalf of the inhabitants of Singhagram Union Parished under your reputed Upazila, beg to state that ours is the remotest area in the district. About 20,000 people live here. Almost 80% of the people are illiterate. They are deprived of all basic needs of life. They don't know the value of family planning, the value of sound health, the value of education and the value of balanced diet. They don't know the curse (danger) of early marriage, the curse of illiteracy, and the curse of over population. The illiterate mother don't know how to nurse the baby properly. But they give birth to many children whereas they live7 below extreme poverty line. Now-a-days, many women have received education and understood the value of the family planning (the planned family). But it is regret there is no family planning clinic in our Union/ area. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take proper steps to set up a farylily clinic in our locality so that our women can take birth control policy. Yours faithfully, Rocky, On behalf of the people of Slinghagrain Union Parished.

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for canteen in the school campus. To The Headmaster PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for setting up a canteen in the school campus. Sir, Most respectfully and humbly we would like to bring to your kind notice to a dire need of a canteen in our school. We, the students of your institution have to stay at school for long five years. At times, it is seen in leisure that students have a tendency to go out of the school compound breaking the school discipline in search of a canteen. The foodstuffs sold in nearby tea­stalls are unreliable and unhygienic. In the circumstances as described above, I therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to realise the problem mentioned and take the necessary steps to overcome it by setting up a canteen in school compound for the greater benefit and welfare of the students. I remain Sir, Your most obedient pupil, Abidur Rahman, Class: ; Roll: Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council to set up/establish a charitable dispensary in your locality. To The Chairman, ‘X’ Union Council, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for establishing/ setting up a charitable dispensary. Sir, We, the people of ‘X’ Union Council would like to approach before you with the following appeal to establish a charitable dispensary in our locality. The village of ‘Y’, under ‘X’ Union Council lacks of good communication. There is no charitable dispensary within the radius of ten miles. There is not a single M.B.B.S in the area. Only a few quacks take care of the patients. Very often they make wrong treatment and complicate the disease. Villagers do not have enough money to go to the towns and undergo better treatment. Serious patients sell their property to have treatment in towns. Under the circumstances stated above, we solicit the favour of your inquiring into the matter and take the necessary steps to establish /set up a charitable dispensary to remove the suffering of the people of our locality. We have the honour to be, Sir, Yours faithfully, The inhabitants of ‘X’ area

Write an application to the Headmistress of your school praying for a hall room. To The Headmaster, PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for setting up a hall room. Sir, Most respectfully and humbly we lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration and favourable action. Our school is one of the reputed ones in the city. We are proud that our school has provided us with all the modern facilities. But we are sorry to say that the school lacks an important facility of a hall room. Every year we usually celebrate different cultural function and for the purpose we have to hire any outdoor site. Moreover, a hall room allows the students to get together and arrange different extra curricular activities which would be helpful for the students. Again a hall room will enhance the beauty of the school. Hence a hall room is important to fulfill the requirement of the students and make the school a standard one. May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind and gracious enough to set up a hall room in the school campus and oblige us thereby. We remain Sir, pupils, School.

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for a school auditorium. To The Headmaster, PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for setting up a school auditorium. Sir, Most respectfully and humbly we lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration and favourable action. Our school is one of the reputed ones in the city. We are proud that our school has provided us with all the modern facilities. But we are sorry to say that the school lacks an important facility of an auditorium. Every year we usually celebrate different cultural function and for the purpose we have to hire any outdoor site. Moreover, an auditorium allows the students to get together and arrange different extra curricular activities which would be helpful for the students. Again an auditorium will enhance the beauty of the school. Hence an auditorium is important to fulfill the requirement of the students and make the school a standard one. May we, therefore pray and hope that you would be kind and gracious enough to set up an auditorium in the school campus and oblige us thereby. We remain Sir, Your most obedient pupils, The students of PROGATI High School.

