Gender Disparity/Discrimination: A heinous social curse Gender disparity means gender discrimination or difference between male and female in the field of observing rights as a human being. In the developed countries there is no gender disparity. But in our country this disparity is severe. It pervades both rural and urban communities. It is especially seen in the rural areas too much. Many girl students are deprived of getting educated both in towns and villages. Only boys are allowed to go to school, college and university and most of the conservative families do so. In many families of Bangladesh especially of the villages, boys and girls are not treated equally. Many parents love their sons more and always give them more facilities than their daughters. They usually think that educating a daughter is nothing but waste of time and money. After class seven or eight they think that they should marry their daughters off. Even many of the modern and educated families of our country do not think higher education for their daughters or sisters. They do not allow their daughters, sisters and wives to do a job outside the home. They are kept busy with maintaining different household chores and bringing up children. But on the other hand, boys or male members of the family are allowed to go to school, college and to complete higher education and to do any job anywhere outside the home. However, both males and females should be considered equal, should be given equal rights and facilities and should be exploited equally so that women can play a vital role in the development of the country like men. For this, we have to educate all females and have to change the mentality. We have to make them aware that women can do the same thing of men. Like men, women can change their lives by working with men and earning a lot of money. After all, government should take effective measures to diminish gender disparity for the development of the country. So, if we want our own betterment, we, both males and females, have to work together.
Gender discrimination means the preference of one sex, especially the male people, depriving the other sex. It is a great malpractice to women. Gender discrimination begins when a girl chile is horn, and it continues throughout her life. With the birth of a girl the society impresses on her many illusions about her low status in the society ty she is born in. This practice lasts in a society because the members of the society, think that the male are suited to add to the family income. The ignorance and illiteracy of people are also responsible for gender discrimination. As a consequence of this discrimination, women are treated disrespectfully and disgracefully in the society. Even the women one day start to believe the illusions implanted on them by the society. They undergo inferiority complex. To solve this problem of gender discrimination, we all should come forward to making the people aware of the equal status of the women. Government should also take steps in this respect. Among the steps, female education, mass awareness, avoiding social dogmas are very important to follow to get rid of this social stigma. We must stand against it and keep the womenfolk in our march of advancement for social equilibrium.
The Adverse Effect of Gender Discrimination
Gender- discrimination denotes the disparity of enjoying rights and facilities between the male and female sections. Still today gender discrimination is one of the most inhuman customs in our society. Almost everyday the grim pictures of this evil custom are seen in newspapers and on TV screens. In our society this brute custom begins at birth. All illiterate families long for male children. A girl or a woman is deprived of almost all social rights and facilities. In our society, educating a girl is regarded as the wastage of money and time of a family. A girl is not allowed to receive better education in most of the families in our society. Most girls and women 'are confined to within the four walls of the house. As a result, our women society 4.94iei) is unproductive, unskilled and unemployed. They get no chance to take part in any social and national development activities. But some educated women of the enlightened families have already proved their efficiency and ability by working with men in different development working projects and sectors. Illiteracy and social superstitions are the root reasons of this evil custom. Social unawareness is another reason of this curse. Extreme poverty is a prime reason of it. This evil custom curves our all development plans and activities wonderfully. No development is possible without their participation in any development work. Our narrow outlook should be altered, Illiteracy must be stamped out, social superstitions must be eradicated, early marriage must be banned and equal facilities should be ensured between men and women. Public awareness must be raised about the curse of gender discrimination.
Gender discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth. To say truly girls are born to an unwelcome world. Mostly the teenaged girls are deprived of higher education. They are considered to be a burden for a family because after marriage they will go to their in-law’s house. So, parents are not ready to invest for their future. The girls are not allowed to go outside without permission. They are confined to domestic chores. In case of food and dresses, male children are given more importance. In decision making and treatment facilities, girls are neglected. They are thought to be unproductive. In decision making and treatment facilities, girls are neglected. They are thought to be unproductive. A number of reasons, such as, social prejudice, superstition, blind faith, social and economic backwardness, illiteracy, ignorance etc are responsible for gender discrimination in our country. So outlook towards them must be liberal and generous. Otherwise it hampers our humanity. At the same time social and religious restriction should be uprooted by creating a positive attitude among people. They should be considered as human beings rather than as female. Then only it is possible to solve the degrading position of the women.
