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Updated: Sep 22, 2023

VALUE OF TIME Time is invaluable. It flows ceaselessly on without any consideration for the conveniences of any, however important or high placed he may be. And time once gone is gone forever. Lost wealth may be regained by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance but lost time cannot be recovered by any means. Human life is the sum total of moments, hours, days and years. Human life is transient. So the value of time in human life is immense. Time passes away without stopping for a moment. It listens to no one’s request and never comes back. So, to kill time is to shorten life. It is said that time waits for none. It goes on quickly. Many of us are apt to forget that every moment is precious. They waste their time thinking that they would make up the loss in future. But the hope may be never realised. Every moment of our time has its particular duty. Putting off our works, therefore, means over-burdening us, that is, making out tasks heavier and more difficult in future. Besides, some unforeseen obstacles may arise; we may be suddenly taken ill, there may be some family calamity; financial difficulties may fall upon us; and then we shall find that the task has become much harder. Moreover, if we begin to put off things, we shall soon get into the habit of indolence and thus slowly bring about our own ruin. Those who fail to make proper use of time can neither acquire knowledge, nor build up character and suffer all their life in consequence. A wise man takes time by the forelock. He who makes proper use of time never comes to grief. Those who are not idle, work day and night prosper in life. If we consider the case of a student we find that time is very valuable to him. Student life is a period of preparation for the future. Students should, therefore, makes the fullest use of their time. They must not while away their life in idle pursuits. Their chief duty is to learn their lessons and they must devote their time mainly to that duty. They must set apart sometime for games and physical culture and also for amusements. For other people also, time is equally precious. A businessman should use his time in such a manner that he may prosper in business. An officer should make use of his time in doing his office work properly. This will prove his ability and bring him prosperity. A doctor should timely attend his cases. Time means money, if properly used. It also gives pleasure and contentment. If waste, it brings ruin. If we look around, we see that the successful men everywhere are those who have made proper use of every moment of their time. The most prosperous nations are those that do not waste their time. Only the idle sit idly and make no attempt to do a work which they must do. They meet failure in life and suffer in the end. An idle student when becomes a man, he has lost the opportunity of making himself learned. An idle person cannot even earn his livelihood. He either passes his days in wants or depends upon others for his maintenance. He is sure to find himself in later years a burden to himself and to others. The idle suffer much and become useless to the society. The present day struggle of life requires everybody to be careful about time. One should realise the value of his youth or he will suffer in old age. If we want prosperity and happiness in life, we must give up the idleness. Time flies fast. One should catch it before it flies and make the best us of it. Value of Time Our life is nothing but a collection of moments. So every moment of our life is very precious. Life is very short but uncertain. We do not know when we shall die. Within the short period, we are to build-up our life. In order to make good use of time, we must follow a routine for work strictly. We know that the secret of success in life lies in the proper use of time. In our student life, we should be very much careful about the use of time. According to the poet Time you old gipsy man, Will you not stay? Put up your caravan, Just for one day? (Time, You Old Gipsy Man / Ralph Hodgson) Time flies fast. It never stops. That is, time once lost is lost for ever. If a student spoils time through evil company, he must suffer in the long run. The duties and responsibilities of students must be done in student life. These can not be done in old age. It will help us to reach the goal. Active and conscious people know the value of time. They do not waste their time in vain. As a result, they become successful in life. An idle brain is the devil's workshop. If we waste our time in idleness, all sorts of evil thoughts will come to our mind. Besides, people become unhealthy if they remain idle all the time. Idle people can not achieve anything. They are nuisance to the society. If we study the life of the great men of the world, we find that they made proper use of time. The life of the great prophet, the saints, the political leaders and social leaders teach us to make right use of time. By following their examples, we may also be able to prosper in life in future. As we are the best creation of God, we should not neglect time. If we neglect our time, it makes our life barren like the desert. If we fail to perform our duties in proper time, we shall be liable to our next generation. Their future, of course, depends on how we utilise our time. In fact, proper utilization of time brings not only money but also peace, happiness and prosperity. Therefore, we should utilise time properly in every sphere of life.

