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Drug Addiction / The Curse of Drug Addiction (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 19

Paragraph Writing

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction means strong attraction for taking harmful drugs such as wine, opium, morphine and heroine etc. It is the most injurious habit of a man's life. It is a curse to human civilization Today it has become the global problem too. When a person once starts taking drugs, he cannot stop taking it. It is an alarming news that many students in our society have already addict to drug-addiction. Bad association is one of the prime causes of this henious habit. Unemployment problem, restless politics and lack of family ties are liable for this dangerous habit. Some people take drugs to forget their past painful and sorrowful memories, some for amusement and some as a fashion. In order to collect money, the addicts commit various social crimes and sinful acts such as hijacking, smuggling, stealing, snatching, looting, killing etc. An addict always feels drowsy (sleepy) and suffers from severe headache. He totally loses his dignity in the society. He also loses the love and affection of his near and dear ones. Various natal diseases engulf him. He suffers from physical weakness, s, high blood pressure and many other fatal diseases. His kidneys and livers also get damaged seriously. This dangerous habit leads an addict to death. It is high time we started a strong campaign against drug addiction to save our young society as well as the nation. Illiteracy and ignorance must be driven away from the society. Social awareness can play a vital role in eradicating drug addiction. If we fail to stamp out this terrific habit, our all development plans and efforts will be fruitless and meaningless.


Model Answer-2


Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a pernicious habit characterized by a strong compulsion to consume harmful substances such as wine, opium, morphine, and heroin. It is a scourge that afflicts human civilization and has emerged as a global problem. The consumption of drugs is highly addictive, making it extremely difficult for individuals to break the cycle of abuse. This phenomenon is especially concerning among young students in our society, many of whom have fallen prey to drug addiction. The root causes of this heinous habit include bad company, unemployment, political instability, and a lack of strong family ties. People often turn to drugs to numb the pain of painful and sorrowful memories, to seek pleasure, or to conform to a fashionable trend. Unfortunately, drug addicts often resort to criminal activities like hijacking, smuggling, stealing, snatching, looting, and even murder to obtain money for drugs. These actions have severe consequences on an addict's health, dignity, and social standing. They suffer from physical weakness, high blood pressure, and other fatal diseases, and often lose the love and affection of their friends and family. It is imperative to take strong measures to eradicate drug addiction from society. A strong campaign against drug addiction must be initiated to save our young people and the nation as a whole. Addressing the issue of illiteracy and ignorance can also help. Social awareness campaigns can play a vital role in eradicating drug addiction. Failure to address this problem will render all our development plans and efforts futile and meaningless.

Model Answer-3


Drug addiction

Drug addiction refers to such state of not being able to stop taking illegal harmful substances like heroin, opium, marijuana, morphine, cocaine, phensidyl etc that people take through smoking, inhaling or injection. It being a brain disease leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. It can lead to a range of both short-term and long-term mental and physical health problems. Unemployment problem, environmental factors, political unrest, family feud, lack of love and affection lead a man to frustration which is the main cause of drug addiction. It destroys us morally, physically and financially. Dependence on drugs can create a number of dangerous and damaging complications. People who are addicted to a drug are more likely to get an infectious disease, such as HIV, either through unsafe sex or by sharing needles. Young people involved in crimes to get money for taking drugs. Behavioral changes may cause marital or family conflict and custody issues. It can also cause declining performance at work, absenteeism and eventual loss of employment. The best way to prevent an addiction to a drug is not to take the drug at all. Drug-addicts must be treated with love and kindness. A strong, stable bond between you and your child will reduce your child’s risk of using or misusing drugs.The society should take strong measures to control the dishonest businessmen and drug-traffickers. The highest punishment of dealing in or smuggling drugs is death in Bangladesh. There are laws of drug-control all over the world, yet drug-addiction is increasing gradually. What is needed an anti-drugs consciousness among the youth of the different countries.