Globalization is, basically, a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a borderless market. The idea of Globalization came into practice only in the last decade thought the idea was age old. It has also a far-reaching effect on many aspects of life. The world has come closer with the development of hi-tech communication media and rapid transport facilities. We can learn instantly what is happening in the remotest corner of the world. We are also able to go to any country in the shortest possible time. This is how countries of the world are like families in a village. We can share our joys and sorrows like next door neighbors. Globalization also brings all types of different customs and behavior into our homes through satellite television channels and the Internet. Now, we can enrich our local culture through constant interaction of different cultures. But, along with this, the cultural assault can also be resisted by the strength of our own traditional social values, beliefs and attitudes. However, as a result of Globalization, capitalist countries are enjoying more opportunities by exploiting the poor countries. Globalization integrates global economy in a way which exerts influence on both economic and social relations among the countries of the world. If Globalization is imposed upon a properly educated and properly trained labour force in an appropriate system it will lead to development and progress. If the developed and developing nations work together on terms of solidarity, equity and justice the process of Globalization will make our world a better place to live in.
Gender Disparity/ Discrimination
Gender disparity means gender discrimination or difference between male and female in the field of observing rights as a human being. It pervades severely both rural and urban communities in our country. Only boys are allowed to go to school, college and university to complete higher education and to do any job anywhere outside the home. Many girl students are deprived of getting educated both in towns and villages. Many parents love their sons more and always give them more facilities than their daughters. They usually think that educating a daughter is nothing but waste of time and money. After class seven or eight they think that they should marry their daughters off. Even many of the modern and educated families of our country do not think higher education for their daughters or sisters. They do not allow their daughters, sisters and wives to do a job outside the home. They are kept busy with maintaining different household chores and bringing up children. However, both males and females should be considered equal, should be given equal rights and facilities and should be exploited equally so that women can play a vital role in the development of the country like men. For this, we have to educate all females and have to change the mentality. We have to make them aware that women can do the same thing of men. Like men, women can change their lives by working with men and earning a lot of money. After all, government should take effective measures to diminish gender disparity for the development of the country. So, if we want our own betterment, we, both males and females, have to work together.
Group Work
Group work, an effective way of learning and cooperation with others, involves students working collaboratively on set tasks, in or out of the classroom. Its aim is to learn through group cooperation and encourage all students to participate in the learning process. This approach is defined in the classroom as a group. The members obtain useful information from each other to extend their knowledge and abilities through the cooperation. To do group work, the class has to be divided into groups. Each group is to do some tasks given by the teacher or in the textbook. The group members will discuss and share ideas and points, and finally one member will write the answer. All this is knowledge about group work. Then one starts working in groups. In each group one takes turns discussing points, answering questions, etc. In this way one actually does the task. Teacher may monitor and help to do the work. Lastly, through regular group work it is expected that there will be noticeable changes in one’s behaviour. Possible changes are– one will develop the attitude of freely mixing and talking with one’s classmates and teacher. One’s shyness will gradually disappear. One will develop the attitude of helping and cooperating with each other. One will learn to behave in a democratic way. Most importantly, these behavioural changes taking place in one inside the classroom will be carried over outside the classroom, in real-life situations. In order to maximise these benefits, one will need to manage one’s group work effectively.
Globalisation: A new notion of global interaction
Globalisation means internationalisation. It is a phenomenon involving the integration of economics, cultures, governmental policies, and the movements around the world. Trade and investment between countries have promoted interdependence and the world’s economies for centuries. What is now called globalisation, however, represents an exponential acceleration of the integration process. It has been formed by the leading countries of the world. Nowadays the world is linked as never before due to advances in communication and transportation and also due to trade agreements that have lowered or eliminated barriers or borders in the exchange of goods. So our world has become a global village. As a result, similar goods are sold around the world for similar prices. The highly integrated financial and commodity markets see price movements in one part of the world instantaneously reflected in other major markets. The BBC, CNN, MTV and the Internet have accelerated the integration of global culture. Science and technology have also accelerated this global process. So, teenagers around the world watch the same videos, listen to the same music and wear the same clothes. However, we can say that globalisation may bring happiness for us all only if we can make a mutual understanding, otherwise it will not only become a threat to a developing nation but also ruin our existence and may turn us into parasites.
Globalisation is, basically, a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a borderless owker. However, it is creating more opportunities for capitalist countries rather than for the developing ones. In the one of help and co-operation, the industrially developed capitalist countries are exploiting the cheap labour available in poor countries. This is the common fear about the adverse effects of globalisation in the countries like ours. But, the few is not quite justified because globalisation has also a far-reaching effect on many aspects of life. With the development of hi-tech communication media and rapid transportation facilities the world has come closer. We can share our joys and sorrows like next door neighbours. Globalisation also brings all types of different customs and behavior into our homes through satellite television channels and the Internet. Now, we can enrich our local culture through constant interaction of different cultures. But, along with this, the cultural assault can also be resisted by the strength of our own traditional social values, beliefs and attitudes.