Write an application to the chairman of your municipality asking for a Children's Park in your area/ locality. 20 June, 2021 The Chairman, Comilla Municipality, Comilla. Subject : Requesting of setting up a Children's Park. Sir, 1, on behalf of the inhabitants (dwellers) of Police Line Sector under your Municipality, beg to state that there are many schools and colleges in our area. Our children are receiving better education here. It is admitted &L Comilla is well known for standard education. But only booki~M knowledge is not enough to a student for facing the battle of life successfully. A student also should participate in different co' curricular activities because they are also an irn~orta_nt, part of education. A children's park is also an important part of education. A life without recreation and amusement can not be successful and fruitful. A children's park is a great source of recreation. The children can take park in various sports and games in a Children's Park. Sports and games are a good form of exercise. They help to make body strong and sound and keep mind cheerful (0"T'61 and help to remove the monotony of studies. But it is a great regret that there is no Children's Park for our children in our municipality area. Now our children badly need a Children's Park. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take proper measures to set up a Children's Park in our areas so that our school going children can spend their free time there. Yours truly, Habib Khan, On behalf of the dwellers of Police Line Sector,

Comilla Municipality.

Write an application to the postmaster general praying for' -setting up a post office in your locality/ area/ village. July 3, 2021 The Postmaster General, G.P.0 Dhaka, Bangladesh. Subject : Prayer for the establishmefit (setting up) of a post office. Sir, With due honour, 1, on behalf of the inhabitants of village Hornyuanpur under Bajitpur Upazila in the district of Kishorgonj, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that ours is a remote area in the district. But ours is a very vast area. About 20,000 people live here. There are four primary schools, a high school. a charitable dispensary and big village market here. Many educated people also live here. Besides many educated people work (serve) in different parts of the country and hundreds of people work abroad. But there is no post office in our locality. The nearest office is five kilometres away from here. So we have to go to.the remote post office by walking a long distance. For want of a post office the villagers have to suffer much. I, therefore, you are requested to take proper measures to set up a post office in our locality and lessen the sufferings of the people. Yours faithfully, Masud, On behalf of the people of Homayuanpur

Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school expressing your desire to shift from science group to Arts group/ change group. To The Headmaster, PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for changing group. Sir, With due respect and humble submission I would like to draw your kind attention that I desire to shift from Science group to Arts group. At the time of selecting group in Class IX for the first time, I was put in science group against my will by my parents. Accordingly I attended many of the classes so far. But I did not feel inclined to stick myself to science subjects. It was totally boring to me and I have never felt any interest in the science subjects. Meanwhile I have tried to go through the books of Arts group and I have got interest in those. Now I have been able to make my parents understand my situation and they now give their consent to shift my group. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allow me to shift from Science group to Arts group and oblige thereby. I remain Sir, Your most obedient pupil, Abidur Rahman

Write- an application to the Principal of your college praying for holding Test Exam two weeks later (to shift the date of the Test Exam). November 10, 2021 The Principal, Chandina Women's College, Chandina, Comilla. Subject : Prayer for holding Test Exam two weeks later. Sir, With due respect, I, on behalf of the students of, our college. Beg to state that the last devastating cyclone swept over (hit) our college. Our college been seriously affected. For this reason our region has remained under water one month. As a result, our course of studies still remains incomplete. So it is not possible for us to finish the course of our studies and make proper preparation for the Test Exam in only next two weeks. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly hold the ensuing Text Exam two weeks later so that we can make a good preparation for the Text Exam. I remain, Sir, Yours obediently, Belal, Class : XI, On behalf of the students of Chandina Women's College, Chandina, Comilla.

Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for sinking at least 3 tubewells in your locality. To The Chairman, ‘X’ Union Parishad, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for sinking 3 tubewells. Sir, Respectfully I would like to represent to you the great inconvenience caused owing to lack of tubewells in our locality. Our locality is inhabited by quite a big number of population numbering about eight hundred families. It is a matter of great sorrow that there is only one single tubewell in this area. So long it has served pure drinking water. But recently it has gone out of order. The people have to drink impure water of the ponds and rivers. As a result, many people often suffer from diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases in want of sufficient supply of pure drinking water. The situation may turn grave if measures are not taken in time. In the above circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to sink at least 3 tubewells in our locality at an early date and oblige thereby. Yours faithfully, ‘R ‘, On behalf of the Inhabitants of ‘X’ Union

