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Updated: Sep 21, 2023


Games and sports are the source of enjoyment, amusement and pleasure. Men are rational beings and they need to develop their faculties to expose themselves in various fields. So they require soundness of body and mind for which games and sports are necessary. Games and sports are not only the sources of pleasure and amusement but also the means of keeping physically fit and establishing a relation between two rival groups by eradicating the conflicts and strifes.

There are various kinds of sports like swimming, boating, running, jumping and games like football, cricket, hockey, tennis, badminton, volleyball, basket ball etc.

Sports have a great significance in our individual as well as our collective life. It builds our body and gives us more energy in work. It gives us skill, discipline, sense of co-operation and team¬spirit. Some games call forth courage and

presence of mind. Sports and games are joyful activities too. A true sportsman is frank, generous and free from petty spite. These are sportsmanlike qualities.

There is no doubt that many outdoor games, such as football, hockey and cricket are very good for growing boys. They provide physical exercise, so necessary for health, in an interesting form. Moreover, such games, by training boys to work together in a team, teach corporate discipline and so promote what is called esprit de corps. Games form a valuable part of school education. They help in the moral training of boys. They teach certain necessary moral lessons, and in a way boys can understand, that the playing of games promotes co-operation, sense of fair-play, sporting spirit, obedience to rules, self-control, pluck and sacrifice of self for the good of the


The proverb says, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." The sports can refresh and supply fresh vigour to our body and mind. A Latin proverb, "Mens sang in corporesano," that is, a sound mind exists in a sound body.


Globalisation has become a buzzword in the new era of international relations. Basically it is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a borderless market. The impact of globalisation on Bangladesh economy cannot be denied. Like the developing countries of the world our country is getting benefit out of borderless market. Our GDP has increased. Garment industries are considered the foreign exchange earner. In terms of investment, employment and exports, the functioning EPZs have been greatly successful.

Globalisation is now largely based on a strong technological foundation. The electronic transfer of information via the internet has now created an instantaneous and inter-connected world of information resulting in a 24-hour trading network.

Sports play an important role in the development of international relationship. Many international sporting events are organised from time to time. These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them live. The sports venue becomes a meeting place of people from different countries. All these have become possible as a result of globalization.

Various international organisations have responded dramatically with their generous aid in education sector. Many non-formal schools are being run. Meritorious students are availing themselves of the foreign study scholarship. Although globalisation is mainly connected with business. trade and international relations, it is no longer viewed from that perspective alone. The tide of globalisation is now encroaching into other spheres too.

Globalisation exerts influences on our concepts of family.

Commercialisation and rapid urbanisation have resulted in breakdown of traditional large families into nuclear ones.

Taking the advantage of the idea of globalisation, capitalist countries are exploiting and impoverishing the workers of the developing countries. In the name of help and co-operation, the industrially developed capitalist countries are exploiting the cheap labour available in poorer countries. This actually paves the way for a lasting poverty.

It is true that globalisation has produced a window of opportunity for more countries to join the mainstream of world economy; Through globalisation process, the world can be much benefited through fair play and justice.


Garment industry has proved to be the most profitable business. Bangladesh earns a huge amount of foreign currency through this industry.

Bangladesh is a heavily populated country. Many people are unemployed. They do whatever they get for an earning. This makes the labour very cheap. This is the reason why garment industry has flourished in Bangladesh.

Half of our population is women. They are greatly unemployed. But, after the opening of garment industry, they have begun to find jobs in factories as the nature of jobs in garments factories is such which only women can do. This has resulted into bringing about a new attitude to women. They are viewed as potential earning members of the family. The women also have begun to look at themselves newly. They are now economically independent. With this new sense of economic independence, they have also begun to realise that their status in society is very low.

The emergence of the working women community has begun to change the face of Bangladesh. From being a poor unrecognised country, Bangladesh is now making its present felt as an emerging country. Much of the credit goes to women as they have shaken off their previous image.

Though women are on the move by having jobs created for them, they are deprived of what is their actual due. Since labour is cheap, their hard work at the factory earns them very little money.

Some garments factories do not maintain hygienic rules. The working condition is not suitable. Fire easily breaks out. Too many women work in a small space for long hours, which is detrimental to their health.