Drug addiction is a social problem. But it is no longer a social problem of specific society, it has become a global issue. The number of drug addicts has increased all over the world. Especially, in the under-developed countries the picture is very alarming. Many young people have become addicted to drugs in our country. Reasons for this addiction are many. Of them political interest, unemployment, lack of family ties are some of the main reasons which make them addicted to drugs. Out of complete frustration they become drug addicts. Drug traffickers also play a major role to instigate the young generation to this fatal habit. Once anybody takes to this habit he can hardly give it up. Many young people who suddenly become drug addicts find difficult times to buy the costly drugs marketed by the organized drug dealers. When their financial sources to buy drugs become exhausted, they commit many social crimes. Their crimes include looting, hijacking, killing, robbery and abduction. Drug addicts also become a burden for the society. They never enjoy sound health and become crippled, in most cases die, very shortly. Drugs have serious bad impacts on the human mind and body. It is a serious national issue of utmost importance. The government, the police, the local civil administration, the political parties, the parents and the common people must respond to the issue with concerted efforts to stop this fatal practice among the young generation of the country.

The Curse of Drug Addiction


Drug Addiction

Drug addiction means strong attraction for taking harmful drugs such as wine, opium, morphine and heroine etc. It is the most injurious habit of a man's life. It is a curse to human civilization Today it has become the global problem too. When a person once starts taking drugs, he cannot stop taking it. It is an alarming news that many students in our society have already addict to drug-addiction. Bad association is one of the prime causes of this henious habit. Unemployment problem, restless politics and lack of family ties are liable for this dangerous habit. Some people take drugs to forget their past painful and sorrowful memories, some for amusement and some as a fashion. In order to collect money, the addicts commit various social crimes and sinful acts such as hijacking, smuggling, stealing, snatching, looting, killing etc. An addict always feels drowsy (sleepy) and suffers from severe headache. He totally loses his dignity in the society. He also loses the love and affection of his near and dear ones. Various natal diseases engulf him. He suffers from physical weakness, s, high blood pressure and many other fatal diseases. His kidneys and livers also get damaged seriously. This dangerous habit leads an addict to death. It is high time we started a strong campaign against drug addiction to save our young society as well as the nation. Illiteracy and ignorance must be driven away from the society. Social awareness can play a vital role in eradicating drug addiction. If we fail to stamp out this terrific habit, our all development plans and efforts will be fruitless and meaningless.


Drug is usually used as medicine to cure diseases. But sometimes it is taken by some people for stimulating effect. This habit of taking harmfuldrugs is called drug addiction. Heroine, opium, morphin, cocaine, phensidyl etc are some of the drugs. The person who once starts taking drugs cannot stop taking it. There are some reasons behind people's getting addicted to the detrimental drugs. Some people take drugs to forget their painful past or memories. Some people take drugs as a pursuit of pleasure. There is also another type of people who at first take drugs as a fun but it turns into an addiction later on. The aftermaths of drug addiction is very dire and despicable. The health of the addicts breaks down. The addicts lose their mental power and courage. He feels drowsy and loses appetite. They lose their social status and the love of their near and dear ones as well. Various kinds of diseases grasp them. They suffer from amnesia, insomnia, nausea, physical weakness, blood pressure and from many other lethal diseases. Their kidneys and livers also get damaged. Drug addiction is not only a national problem but also a global problem. So, it should be stopped by any means. I can save myself from it by self-consciousness, by keeping myself aloof from bad companies and by being strict. minded against it.


Drug addiction is when someone regularly takes harmful drugs, not for medical reasons, but for the effects they produce. Drugs like heroin, opium, morphine, cocaine, and phensidyl are examples of these harmful substances. Once a person starts using drugs, it's difficult for them to stop. There are several reasons why people become addicted to drugs. Some use them to escape painful memories, while others seek pleasure. Some may start using drugs for fun but find themselves unable to quit later on. However, the consequences of drug addiction are severe. Health deteriorates quickly for those addicted to drugs. They lose mental clarity and bravery, often feeling drowsy and losing their appetite. Their social standing declines, and they may lose the love and support of family and friends. Additionally, drug addicts are prone to various diseases, such as amnesia, insomnia, nausea, weakness, and high blood pressure. Drug abuse can also damage vital organs like the kidneys and liver. Drug addiction isn't just a problem in one country—it's a global issue. Therefore, it's crucial to find ways to prevent and stop it. Individuals can protect themselves by being aware of the dangers of drugs, avoiding negative influences, and staying firm in their resolve to stay drug-free. It's essential for communities and governments to provide support and resources for those struggling with addiction. By working together, we can combat drug addiction and create healthier, safer societies for everyone.