Write an application to the Headmistress requesting him to make arrangement for sinking a new-tube-well in the campus of the school. To The Headmistress, PROGATI High school, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for sinking a new-tube-well in the campus of the school. Madam, With profound respect, we would like to lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration and immediate action. It is one of the best seats of education for the secondary level students. There are about one thousand students in our school. In our school premise there is only one tube­well. The tube-well is quite old and so, it cannot supply us with enough water. As a result, the students of our school are suffering from want of drinking water. In this situation, it is an urgent need to sink a new tube-well for relieving us from the problem we have been confronted with. We therefore pray and hope that you would be kind and convinced enough to realise the aforesaid situation and take the necessary arrangement for sinking a tube-well in the campus of our school. We remain Your most obedient pupils, the students of Class IX / X

Suppose you are the inhabitants of a locality / village. There 6 is not a single tube well in that village. People are compelled to drink impure water. Now, write an application to the Chairman of Union Parishad to sink a tube well in your area/village / locality. 18th January, 2021 The Chairman, Noapara Union Parishad, No. 8, Raozan, Chittagong. Sub: Prayer for sinking a tube-well. Sir, We, the villagers of Noapara, P.S. Raozan in the district of Chittagong, beg to place the following facts before you for your kind consideration and immediate action. That about more than five thousand people live in this village. They are farmers, service-holders, businessmen, teachers and so on. It is a matter of great regret that there is no tube-well in our village. So, we have been suffering a great deal for want of pure drinking water for a long time. Our women have to fetch drinking water from a distance of one kilometre. Besides, most of the ponds dry up in summer. Then a glass of pure drinking water becomes luxury for us. As a result, we are compelled to drink impure water of the ponds. This brings on many water borne diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera and many people have to embrace premature death every year. In such an inhuman tragic situation, the supply of pure drinking water is the only remedy for the villagers. So, we are badly in need of a tube-well in our village / area / locality. In the above circumstances, we fervently pray and hope that your honour would kindly take necessary steps to sink a tube-well in our village for the interest of the people as early as possible Yours faithfully, Md. Lokman, On behalf of the villagers.

Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting for removing arsenic affected tube-wells of your college (for sinking arsenic free tube-wells). May 15, 2021 The Principal, Nabinagar Govt College, Nabinagar, Brahmanbaria. Subject : Prayer for sinking arsenic free tube-wells. Sir, With due respect, I, on behalf of the students of your college, beg to state that ours is a very old and big college in the Upazila. About 2000 students both male and female are studying here. But it is a horrible/ alarming news that recently arsenic has been found almost in the tube-wells of our college compound. Arsenic is a toxic chemical element which is very harmful to health. Arsenic polluted/ contaminated water causes a fatal diseases called arsenicosis. As a result, some students have already been affected by arsenic poisoning. But there is no other source of pure drinking water in our college compound. So there is an acute crisis of pure drinking water in our college campus. So sinking two or more -arsenic free tube-wells are badly and urgently needed, here. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly sink two or three arsenic free tube-wells in our college ground immediately and save us. I remain, Sir, Yours obediently, Jubayiar, Class : XI, On behalf of the students of Nabinagar Govt College, Nabinagar, Brahmanbaria.

Write an application to the UNO of your Upazila requesting him for sinking some arsenic free tube-wells/ deep tube-wells in your village/ locality/ area. 10 January, 2021 The UNO, Bajithpur Upazila, Kishoregonj, Bangladesh. Subject : Prayer for sinking some deep tube-wells. Sir, With due respect, I, on behalf of the inhabitants (people) of village Humavuanpur, under your Upazila, beg to state that ours is a very big and old village. About ten thousand people live here. Most of the people are farmers, poor and illiterate. Many people live below extreme poverty that recently arsenic has been found in many tube-wells in our locality (village). Arsenic is a poisonous chemical element which is very harmful to health. As a result, many people have been suffering from arsenic poisoning by drinking arsenic polluted water and some are being affected everyday. Day by day this problem are getting worse in our locality. There is no other source of pure drinking water in our locality. The arsenic affected tube-wells have been painted red because of arsenic pollution. So, there is an acute crisis of pure drinking water here. Now some deep tube-wells are badly needed in our village. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take necessary steps to sink some deep tube-wells in our arsenic affected area and save us from the panic problem. Yours faithfully, Albey. On behalf of the inhabitants of village Humayuanpur.