Some mullahs take a very strong attitude to women’s coming out for jobs. Through ‘attitude to women’s coming out for jobs. Through ‘fatwa’ (religious doctrine) they warn women not to seek work outside the family confinement. But, those who have a deep understanding of Islam maintain that Islam does not prohibit women from seeking honest livelihood. But the fanatic mullahs would not listen, and in the rural area where their influence is too strong, they succeed with all distorted preaching of Islam.

The overall impact of the garment industry is positive. The women should be educated, and then they will understand whether or not they are being exploited by the garment owners

Garments Industries in Bangladesh

Introduction : Bangladesh is a small and developing country in Asia. Her economic development depends firstly on agriculture and secondly on industries. Bangladesh is not developed in industries but she has been wonderfully promoted in garments industries in the recent years in Asia. Our garment industries are a remarkable sector in the field of industrialisation. Once our industry gained/achieved world-wide reputation. Muslin and Jamdani cloth of our country were world famous in the past. But the brute British rulers destroyed our developed cloth industry.

Garments industries at present : Today our main source of foreign income is garments industries. In the last ten years Bangladesh achieved remarkable success and prosperity in the field of garments industries. In a word, a radical -change has come to our garment sector. In Bangladesh garments industries started after our Liberation War. At present there are above 3000 garments industries in Bangladesh. About 60% of the industries are located in Dhaka city and the rest are in Chittagong, Khulna and Comilla. At present about two million people earn their livelihood/ bread by working in our garments industries and 80% of them are women. The prospect of our garment industries is very bright. It is expected that Bangladesh garments industries ,will dominate over the world garment market in near future.

Reason of development : The principal reason of development of our garments industry is our cheap labour than that of any other countries. The factory owners pay our women workers very low wages. It is easy to establish a garments industry in Bangladesh. The climate of our country is neither too hot nor cold. The owners need not huge capital to run a garment factory in Bangladesh. Our female garments workers are very laborious, regular, sincere and persevering. At last, it can be clearly said that extreme cheap labour is the prime cause of the prospect of our garments industries. The present world market : The demand of our readymade garments is very great in the world market. Specially, our garments has great demand in European Union, the U.S.A. and UK. Besides, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, German, Middle East etc are also other garment importing countries. Every year the number of garment importing countries is increasing wonderfully. In 19771978 fiscal year Bangladesh earned one million U.S. dollars but she earned 568 crores US dollars in 2003­ 2004 fiscal year.

Problems of garment industries : The problems of our garments industries are inane. They are the following :

al Bangladesh has to import huge raw materials for our

garments industries which is a great bar to our garments


(b) The foreign suppliers often supply low quality raw materials which hampers our production.

(c) Most of the female workers are illiterate and unskilled which harm our production.

(a) The frequent failure of electricity is the principal cause of our low production.

(e) Communication problem and traffic jam harm our garments industries.

(f) Low wages discourages our garments workers.

(g) High rate of VAT harms our production in the garment industry. Conclusion : In fine, it can be said that at present our garments industries are the one of the prime sources of earning foreign currency. All possible proper steps should be taken for the development of our garment industries. More garments .industries should be set up in the important port cities to solve our unemployment problem and to mobilize our national economy.


Bangladesh is a developing country. About half of our population is girl. The economic progress of the country party depends on the wide participation of women in economic activities. So, girls must receive education to qualify themselves for jobs and other undertaking.

The traditional image of the girls is that she becomes a housewife. In a backward society, the girl will become nothing but a wife or a mother whose prime duty in life is to raise children and cook food for the members of the family. Giving birth to a child, and subsequently raising him, actually compel a woman to stay in the house. The traditional image of the girls as mother and wife has worked negatively for her. The daughter is not given much education, because the father thinks she does not need to. Thus, education for girl is only a secondary question in Bangladesh. Besides, many fanatic ‘mullahs’ preach that modern education for girls is anti-religious. This idea is absolutely nonsense.

Men and women should have equal participation in the progress of the country. If girls remain uneducated they will become a burden for the nation. In the family, if the father has to do all the earning, it is too much on him. If the mother also partakes of the economic activity, the family will have a smoother life style.

What we must do to change our attitude to girls’ education is to inculcate the idea that men and women are complementary to each other. That real progress of society will take place only when men and women are equally qualified. We can look at countries like China and Korea where men and women take part equally in every economic job. In fact, uneducated and jobless women become a burden on their male partners. So emphasis should be given on girls’ education.