Composition / Essay Writing


Drug is a kind of intoxicating element that affects the nervous system of our body seriously. Drug addiction means a strong desire for a drug which the addict cannot resist. Narcotics like opium, morphine, heroine, marijuana, cocaine etc. are used by the addicted. These drugs are used for their intoxicating, tranquilising, stimulating effects. If a person gets addicted to any of these once, he cannot go without them.

Drug addiction is a curse of modern civilization. Drugs lead youngsters to go astray and destroy many valuable and beautiful lives. There are some reasons for drug addiction such as, frustration, association, availability of intoxicant, unemployment, failure in love, degradation of religious values, lack of family ties, etc. When a young person falls into a completely hopeless situation, drugs allure him. Sometimes young boys and girls come in contact with drugs out of curiosity. Drug addiction creates social problems. Narcotics are very expensive. So the addicted person often go for stealing, hijacking and all sorts of misdeeds to procure money. He can, in no circumstances, refrain from taking drugs. He tries to have it at any cost. It helps him to see strange things that have no existence at all to him. The drug-addict also does something that ruins the peace of the family. He even steals ornaments, utensils, clothes and what not to procure money for buying drugs. So all other members of the family remain in tension for his misdeeds. The fate of the addict is serious. He dies a painful death losing character. He becomes a burden not only for the family but also for the society and also for the nation.

The remedy for drug-addiction is not very easy. Drug addiction is not only a national but also a global problem. To save our young generation from drug-addiction the government and educated people should come forward with necessary remedies. Strong measures should be taken to stop the production and trafficking of drugs. Drug-business is punishable and the highest punishment is death sentence in Bangladesh. This law should be enforced immediately.



Our world is on the edge of the 21st century. In this modern era there are few problems in the world which are thought to be the problem of the whole civilization. Among the very few drug addiction is the most important one. I strongly agree with the statement that drug addiction is not only a national but also a global problem.

If we look at the present situation of the world, we can see that drug addiction is everywhere. It is in our country as well as in the western world, in Africa, in South America and of course all over Asia. There are few zones of the world where drug addiction is very alarming. The zones are golden triangle, Columbia and its associated countries, America and Mexico. People all over the world take drugs in various forms. Drugs are also available in a lot of forms like—heroin, marijuana, cocaine, ganja, vang etc. In the western world there are groups who control the activities of the drug suppliers and producers. This group is known as Mafia circle or group: These groups are also related with other crimes.

In our country drug addiction problem is now increasing day by day. As our country is nearer to the so-called golden triangle, the drug suppliers use our country as a corridor as well as a place of selling drugs. Young generation of the country is easily addicted to drug in our country due to the following reasons

(a)   Availability of drug.

(b)   Poor activities of the law enforcement sectors.

 (c) Political support to the drug Mafia.

Our government should be more strict in this matter and take necessary steps to prevent the underworld criminals to save the future generation of the country.



Drug is a kind of intoxicating element that affects the nervous system of our body seriously. Drug addiction means a strong desire for a drug which the addict cannot resist. Narcotics like opium, morphine, heroine, marijuana, cocaine etc. are used by the addicted. These drugs are used for their intoxicating, tranquilising, stimulating effects. If a person gets addicted to any of these once, he cannot go without them.

Drugs have terrible effects on human body. They may affect the brain and all internal functions of the body. Sudden withdrawal of drug is more dangerous. The addicts feel intensepain in the body. They sweat heavily and vomit. The treatment of drug-addiction is expensive and difficult.