Suppose, your are an S.S.0 Examinee. Your classes have been hampered for various causes. That's why, you have become weak in some particular subjects. Now, write an application to the Headmaster for your school for arranging special coaching classes in Mathematics and English. 18th January, 2021 The Headmaster, A. B. High School, Chittagong. Sub: Prayer for arranging a special coaching in Mathematics and English. Sir, With due respect and humble submission we, the students of S.S.0 Examinee in 2021 beg to lay before you the following facts for your judicious consideration. This year we have not been given proper teaching by way of taking required classes for want of class rooms. Moreover, political disturbances and natural calamities affected taking classes as usually. Consequently, we could not complete our syllabuses and we have become weak in Mathematics and English in particular. To cover up this deficiency we are required to get special teaching on the above subjects. In view of the above, we earnestly request you to kindly arrange coaching classes for us on the above subjects so as to cover up the deficiencies. We shall be greatly benefited and obliged to you for your effective steps. Yours obediently, The students of S.S.C. Examinee 2021. Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for holding special classes/ extra-classes/coaching classes. December 20, 2021 The Principal, Sarail Degree College, Sarail, Brahmanbaria. Subject : Prayer for holding special/ coaching classes. Sir, With due respect, I, on behalf of the students of our college, beg to state that the last devastating cyclone swept over (hit) our college. Our college buildings have been seriously affected. For this reason, our classes remained suspended for over one month. As a result, our course of our studies still remains incomplete. So it is not possible for us to finish the course of our studies and make proper preparation for the Test Exam in only next two weeks. I. therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly hold coaching/ extra classes for us so that we can get proper preparation for the Test Exam. I remain, Sir, Yours obediently, Rocky, Class : X, On behalf of the students of Sarail Degree College, Sarail, Brahmanbaria.

Write an application to the Principal for sports and science journals to students' common room. May 10, 2021 The Principal, Feni Public College.

Feni, Bangladesh. Subject : Prayer for supplying sports and science journals of students' common room.


With due honour and humble submission, I beg to state that ours is an ideal and big college in the district. It has a good reputation/ fame for its better results and cultural activities. More than fifteen hundreds students both male and female study here. Most of the students are bright and studious . They are able to realise that only bookish knowledge is not enough to a student to face the challenges of life. The reading of newspapers, magazines and journals is very great in our life. To-day is the age of sports and science. We. can learn new information about sports and games and the information of the newer research activities of science by reading sports and science journals. But there is no supply of sports and science journals in our college common room. On the other hand, the students of our college are very much interested in reading the journals. Now we badly feel the necessity of reading sports and science journals. May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly provide our students' common room with at least two science and two sports journals so that we can gain and enrich our kingdom of knowledge to face any challenges and competitions of life successfully. I remain. Sir, Yours obediently, Masud, Class : XI. Roll No-1 On behalf of the students of Feni Public College.

Suppose, you are a student of a reputed school. There are many talents in your school. Some of them are interested to stage a drama. For this, you are continuing the rehearsals also. You also need a handsome amount of money. Now, write an application to the Headmaster to your school seeking permission to stage a drama. 5th January, 2021 The Headmaster, Ispahani High School, Chittagong. Sub: Prayer for staging a drama. Sir, We, the students of your school, beg to approach you with the prayer and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our wish . sympathetically. Ours is a reputed school with two thousand students. It is true that different students have different talents. However, there are so many students who are interested in staging a drama that we have recently formed a drama Group and have selected a drama named 'Ma' of Azimuddin. So, we are continuing the rehearsals of this drama every night now. In the mean time, we have contacted some noted artists who assured us that they would attend the function on the appointed date. That's why, we need a handsome amount of money from the school fund. In the above circumstances, we earnestly pray that you would be kind enough to permit us to stage the said drama and sanction us an amount of money to meet the necessary expenses and for which act of your kindness, we shall remain ever grateful to you. We beg to remain, Sir, Your most obedient pupils, The students of Isphani High School.