Sunlight is the source of life. Most of the heat in the world comes from the sun. During the daytime, sunlight comes to the earth and some of its heat is absorbed by the earth and the rest goes back into the atmosphere. After entering the atmosphere, part of this heat is absorbed by carbon dioxide and water vapour present in the atmosphere and the rest is absorbed into the universe.

During the night when there is no sunlight, the world survives from severe cold by the heat that was absorbed by carbon dioxide and water vapour during the daytime. At night, carbon dioxide and water vapour releases this heat to the earth. Without this carbon dioxide and water vapour, severe colder temperatures would cool the earth, and survival of life would be impossible. This water vapour and carbon dioxide process usually balances the temperature of the world and ensures survival. Besides carbon dioxide and water vapour, there are other gases in the atmosphere, such as methane, nitrous oxide and CFCs, which also absorb heat. However, due to the relatively recent increase of the concentration of these gases and water vapour in the atmosphere, the temperature of the world is rising gradually. If the temperature of the world increases too much, survival of life on earth could be jeopardized.

Causes of Global Warming:

Excess emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) cause global warming. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the most important greenhouse

gas and about three-fourths of the emission are due to fossil fuel consumption, apart from the gas we release during respiration. Methane (CH4) is the second most important greenhouse gas released when bacteria decomposes organic matter. About a quarter of global methane emissions are due to human activities such as livestock rearing and agriculture. Beside these two gases Nitrous oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perflurocarbons (PFCs), Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) are also important as greenhouse gases. Deforestation is also an important factor in global warming. Trees remove CO2 from the air, and destruction of trees is causing more CO2 to accumulate in the air.

The following chart shows the cumulative carbon dioxide emission of 1990-1999.

Effects of Global Warming:

* Over the last 100 years the average temperature of the earth has increased by 0.3 to 0.6 degree Celsius on average (PANOS 2000). * Due to global warming the temperature of the earth’s surface over the next 100 years may rise by an additional 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius. Some reports predict hotter times.

* This may cause sea level rise by 15 cm to 95 cm according to the latest IPCC report (Daily Star June 3, 2002, pg 10).

About 20 to 30 million people of Bangladesh are likely to be affected by global warming, although the country’s GHG emissions are less than 0.1% of the global total. Exact predictions are impossible but scientists fear that

a) Increased droughts and floods from rainfall and snowmelt

b) salinisation of coastal croplands, coastal erosion and damage to coastal mangrove forests.

c) sea-level rise would inundate nearly 18% of the country by 2030. With 10% increase in rainfall, the probability of extreme wet weather would increase sevenfold while the probability of dry years such as 1972 will increase by 4.4 times. Some reports show that even with 60 cm rise in sea level the Sundarbans will be lost, with severe effects on the ecosystem.

* Forty of the poorest countries, including Bangladesh, are likely to face food production losses by more than 25%. Agricultural productivity will fall globally as violent storms are triggered by the El Nino weather phenomenon increasing the frequency of droughts in some areas. Coral reefs and other ocean species will become more vulnerable to increasing ocean temperatures and change in storm pattern. Water shortage is likely to become severe and widespread as distribution of wetlands and freshwater resources is altered dramatically.

Though it seems that lots of measures have been taken against climate change, actually almost nothing have been done about it. All the countries have talked and negotiated in various meetings year after year without any practical solution to the problem and many countries have increased their GHG emission. If the problem of global warming is not tackled sooner rather than later, severe consequences are likely to descend upon us all, and the people of Bangladesh who are the least to blame would be among are the worst sufferers.

More information (extra)

Sunlight is the source of life. Most of the heat in the world comes from the sun. During the daytime, sunlight comes to the earth and some of its heat is absorbed by the earth and the rest goes back into the atmosphere. After entering the atmosphere, part of this heat is absorbed by carbon dioxide and water vapour present in the atmosphere and the rest is absorbed into the universe.

During the night when there is no sunlight, the world survives from severe cold by the heat that was absorbed by carbon dioxide and water vapour during the daytime. At night, carbon dioxide and water vapour releases this heat to the earth. Without this carbon dioxide and water vapour, severe colder temperatures would cool the earth, and survival of life would be impossible. This water vapour and carbon dioxide process usually balances the temperature of the world and ensures survival. Besides carbon dioxide and water vapour, there are other gases in the atmosphere, such as methane, nitrous oxide and CFCs, which also absorb heat. However, due to the relatively recent increase of the concentration of these gases and water vapour in the atmosphere, the temperature of the world is rising gradually. If the temperature of the world increases too much, survival of life on earth could be jeopardized.