THE VALUE OF TIME The value of time is limitless; it cannot be measured. The value of time arises from the fact that human life is short but he has to do a lot of works within the short span of time. Each work requires some time. If the work is not finished in time it may not be finished at all. That explains why time is so valuable, and it should not be lost for nothing. Time goes on like the tide of a river and it never waits for anybody. Lost time can never be found again. Misuse of time is a great crime, and it makes life barren like a desert. He is really great who makes the most of every moment in useful works. Success is bound to come to his doorstep. Man should utilize time properly. He should be prepared to spend some time for reading, writing, taking rest and recreation. If he becomes forgetful of time he is sure to lose and fail. No great work can be done without a strong sense of time. The children should learn the value of time from their childhood. They can learn it at home or at school from their parents, teachers and superiors. This can be better learnt from examples of their superiors. It is a part of discipline- discipline that makes life worthwhile and meaningful. Of course, to be loyal to time does not mean that one has to be a slave of time. Value of time ennobles a person and gives him fame. Slavery is blind subservience, and should be abandoned. Value of time indicates that a person should not waste time; rather he should spend every minute in useful works. This will make his life worthliving and glorious. The Value of Time Introduction : The value of time means doing proper work in a proper time. Time is invaluzble in human life. Every moment is very important and useful. It is more valuable And useful than any other earthly possession. There is a wise saving. "Time and tide-wait for none." It is restless and always onward march. None -can stop the onward march of time. We can regain lost knowledge by studying hard, regain lost wealth by hard labour and lost health by medicine. But time on& gone is gone for ever. There is no certainty or guarantee that we will live tomorrow and do our today's work tomorrow. This is why, present time is the most valuable moment in our life. Time and life : Our life is nothing but sum total of moments, hours, days. weeks, months and years. So time is life. To kill a moment is to shorten ,our life. Our life is very short but our art is very long. We have to do many things during this short period. Spoiling time means killing our life as well as our all hopes and aspiration'. Proper utilization of time : For the success of our life, we should know the value of time. Our success and prosperity in life fully depends,on the right use of time. By making the best use of time, we can shine in life, overcome any difficulty and challenge and reach our desired goal of our life. We should do the right thing at the right moment. We should not put off any work for tomorrow, because tomorrow is uncertain. If we do not do a thing at the right moment, we may not be able to do it at all. By showing good seeds in time, a farmer can expect good harvest, a student can make a good result, a player can win the game by utilizing time properly. It can be clearly said that success in life depends on the best use of time. How, to make the right use of time : To make right use ' of time, we must follow a routine/a time-table. There should be time for study, time for other work, time for exercise, time for rest. time for sleep, time for play, time for prayer, time for eating and so on. By following a proper routine, we can lead a bright, prosper, decent, successful and happy life. Even the lower animals like ants, bees etc follow a routine. They do not kill a single moment in vain. They collect their food for the rainy days. The result of wastage of time : Wastage of time is a great crime, curse and sin. Those who waste time can never prosper in life. The idle waste their time in vain. They make no attempt to do their work in time. There is a proverb. "An idle brain is a devil's workshop." They depend on the charity of others. Everybody hates them. They -are the burden and curse to the society. 'They live in misery and dies of misery. They can enjoy no interest and joy of life. In a word, they lead their lives like a dead soul. It can be clearly said that they are the persons of double death. None respect, love and like them in any society. All who became great and immortal on earth made the right use of their time. Conclusion : Making the right use of time is the source of all success and happiness ss in life. All the advanced and rich nations of the world make the proper use of time. They never waste their time in vain. So time is the most valuable and useful for all.-He who realises the value of time and does his works in time becomes happy and successful in life; Therefore, making the correct use of time wisely, we will be able to face the battle and the struggle of life successfully. VILLAGE GAMES OF BANGLADESH All nations on earth have their own games and sports. They are as much a necessity of life as food and drink are. Bangladesh is a tropical country. So we should have games and sports suitable to our climate. Luckily, we have many such outdoor games and sports. Among them Ha-du-du, Dariabandha, Kanamachhi, Gullachhut, Danguli, Buddhimantra, six-guti, sixteen­guti, Lathi-play, boat racing etc. are worth mentioning. Ha-du-du is a very popular game in Bangladesh. For this game at first a field is selected with a line in the middle dividing the field into two halves. All the players are divided into two teams. One player of a team goes across the middle line into the area of the other team all the while uttering ‘ha-du-du’ or ‘du-du-du’ without taking any breath. His object is to touch a player of the other team while he goes on uttering ‘du-du-du’ and to come back to his own area without being caught, held back or seized within the area of the other team by any of its members. The player so touched is called ‘dead’. The player who is caught or held back within the area of the other team is also ‘dead’ or out. If all the players of one team are thus ‘dead’ and the other team has some of its players still ‘living’, the former party is said to be defeated and the latter party wins a point.

It is another popular game of our villages. In this game a field is made under certain rules equally divided with lines equi-distant from each other. Players are equally divided into two teams. One teams stand outside the field and each of the players of the other team stands on each line facing at least one opponent player. Players standing outside enter into the field one by one and try to pass across the field to the finishing end. If any player of a team crosses the field from the starting point to the finishing point and vice-versa, the team concerned wins the game.

It is an interesting children’s game. A piece of cloth is tied over the eyes of a player. He cannot see through it. He is ‘blind’. Other players go round ham and touch his head or his body and say “Kanamachhi bho-vho” to him. He cannot see them but he catches somebody and says his name and that player takes his place to play as ‘blind’.