A good student is one who is fully conscious of his duties and responsibilities. I have the idea of having a close touch with such a good student. He is my classmate, Arif. He is a student who is always eager to know and acts according to what he learns. He lives in accordance with the strict rules of conduct and discipline. He is punctual, early rising, and obedient to parents. He is well-disciplined. He studies while it is time to study and plays while it is time to play and enjoys a sound mind in a sound body. He behaves with others in a polite way and he is modest. He shows habitual respect to his teachers and other superiors. He is co-operative with the students of the class. He is very much choosy about who he mixes with. He is fully conscious to ensure that no evil tempts him. Again, he is a good sportsman. He also takes keen interest in social service. From now on, he prepares himself to shoulder the responsibility in future. He is conscious of politics but does not take active part in politics In short, his ideal is plain living and high thinking. I hope that he can bring glory to the country.
Garments industry is one of the most important sectors for the economy of our country. The contribution of garment workers has made it possible. An ordinary garment worker in our country leads a very laborious life. Early rising in the morning is usual for her. She has to reach the factory a few minutes before her shift starts. Generally she walks to her factory along with other girls working there. Sometimes she has to get on a crowded public bus to reach her factory. On the way to her destination she is infected with slang words from various corners. In the factory she is not in a congenial atmosphere. She works in congested rooms, which is detrimental to their health. Sometimes she works whole day resting on her feet. Sometimes fire breaks out in the factory and there is no preventive measure. It is miserable for a garment worker. At noon she gets a lunch break for half an hour. Almost everyday she eats the poor lunch taken from her house with her colleagues in the factory. She works in the factory for long hours till late at night. She has to be at the factory up to 9 or 10 p.m. In spite of her long hours’ of work she is not remunerated properly. Since labour is cheap, hard work at the factory earns a garment worker very little money. Though she works hard for long hours of the day, she is frequently haunted by the thought of uncertain future. As tradition goes on, she will get married with a fellow worker and try to continue her poor life. Thus the life of a garment worker goes on with ups and downs.
A good teacher is a blessing upon the students who have the fortune to get acquainted with. I have an experience of having close touch with such a teacher. He is our English teacher, Mr.-----. He is a man of about 30/32/35. He is really a man of intellect and intelligence. He is the storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. I wonder how he has acquired so much of knowledge and learning. He teaches us sincerely and enthusiastically. He explains till every student is satisfied. His sound arguments, easy explanations and well-knit thoughts make the students listen to him most attentively. He keeps the class lively and in good humour. He does not allow any kind of boredom or idleness to descend upon the class. His witty remarks are really pleasing and delightful. He has mastery over various subjects. But his study of English literature is so deep and vast that he is held in high esteem by the students and the staff alike. He is an industrious teacher and takes pains while teaching. His lucid language, sound knowledge and a good background of the subject make him one of the most admirable teachers of the institution. He makes his students grow the qualities of discipline, punctuality, perseverance and self-reliance. Above all, I can say that he is a great philosopher, friend and guide as well. So, I like him most.
A citizen is the asset of a country. A good citizen has as many duties as he has rights. The basic rights of a citizen are his basic human rights. He has right to live, travel, work, and vote. He has the right to education, security and justice. He has also the right to die a normal death. He has many other rights which he can enjoy. Again a citizen has to perform many duties. First of all he has duties to himself, which is to make himself a worthy citizen of the country in every sense of the word. Then he has duties to his family, to his relatives and friends, to his community, to the locality, and finally, to the country. And, a student-citizen has the further duty to his studies. Political rights are different from individual rights. They are group rights and fought for as a group claim in the form of demand by a political party. A good citizen is a wealth when he is worthy to the nation.
A Good Teacher
The person who teaches the students in any educational institution is called a teacher. In fact, he is the architect of a nation. He tries to dispel the darkness of ignorance from the mind of the students. He builds up the mind and morality of a student. He always encourages the students to know more and r.-iore about everything in the world. He makes the lessons interesting, charming and keeps the students captivated. He makes them ideal men and confident citizens. Every student is more or less clever. An ideal teacher discovers it and guides the students properly. A good teacher is one who not only teaches well but also helps him to build an ideal character. He is an inspiration to his pupils/students. He prevents his students from doing evil. He is well-behaved and affectionate with the students. He also shows them the way to shine in life. We know that education is the backbone of a nation. In the same way, a good teacher is the backbone of education. In fact, a good teacher is one of the most important persons in our country.