Normally, these gases pass into the atmosphere by several methods. Higher temperatures cause abundant water vapour to reach the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is already present in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide also enters the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuel and from the destruction of forest. Trees store huge amount of carbon dioxide. In addition, carbon dioxide loads are present from animals and human breathing.

Nitrous oxide is another gas that increases the world’s temperature. The nitrous oxide comes from the smoke of motor cars. Most of the methane gas comes from wetlands and the decomposition of rice paddies. Chlorofluorocarbons come from people using products such as plastic foam, air conditioning units and refrigerators.

Due to increased temperatures in the world, the ice caps in the north and south poles are also melting. This melting is causing the water sea level to rise, increasing flooding in the low-lying coastal areas. Scientists anticipate that due to increasing sea levels, all low-lying countries in the world, including Bangladesh will be inundated by water one day.

Higher temperatures are also responsible for changes in the weather. Because of climate changes, the countries that used to have abundant rain will have less rain and soon these places will become drier. A place that once was good for agriculture could become unsuitable for agriculture. It is possible that some agricultural species will die because of this temperature-induced drought.

Globalization and English

The word Globalization is the buzzing word to all economists, a magical word to entrepreneurs and a material word to the governments and all other business people. Basically, it is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a borderless market. Knowledge of English is very essential because countries are becoming globally integrated and coupled with each other in all aspects in terms of language, culture, tradition, customs, lifestyle, science and technology economy, trade and commerce. Globalization has brought everything together but the English language made Globalization more possible and effective one.

Globalization started on the point of business then spread like a wild fire to all aspects of human’s survival. Technological advances in production, transportation, and tele­communication and more advancement with internet the firms got access to customer’s supplies and collaborators around the world.

Due to globalization, English language emerged as a global force. English has a bigger impact on the world as a whole used in business, cultural, political and linguistic exchange. Various companies are using English language as a medium to sell their products across the globe. There are constant advertisements in print and electronic media English language sweeps all the advertisements. Globalization leaves no stone unturned, as current Globalization seems to demand comprehensive transformation of a society, its impact on language and culture be detected in every facet of life.

The world has multi languages out of these English is the only language understood all over. English language has revolutionized science and technology. It has become the main tool in computer languages and components. Computers are the most important technical tool that has revolutionised all walks of life and communication is no exception to the phenomenon.

We can make use of English language to promote our world view and spiritual heritage throughout the globe. Some spiritual gurus have been using this language to establish cultural identity.

English language present enjoys a position second to none in the educational system of many countries including Arab world. Rampant use of English loan words in Japanese it is almost impossible to live in Japan without knowing English language. Today English is news; the language continues to make news daily in many parts of the world. If English language is not your mother tongue you may still have mixed feelings about it. You may be strongly motivated to learn the English language because you know it will put you in touch with more people than any other language. It gives you scope to work anywhere across the globe. Moreover, it will give you economic, political and cultural status in the society.

The process of globalisation requires single language for international communication. For many different reasons, English has achieved the prestige of being an international language. “English” is a language before Globalization and “English” is the language after globalization and I end with the same phrase. English and Globalization are inseparable, living one on another in the present day world like body and soul of a human being.


‘Globalisation’ has become a buzzword in the new era of international relations. Basically, it is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a borderless market. But it has had a far-reaching effect on many aspects of life. With the development of hi-tech communication media and rapid transportation facilities, the world has come closer We can now learn in an instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the world and travel to any country in the shortest possible time.

Countries of the world are like families in a village. They can even share their joys and sorrows like next door neighbours. If one country is in distress, others can immediately come to its assistance. If we could build up an atmosphere of mutual understanding and co-operation through this globalisation process, our world could certainly be a better place to live in.