It is another popular game in our villages. It is played between two teams of equal number of players. A team takes stand at a fixed point on one side of the field. Players of the other team stand scattered on the field facing the team that has taken position with one ‘king’ at a fixed point. The players of the king’s team run as fast as they can to cross the field. If the team of the king can cross the field with the help of ‘pucca’ players or if the king can cross the field untouched, his team wins the game.

During the English occupation of our country, many of our country games have been replaced by the western games like football, cricket, hockey, tennis etc. People now lay greater emphasis on these games. There is no harm in taking to good foreign games and sports. But equal importance should be given to the plain and innocent village games and sports. They are especially suited to the physical condition of our people. They give sufficient exercise to the limbs of the body. The more important fact is that many of these games are the source of innocent mirth and merriment. Kanamachhi, Buddhimantra, etc. are also interesting games of the children. They give great joy to them. Last of all, our village games are not so dangerous or expensive as many of the foreign games are.

Now that we are a free people, it is time that we should organize our traditional games and sports. These games will ensure us a sound mind in a sound body.


All nations on earth have their own games and sports. They are as much a necessity of life as food and drink are.

Bangladesh is a tropical country. So we should have games and sports suitable to our climate. Luckily, we have many such outdoor games and sports. Among them Ha-du-du, Dariabandha, Kanamachhi, Gullachhut, Danguli, Buddhimantra, six-guti, sixteen­guti, Lathi-play, boat racing etc. are worth mentioning.

Ha-du-du is a very popular game in Bangladesh. For this game at first a field is selected with a line in the middle dividing the field into two halves. All the players are divided into two teams. One player of a team goes across the middle line into the area of the other team all the while uttering ‘ha-du-du’ or ‘du-du-du’ without taking any breath. His object is to touch a player of the other team while he goes on uttering ‘du-du-du’ and to come back to his own area without being caught, held back or seized within the area of the other team by any of its members. The player so touched is called ‘dead’. The player who is caught or held back within the area of the other team is also ‘dead’ or out. If all the players of one team are thus ‘dead’ and the other team has some of its players still ‘living’, the former party is said to be defeated and the latter party wins a point.

It is another popular game of our villages. In this game a field is made under certain rules equally divided with lines equi-distant from each other. Players are equally divided into two teams. One teams stand outside the field and each of the players of the other team stands on each line facing at least one opponent player. Players standing outside enter into the field one by one and try to pass across the field to the finishing end. If any player of a team crosses the field from the starting point to the finishing point and vice-versa, the team concerned wins the game.

It is an interesting children’s game. A piece of cloth is tied over the eyes of a player. He cannot see through it. He is ‘blind’. Other players go round ham and touch his head or his body and say “Kanamachhi bho-vho” to him. He cannot see them but he catches somebody and says his name and that player takes his place to play as ‘blind’.

It is another popular game in our villages. It is played between two teams of equal number of players. A team takes stand at a fixed point on one side of the field. Players of the other team stand scattered on the field facing the team that has taken position with one ‘king’ at a fixed point. The players of the king’s team run as fast as they can to cross the field. If the team of the king can cross the field with the help of ‘pucca’ players or if the king can cross the field untouched, his team wins the game.

During the English occupation of our country, many of our country games have been replaced by the western games like football, cricket, hockey, tennis etc. People now lay greater emphasis on these games. There is no harm in taking to good foreign games and sports. But equal importance should be given to the plain and innocent village games and sports. They are especially suited to the physical condition of our people. They give sufficient exercise to the limbs of the body. The more important fact is that many of these games are the source of innocent mirth and merriment. Kanamachhi, Buddhimantra, etc. are also interesting games of the children. They give great joy to them. Last of all, our village games are not so dangerous or expensive as many of the foreign games are.

Now that we are a free people, it is time that we should organize our traditional games and sports. These games will ensure us a sound mind in a sound body.


The Victory day is the most festive of the few national days we have. It comes off on the 16th of December in celebration of the victory we made over the Pakistani forces in 1971. It was a great day for the people of the country when we realised the long-cherished dream of our country’s freedom.

The victory of the Bangalees symbolises the triumph of justice over tyranny, of truth over falsehood, of light over darkness, of freedom over slavery, of humanity over inhumanity and Bangladesh came into existence with a new order of society, which would be free from all sorts of exploitation. So the 16th December is remembered for ever as the victory day in the history of Bangladesh because it is the day of complete liberation of the country.

The Victory Day is not only a day of joy and gaiety but is also a day of sorrow. On this day we remember the heroic deeds of the countless Bangalees in whose blood the ballad of victory has been written.

The government has its way of observing a national day. All the major government and public edifices and buildings hoist the national flag full mast from dawn to dusk. At night, the buildings and other important sites beam with neon and coloured lights. The President or the Prime Minister receive the salute in the march past of the Defence force.