Write an application to the Headmistress of your school seeking permission to stage a drama. To The Headmistress, PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for staging a drama. Madam, With due respect and humble submission, we, the students of your school would like to state that we want to stage a drama ‘Sirajuddowla’ of Sikander Abu Zafar in our school. In the mean while, we have contacted with a few noteworthy artists of the district. They have assured us that they would attend the function. We hope that such a drama would encourage the students in the cultural activities. We, therefore, pray and hope that your gracious self would be so kind enough as to permit us to stage a drama and sanction a handsome amount of money to meet the necessary expenses. We remain Madam, Your most obedient Abidur Rahman The students of PROGATI High

Write a letter to the Chairman of your Union Parishad complaining about the spread of mosquitoes is your area. To The Chairman, ‘X’ Union Parishad, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for taking steps against the spread of mosquitoes. Sir, We, the inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Parishad would like to draw your kind attention to a serious problem faced by the people of our locality. For the last few months the whole area has been infested with mosquitoes causing hardship to the people of the locality. In the evening, people can feel their presence everywhere. They come out in swarm and seem to prevail all around. People cannot do any serious work undisturbed. The students as well as little children suffer much from the mosquito-bites. Moreover, the poorer sections of the people become the easiest victims of the mosquito-menace. Many of them cannot afford to buy mosquito-curtains and coils to prevent the mosquitoes from biting them. In this connection, let me point out that the wayside drains are not cleaned regularly. As a result, the drains get water logged and become the breeding place of mosquitoes. We would, therefore, request you to take proper steps against the spread of mosquitoes and oblige thereby. Yours faithfully, The inhabitants of X Union Council

Write an application to the Principal of your college asking a stipend/ a monetary help/ a pecuniary help/ a financial assistance. December 5, 2021 The Principal, Islampur Kazi Shafiqul Islam University College, Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh. Subject : Prayer for a financial help/ a stipend. Sir, With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that I am a regular student of class XII of your old and famous -college. I always make good results in all the exams and tests. My father is a teacher of a primary school. He is a poor paid teacher. I have also two school-going brothers and a college ping sister. It is not possible on his part (for him) to defray (meet up) our educational expenses. Besides, price hike hampers my studies tremendously. So it is difficult on my part (for me) to continue my studies in your college without any stipend (financial help) from you. Now I am badly in need of a stipend from the Poor Fund of the college. May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a stipend from the college Poor Fund so that I may continue my studies regularly to make my life successful. I remain, Sir, Yours obediently, Khandakar Mohima Sultana, Class : XII, Roll No-01, Science Group.

Write an application to the S.P to stop the indiscriminate (random) use of loud speakers in the city. October 10, 2021 The Superintendent of Police, Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh. Subject : Prayer for taking steps to stop the indiscriminate use of loud­speaker.

Sir, With due honour, I, on behalf of the inhabitants of Brahmanbaria Municipality, beg to inform you that the law and order situation of the municipality has deteriorated tremendously in the recent months. Serious environmental pollution in the town is a great threat to a decent life. Like many other pollutions, sound pollution has become very acute/ serious in this town. Mikes and audio-videos are used at different shops and hotels at high volume to draw the attention of the customers. Besides, the loud speakers and the mikes are used on many occasions for listening to music at high volume. All there things cause acute sourfd pollution. The acute sound pollution causes serious problems to the students, children and the patients. The serious sound pollution is very harmful to our hearing and nerves. I, therefore, you are requested to take necessary steps to control the serious sound pollution and lessen our sufferings to lead a decent life. Yours faithfully, Zaman, On behalf of the inhabitants of Brahmanbaria Municipality. Write an application to the Editor to publish a report on street children. 9 May 2021 The Editor The Rising Sun 13/D Shahbag, Dhaka Dear Sir I shall be very happy and grateful to you if you publish the following report in your popular daily. Yours faithfully A Reza STREET CHILDREN IN BANGLADESH All of us know about the street children of Bangladesh more or less. The real condition of these street children is very miserable. They have no fixed living or sleeping place. They sleep on streets. They sometimes move or walk on the street aimlessly. Some are found pushing push-cart or vehicles. Sometimes, they beg on the street. They may have parents but they are not cared for or fed well by them. They do not go to school. They can neither read nor write. Sometimes, they are being oppressed physically. Thus, the street children are deprived of all kinds of child rights. It is very sorrowful indeed. Today's child is tomorrow's future. So the government should take some steps so that the street children can enjoy their rights. All of us should also pay our proper attention to the street children and think of doing something for their welfare. Suppose you need practical knowledge and continuous classes make your life dull and monotonous. A study tour can increase your depth of knowledge. So, you need some money. Now, write an application to the Headmaster/ Headmistress of your school seeking permission to go on a study tour / excursion and for a sanction of monetary help from the school fund. January 18th, 2021 The Headmaster, Raozan High, School, Raozan, Chittagong'. Sub: Prayer for permission to go on a study tour excursion. Sir, With respect and humble submission we, the students of class X of your school, beg to approach you with the prayer and hope that you would be kind enough to consider our wish sympathetically. That we have long been cherishing to go to the historical place. During our tour, we shall be able to gather practical knowledge. Monotonous classes make our life dull and boring. In fact, a study tour can relieve from the monotony. Moreover, a study tour will increase our mental faculties and knowledge. In the mean time, our two teachers have kindly consented to lead our team. We wish to go to Dhaka. The money that we have managed is not sufficient. If you do not help us financially, we shall not be able to perform our programme. In the above circumstances, we earnestly pray that you would be kind enough to grant us permission to go on a study tour / excursion and sanction us an amount of money from the school fund. For this act of your kindness, we shall remain ever grateful to you. We remain, Sir, Yours obediently, The students of Class X.