Very few people are blessed with good neighbours. I am lucky to have such good neighbour. I live in a town. I have a number of neighbours. Of them all, I like one most. The neighbour I like most is my next-door neighbour. His name is Mr. ‘X’. He is a young man of twenty eight years. We have known each other for about five years. He is endowed with many good qualities. He is a good student. He has a sound health. He is by nature, amiable and cheerful. He always considers the good to his neighbours. He is co-operative and friendly without getting into any kind of quarrels with them. Courtesy goes a long way and even if any of his neighbours is the quarrelsome kind, his pleasant manner changes the disturbing one. He visits us on every happy occasion and expenses his joy. If any neighbour is in trouble and needs help, he doesn’t wait for extending his helping hand. In my distress, he is always the first man to offer his services. He guides me too. He also has great affection for me. I do not find any blemish in his personality. After all, that is what being a good neighbour is all about. I am really proud of having such an ideal man as my neighbour.
Bangladesh has a long history of micro-credit finance. There are several internationally acclaimed organisations of micro-credit, such as the Grameen Bank. This bank provides credit to the poor, particularly rural women. Professor Mohammad Yunus, who is the chairman of Grameen Bank established the same in 1983. A Grameen Bank project allows only the poor and landless people to take a loan from the bank. Before they can borrow the money, they have to make 5-6 groups of workers, each having five members. Then they have a centre where the bank works to give loans and receive repayment of loans. All the group members must be registered members of the Grameen Project. Each member of a group is given a registered number. There must be an elected Chairperson and an elected Secretary of the group. They hold office for a year. The members conduct their business with the bank through the Chairman. Grameen Bank, in addition to providing credit, emphasizes the need to develop skills and raise consciousness among the rural poor. Meanwhile, the living condition of a large number of programme participants has risen above the poverty line. Grameen Bank, therefore, has started a silent revolution among the women, and its impact is far-reaching.
A good teacher is a blessing upon the students who have the fortune to get acquainted with. I have an experience of having close touch with such a teacher. He is our English teacher, Mr.-----. He is a man of about 30/32/35. He is really a man of intellect and intelligence. He is the storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. I wonder how he has acquired so much of knowledge and learning. He teaches us sincerely and enthusiastically. He explains till every student is satisfied. His sound arguments, easy explanations and well-knit thoughts make the students listen to him most attentively. He keeps the class lively and in good humour. He does not allow any kind of boredom or idleness to descend upon the class. His witty remarks are really pleasing and delightful. He has mastery over various subjects. But his study of English literature is so deep and vast that he is held in high esteem by the students and the staff alike. He is an industrious teacher and takes pains while teaching. His lucid language, sound knowledge and a good background of the subject make him one of the most admirable teachers of the institution. He makes his students grow the qualities of discipline, punctuality, perseverance and self-reliance. Above all, I can say that he is a great philosopher, friend and guide as well. So, I like him most.
Greenhouse effect is the gradual warming of the air surrounding the earth as a result of heat being trapped by environment pollution. This is exemplified by the destruction and burning down of tropical rain forests, by traffic that clogs up city streets, by the rapid growth of industry, the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents such as washing powder and washing-up liquid and so on. The oceans are also said to be affected both because of human waste and because of pollution caused by industrial waste products, oil seeping from damaged supertankers and from other maritime disasters. However, the main culprits for global warming are carbon dioxide gas, produced by the burning of fossil fuels and forests, and pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons. Climatologists predict that midway through this century, temperatures may have risen by as much as 4°C. This could catastrophically reduce mankind’s ability to grow food, destroy or severely damage wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland. The alarming news about Bangladesh is that as a result of the rise of the sea level, the lower southern part of the country may one day go under water. Hence we should take the pragmatic steps to control the greenhouse effect.
As a social being, growing up socially is a precondition for every man. Man cannot live alone. Greek philosopher Aristotle said that ‘man is by nature a social being’. He has to lead a social life. Man cannot be self-centered like animals. He has some duties towards himself, to his family, to his society and the nation. Our Prophet said that the man who serves others is the greatest. All the great men on earth were very much conscious about their duties towards society. They dedicated their lives for the welfare of their society’s people. They extended their helping hands towards the helpless men. They shared the feelings of destitute people of the society. Even they sacrificed their belongings and peace and happiness of their minds for the welfare of fellowmen. If we want to follow them and want to establish ourselves in the society properly we also have to render social services to our society. We have to come forward with helpful mind at the time of people’s misery. We have to feel the sorrowful condition of downtrodden people. We have to take part in all sorts of social movements in order to promote the living condition of the people of our society and to improve the environment of our society. But it is not an easy task to render social services responsibly. If we want to carry out the above mentioned duties in true sense, we should be grown up socially. But if we fail to do this we cannot contribute to the development of our society and nation, and in this respect our existence as a human being will be diminished one day.