Globalisation is now largely based on a strong technological foundation. The electronic transfer of information via the internet has now created an instantaneous and interconnected world of information resulting in a 24­ hour trading network. This technology has largely changed banking and financial activities. Worldwide money transfer and transaction of businesses have now become a matter of clicking the mouse of a computer. Five out of every six dollars that move in the world economy today travel through the electronic medium. Some products like software and TV programmes are also amenable to digital or electronic transmission. We can now buy and sell goods through the electronic screen. Computers have thus brought about a revolutionary change in

today’s world. Gobalisation is now only what technology makes possible. When people of different nations get together on the occasion of an international sporting event, they come closer to each other, sharing views, opinions and friendship. This opportunity creates a sense of brotherhood and a spirit of mutual co-operation among them. Moreover, getting acquainted with different cultures helps to break down prejudice and broaden outlook. If globalisation has anything to do with the development of international relationship, then sports can certainly contribute in a big way to this.

Although globalisation is mainly connected with business, trade and international relations, it is no longer viewed from that perspective alone. The tide of globalisation is now encroaching into other spheres too. Satellite television channels and the internet are bringing all sorts of different customs and behaviour into our homes. Under the influence of globalisaiton, global cultures are steadily getting integrated with local cultures. Different cultures are constantly interacting. As an independent nation, we have our own traditional social values, beliefs and attitudes. But in the globalising process, many foreign customs and beliefs are intruding on them. This is having a profound impact on our young generation in particular. The intrusion of foreign culture is seen by many as a threat to our national cultural identity.

Understanding the current status of Globalization is necessary for setting course for future. For all national to reap the full benefits of globalization it is essential to create a level playing field.


Good manners are the external expressions of one's inner goodness and education. They generate good and welcome response. A gentle behaviour stirs the environment and a sensitive man or woman virtually responds to soothing behaviour from his or her counterpart. There is a saying, "A tree is known by the fruits it bears, a man is known by the company he keeps."

Good manners can beget good manners. But different people of different levels behave in different ways, may be well and rude. Well developed societies show much regards or respects to their elders. Good manners can be inherited from good, educated and well-mannered or well-behaved families. So goes a wise saying, "A good company makes a man good while a bad one makes him bad." If anyone becomes accustomed to good manners or behaves well, he can under no circumstances misbehave with anyone.

So moral education is all important. From their earliest years children must be taught the difference between right and wrong, and trained to love and follow what is right and hate and avoid what is wrong. So training means the formation of character on right lines. Its object is to bring children up in such a way that they will grow up to be truth -loving, honest, brave, pure-minded and unselfish men and women. The home is the best school for moral education.

A good mannered man is polite and courteous. He respects the views and opinions of others although they differ from his own. He listens patiently to what others have to say. He neither usesharsh words to others nor does anything that may offend others.

An ill-mannered man is rude and rough. He has no respect for the feeling of others. He tries to speak when another is speaking. He tries to thrust his offensive remarks. He shows bad manners in various ways. A man of unpolished manners is not liked by anyone. Everybody hates him.

Good manners make life pleasant, smooth and easy. Hence man makes manners and manners make him real man. Good manners and civilisation are closely linked. Gold is always gold whether it is in possession of any rich or poor man. Good manners are not only confined to the upper classes of people. They may be found among all classes — rich or poor. Good manners do not cost anything but they gain for us love and respect.


An efficient banking system, although important for economic growth, is often unable or unwilling to lend money to the poorer section of society. Hence the need for micro-finance institutions is felt. Bangladesh has a long history of micro-credit finance, with internationally acclaimed organisations such as the Grameen Bank. This bank provides credit to the poor, particularly rural women. Professor Mohammad Yunus, who is the Chairman of Grameen Bank established the same in 1983. Professor Yunus proved that man’s potential power is quite terrific.

Though Professor Yunus is an inhabitant of the third world, he has always dreamt to eliminate the poverty of the world. He is not a billionaire, but his strong-will was unparallel. At last he became successful to establish the Grameen bank and set an example to eliminate poverty from the root level by using planned micro-credit. While he was working as a professor of Economics at Chittagong University, it occurred to him that poor people could be brought out of poverty, if they were given a small loan to a few poor women from his own pocket. He also set a date for the return of the loan with interest. Surprisingly enough, all those who accepted his loans were able to pay him back the money which they invested in making cane and wicker chairs, and made profit by selling them. Thus Dr. Yunus became convinced that small loan or micro-credit system could be started. This philosophy of Dr. Yunus has brought about a real change in women’s attitude towards life. With their financial independence, their self-confidence has increased and they now want to live according to their own plans.