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for permission for a study tour. To The Headmaster, PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for permission for a study tour/excursion. Sir, With due respect we would like to draw your kind attention that we intend to undertake a study tour/excursion of some important historical places of our country. Our summer vacation is going to start from the 30th May, 2021. The students of our class desire to have a direct knowledge of what we read in history and geography books. We have already chalked out a programme, which includes visit to Paharpur, Mahasthangarh and Mainamati. Such a visit during this vacation will go a long way to dispel our monotony and renew our zeal for study. Besides, this will furnish us with much knowledge. Our party will consist of 70 students and four teachers. The expenditure will be borne by us on equal contribution. In these circumstances, we pray and hope that you would be kind and convinced enough to accord your permission to this programme and oblige us thereby. We remain Sir, Your most obedient pupils, The students of Class VIII / IX /

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school seeking permission as well as money to go on a study tour / excursion. The 29th February, 2021. To The Headmaster, PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for arranging a study tour / excursion. Sir, Most respectfully and humbly, we, the students of Class IX / X of your school would like to draw your kind attention to the following facts for favour of your kind consideration. Our final examination is just over. Now we are quite free. So we want to go on an excursion for recreation and to increase our outlook. We feel that we should know our country and learn a lot about important places and the people living there. Mere bookish knowledge does not satisfy us unless we see things with our own eyes. So, we have decided to go to Maynamati at Comilla and the tea-gardens at Sylhet. Our history and geography teachers have given their kind consent. This tour may cost near about Tk.22000/. We can manage half of the total expenditure by subscription. Yet we require the other half. We, therefore, earnestly request your gracious honour that you would be kind enough to allow us to make the tour and sanction us an amount to Tk. 16000/- from the school fund for the purpose and oblige us thereby. We remain Sir, Your most obedient pupils, The students of Class-------------- Write an application to the Headmaster of your school to supply some daily newspapers both Bengali and English for the students. To The Headmaster, PROGATI High School, Chittagong. Subject: prayer for supply of both Bengali and English newspapers. Sir, With due respect we, the students of your school would like to draw your kind attention to the scarcity of newspaper . Our school is one of best schools in the district. Also we have a very good common- room/library, but sorry to say that we don’t have regular supply of newspaper. It is needless to say that a newspaper is the best medium to meet our curiosity about what is happening around the world. But we are being deprived of this knowledge. Moreover, if there is an English daily, it will also be helpful for us to learn English language. We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to realise the situation and make an arrangement for the regular supply of both Bengali and English newspapers. We remain Sir Your most obedient pupils, the students of PROGATI High School.

Write an application to the Headmistress of your school for the supply of current books to your school library.


The Headmistress,

PROGATI High School,


Subject : Prayer for the supply of current books to the school library.


Most respectfully and humbly we would like to state that we are suffering severely form want of current books.

Ours is a famous school in the district. Moreover, our school library is spacious and rich enough in its stock. But this library does not have sufficient books on current topics which are necessary for our present revised syllabus and newly introduced subjects. We need to have them to widen the horizon of our knowledge.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind and convinced enough to take necessary steps for the supply of current books to the school library.

We remain Sir,

Your most obedient

The students of Class IX / X

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