Drug addiction is a curse of modern civilization. Drugs lead youngsters to $o astray and destroy many valuable and beautiful lives. There are some reasons for drug addiction such as, frustration, association, availability of intoxicant, unemployment, failure in love, degradation of religious values, lack of family ties, etc. When a young person falls into a completely hopeless situation, drugs allure him. Sometimes young boys and girls come in contact with drugs out of curiosity. Drug addiction creates social problems. Narcotics are very expensive. So the addicted person often go for stealing, hijacking and all sorts of misdeeds to procure money. The drug-addict also does something that ruins the peace of the family. He even steals ornaments, utensils, clothes and what not to procure money for buying drugs. So all other members of the family remain in tension for his misdeeds.

The remedy for drug-addiction is not very easy. To save our young generation from drug-addiction the government and educated people should come forward with necessary remedies. Strong measures should be taken to stop the production and trafficking of drugs. Sufficient clinics should be established to cure drug victims.

Drug addiction is an acute problem in Bangladesh. It is a bane that causes fatal diseases. So more people, Govt. and non-Govt. agencies, conscious youth organisations should come forward to fight against it and save our young generation from its devastating effects.


মাদকাসক্তি মানে হলো মদ, আফিম, মরফিন এবং হেরোইন ইত্যাদি ক্ষতিকারক মাদক গ্রহণের তীব্র আকর্ষণ। এটি মানুষের জীবনের সবচেয়ে ক্ষতিকর অভ্যাস। এটি মানব সভ্যতার জন্য একটি অভিশাপ। আজ এটি বিশ্বব্যাপী সমস্যায় পরিণত হয়েছে। যখন কেউ একবার মাদক গ্রহণ শুরু করে, তখন সে তা গ্রহণ বন্ধ করতে পারে না। এটি একটি উদ্বেগজনক খবর যে আমাদের সমাজের অনেক ছাত্র ইতিমধ্যেই মাদকাসক্তিতে আসক্ত হয়ে পড়েছে। খারাপ সঙ্গ এই জঘন্য অভ্যাসের অন্যতম প্রধান কারণ। বেকার সমস্যা, অস্থির রাজনীতি এবং পারিবারিক বন্ধনের অভাব এই বিপজ্জনক অভ্যাসের জন্য দায়ী। কেউ কেউ তাদের অতীতের বেদনাদায়ক এবং দুঃখজনক স্মৃতি ভুলে যাওয়ার জন্য মাদক গ্রহণ করে, কেউ বিনোদনের জন্য এবং কেউ ফ্যাশন হিসেবে। অর্থ সংগ্রহের জন্য, মাদকাসক্তরা বিভিন্ন সামাজিক অপরাধ এবং ছিনতাই, চোরাচালান, চুরি, ছিনতাই, লুটপাট, হত্যা ইত্যাদি পাপ কাজ করে। একজন মাদকাসক্ত সর্বদা তন্দ্রাচ্ছন্ন (ঘুমন্ত) বোধ করে এবং তীব্র মাথাব্যথায় ভোগে। সে সমাজে তার মর্যাদা সম্পূর্ণরূপে হারিয়ে ফেলে। সে তার প্রিয়জনদের ভালোবাসা এবং স্নেহও হারায়। বিভিন্ন জন্মগত রোগ তাকে গ্রাস করে। তিনি শারীরিক দুর্বলতা, ক্ষত, উচ্চ রক্তচাপ এবং আরও অনেক মারাত্মক রোগে ভুগছেন। তার কিডনি এবং লিভারও মারাত্মকভাবে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়। এই বিপজ্জনক অভ্যাস একজন আসক্তকে মৃত্যুর দিকে ঠেলে দেয়। আমাদের তরুণ সমাজ এবং জাতিকে বাঁচাতে মাদকাসক্তির বিরুদ্ধে একটি শক্তিশালী অভিযান শুরু করার সময় এসেছে। সমাজ থেকে নিরক্ষরতা এবং অজ্ঞতা দূর করতে হবে। মাদকাসক্তি নির্মূলে সামাজিক সচেতনতা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করতে পারে। যদি আমরা এই ভয়াবহ অভ্যাসটি নির্মূল করতে ব্যর্থ হই, তাহলে আমাদের সমস্ত উন্নয়ন পরিকল্পনা এবং প্রচেষ্টা নিষ্ফল এবং অর্থহীন হয়ে পড়বে।



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