Most people enjoy a national holiday. But in the Victory Day more people are found in a celebratory mood than on other national days. The reason is that many had gone through the throes and agonies during the nine-month liberation war, and when finally the victory came they celebrated it with redoubled joy.

Different cultural organizations bring out different programmes, and various theatre groups hold street drama containing themes of the liberation war. Some film clubs show films made on the Liberation War. Bangladesh Postal Department releases new stamps. And the whole atmosphere remains jubilant throughout the day. Children and student organisations bring out colourful processions carrying placards and posters. Painting exhibitions by children are held. As the evening sets in, the air is filled with songs. Those memorable songs sung during the liberation war are now rendered by the local artists. And on top of everything you can hear the lectures of different political leaders. How exalting and uplifting their words are!

On a personal count the Victory Day is a memorable day for me, because I get my poems published in the Victory Day Supplements of several newspapers. My first impression was that the whole thing looked like a fairyland. The exhibition ground with bright colours, fountains and lighting gave a look of a grand carnival. They were curiously looking at the exhibits watching open airshows, eating and purchasing.

At a vibrant spring morning the mega computer fair -- City IT was launched organised by NSU Computer Club (NSUCC) recently brightened up the atmosphere of NSU campus at Banani, Dhaka. At that time I was on the visit to my uncle’s house at Dhaka. I along with my cousin went to visit the fair. The opening of the fair was launched by the Vice Chancellor of NSU. The objective of arranging such computer showcasing event in the winter season is popularising different fields of computer application among the new generation.

Large crowds at the fair showed the country is near to the implementation of computer in every sector of the country.

Vendors and IT solution providers are busy with gifts and discounts to attract customers in the City IT Faire 2005. Most of the customers of the yearned hi-tech fair are going back to their homes with colourful gifts. At the fair NSUCC is going to introduce some world renowned products of its product-line. Apart from this, NSUCC is displaying the world renowned computer system presently being used in the advanced countries of the world. Furthermore on the eve of the City IT Fair 2005 NSUCC has announced some special services pack. In the fair the authority of NSUCC has also organised the programmes of ‘NSU Genius Hunt

2005. The NSU Genius 2005 was selected from all students who participated in this event with their creative projects using different computer programming languages. The purpose of the ‘Genius Hunt’ was to encourage the students with the works they have done so far while going through the procedure of obtaining their bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering at NSU.

The most thrilling part of the fair that caused the maximum excitement among the students of the whole university was the Movie show that went on for the whole day in a huge hall room of BTA Tower.

The fair was through and through a success and also a nice rehearsal for all the members of NSU Computer Club who are the organisers of the up-coming ‘Soft Fair 2005’.

On the very opening day of City IT Fair 2005 NSUCC authority is giving an attractive gift pack and surprising discount and scheme as a part of its promotional activities.

The fair was a very lively and fascinating combination of hardware exhibition, NSU Genius Hunt, Radio Controlled Toy Car racing and a movie show.


The 16th December is a red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. Pak army surrendered to the allied forces (freedom fighters and Indian forces) after nine months of bloody war and new Bangladesh came into being. It was our long felt and long desired victory. So 16th December is our victory day. It is the day of our great pride and jubilation.

The Liberation War of Bangladesh continued for about nine months only but it had the bitter history of discriminate policy for about more than two decades, State language issue became the first discord between the two states in 1952. The resources of East Pakistan began to be plundered by the Punjabi landlords, bureaucrats and military officers. Through general election of 1954, Martial law of 1958, Six Points demand of 1966, Public upsurge of 1969 the people of East Pakistan began to realise the hollowness of the state mechanism. But Awami League despite having absolute majority could not ascend to power due to YahiyaBhuttu conspiracy. With the plea of discussion for transferring power General Yahiya began to collect arms and ammunitions from West Pakistan. Having taken all preparations Yahiya flew to Rawalpindi and signalled the order for Bangalee massacre. On the black night of 25th March Pakistani forces got down the streets of Dhaka to kill unarmed Bangalees. War of liberation started. After nine months of bloody war killing 30 lacs of people and oppressing 2 lacs of women the Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistani forces General A. K. Niazi signed the Surrender Deed at 4:30 p.m. at the Racecourse Maidan on 16th December, 1971.

The victory day is celebrated with various activities and programmes of government and non-government organisations. This is a public holiday but the national flag is hoisted on the buildings of official installations, shopping centres and residential areas. Armed forces, BNCC, Rover Scout, Girl guide and the students of schools and colleges gather for procession and parade. Literary and cultural organisations hold discussion, seminar and cultural show to mark the day. Radio and television telecast different programmes. Newspapers publish special supplement on the importance of the day.

People of Bangladesh proved the fact, through their bloody struggle, that freedom is the birth right of man. The aspirations of the martyred heroes will be achieved only when Bangladesh will enjoy economic freedom.

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