A Grameen Bank project allows only the poor and landless people to take a loan from the bank. Before they can borrow the money, they have to make 5-6 groups of workers, each having five members. Then they have a centre where the bank works to give loans and receive repayment of loans. All the group members must be registered members of the Grameen Bank Project. Each member of a group is given a registered number. There must be an elected Chairperson and an elected Secretary of the group. They hold office for a year. The members conduct their business with the bank through the Chairman. The group Chairperson is responsible for maintaining discipline in the group.

Gsrameen Bank, in addition to providing credit, emphasizes the need to develop skills and raise consciousness among the rural poor. Consumption by about 5 percent of programme participants increased to the point that their households rose above the poverty line. Grameen Bank, therefore, has started a silent revolution among the women, and the impact is far-reaching.

The gathering at a village fair includes all sections of the village people. Whole villages of the neighbourhood rush into the village fair. A large crowd is, therefore, formed and the din and bustle becomes proverbial. There is pushing and jostling from this side and that side till they cannot stand.

In his boyhood, he was a very troublesome boy. So, he was called ‘Khepa. Nazrul was a truant boy from his very early days, but mentally he was always robust. He lost his father in early life and had to struggle hard against poverty even in his boyhood. He read little and troubled the village people with his boyish pranks. During his boyhood, he composed verses in Bengali which were full of Arabic and Persian words. At that time a kind of theatrical parties known as the “Lettu” parties used to entertain the villagers with various performances. Nazrul composed theatrical pieces for these parties and earned name and fame. He fled away from his home to Asansol when he was 12 years old and became a baker’s boy on a monthly pay of Rs. 1.00.

Garment industry has proved to be the most profitable business. Bangladesh earns a huge amount of foreign currency through this industry. Half of our population is women. They are greatly unemployed. But, after the opening of garment industry, they have begun to find jobs in factories as the nature of jobs in garments factories is such which only women can do. This has resulted into bringing about a new attitude to women. They are viewed as potential earning members of the family. The women have also begun to look at themselves newly. They are now economically independent. With this new sense of economic independence, they have also begun to realise that their status in society is very low.

An ordinary garment worker in our country leads a very laborious life. She rises early in the morning and takes preparation for going to the factory. Her shift starts at 8 a.m., so she reaches there a few minutes before that time. She starts for her working place at about 7 a.m. Generally she walks to her factory along with other girls working there. Sometimes she has to get on a crowded public bus to reach her factory. On the way to her destination she is infected with slang words from various corners. In the factory she is not in a congenial atmosphere. She works in congested rooms, which is detrimental to their health. She has no seat to sit upon. Sometimes she works whole day resting on her feet. Sometimes fire breaks out in the factory and there is no preventive measure. It is miserable for a garment worker. At noon she gets a lunch break for half an hour. Almost everyday she eats the poor lunch taken from her house with her colleagues in the factory. She works in the factory for long hours till late at night. She has to be at the factory up to 9 or 10 p.m. In spite of her long hours’ of work she is not remunerated properly. Since labour is cheap, hard work at the factory earns a garment worker very little money.

She likes working in a factory rather than in a household. But a long hour of work makes her sick often. She is used to over working. So she gets tired and bored with work. Most of her colleagues are friendly but male colleagues are not. They feel jealous of her independent work; sometimes they try to harass her. Though she works hard for long hours of the day, she is frequently haunted by the thought of uncertain future. As tradition goes on, she will get married with a fellow worker and try to continue her poor life. Thus the life of a garment worker goes on with ups and downs.


Bangladesh is a country of villages. 85% people of the country live in villages and most of them are landless peasants. Grameen Bank is a new and noble step in the banking system for giving micro-credit to the innumerable landless peasants of Bangladesh. The concept of Grameen bank is the brain-child of Dr. Muhammad Yunus, a professor of Economics at Chittagong University. He is the founder and Managing Director of Grameen Bank. The bank has been working as a self-governed money investing institution throughout the country.

Dr. Yunus was moved by the poverty of innumerable landless people who were oppressed for long years by the mighty, the tenure holders, the money lenders and usurers of villages.

At first Dr. Muhammad Yufius began research work about poverty alleviation. The auspicious starting set out through Grameen Bank project in 1976. The project first started providing micro-credit in Jobra village in Chittagong. In 1978 it turned to an organised form. Then he opened a bank in Jobra village with the co-operation of Krishi Bank. The experience from the bank inspired him to open another branch at Tangail district in 1979. Success in these primary steps led the government to declare Grameen Bank Ordinance in 1983. Since then it has attained the dignity of a self-governed bank in the country.

Grameen Bank is quite different from other traditional banks of the country. It deals with the landless peasants only. It does not take any security from the loan receivers. The receivers need not come to the bank but the bank officials go to them. The service holders of the bank must stay in rural areas. The bank prefers capital generating loans than giving loan in cash. Before borrowing money the members

have to make at least one group of workers having five members who work jointly in taking and paying loans. Two or three thousand taka is given to each member to invest in profitable small jobs like cane and bamboo work, boat making, shopping, food processing, rickshaw pulling, cultivating and so on.

The borrowers have to pay a small interest to the bank and have to follow certain rules and procedures of the bank. Every member has a savings account and when he/she receives loan 5% of it is to be deposited in their account.

Grameen Bank has been able to send loans to the really landless peasants. It is not onh, conscious of giving and receiving loans, it keeps eyes to their social and organisational aspects also. Its activities are expanding rapidly and more than half of the villages of our country have come under its working plans


The greenhouse effect is a dangerous reactive type of effect that influences our nature violently. Greenhouse effect causes natural imbalance. It is dangerous for living creature on earth.

The concept of greenhouse effect evolved from the greenhouse which actually means a glass house built to protect trees from cold air. As these green houses are made of glass, they trap the sunlight and does not let it escape. This trapped sunlight keeps the interior of the house hot for the tree to prepare food. In the atmosphere, a similar thing takes place where carbondioxide and carbonmonoxide, which are known as the green house gases, cause the greenhouse effect. Due to various reasons these two gases are increasing in the air. This increased heat is not only causing an imbalance in our ecology, but also melting the ice of the polar region, as a result raising the sea-level.

There are many causes of greenhouse effects. The deforestation and burning down of the tropical forests, rapid growth of unplanned industries, overpopulation, pollution, increase of temperature etc. are the causative factors of greenhouse effect. In the recent years it has been noticed that the world temperatures are increasing day by day. This increase in global warming is caused by the increased amount of carbondi-oxide gas around the earth. Like the glass houses for the plants in the western cold countries, our atmosphere is guarded by ozone layer which resists the entrance of ultra violet ray from the sun. If such condition goes on for a long time, the world would be hotter. There will be drought throughout the world. There will be an increase in violent storm. The rivers will overflow their banks causing frequent floods. Greenhouse effects make the climate warm. So. the ice in the arctic region would be melting. Many islands, cities near the sea, many parts of our country will go under water of the sea.

To prevent the dangerous effects of greenhouse necessary steps should be taken immediately. People should not be allowed to cut off trees, because trees play an important role in fighting the greenhouse effect. Campaign for tree plantation should be introduced. Mills and factories should be set up in a very planned way.

The climate of the world is undergoing a significant change. The temperatures are increasing day by day on account of greenhouse effect. So measures should be taken to prevent such an undersirable sitaution.

The Game I Like Most

Football is the most popular game of the world. People all over the world are mad for it. A huge amount of money is spent every year for this game. The standard of football in Europe and South America is very high.

Football is played on an open grassy field. The field is 110 to 120 yards long and 70 to 80 yards wide. There are two goal posts at each end to the field. A crossbar is attached to the goal posts. The crossbar is eight feet high from the ground.

The game is played between two teams. Each team has eleven players of which one is a goal-keeper. One referee and two linesmen conduct the game. Duration of the game is 90 minutes divided into two halves with a recess of 10/15 minutes. After the first half each team changes its side. The referee places the ball at the centre of the field. With the whistle of the referee a player of one team kicks the ball and the game starts. Football makes a man strong and healthy as it requires hard labour and quick movement. Football uses all the skills and energy of the body and mind. It teaches the players to be obedient, punctual, and hard-working in a team spirit. Football tournaments create friendship among the nations of the world. For these reasons football is my favorite game.

I love football and it makes me happy. Football is played in all the countries of the world. So when the world cup tournament is held it creates sensation all over the world. Through satellite communication the matches of the tournament are telecast live and most people of the world enjoy them. Football brings the nations of the world closer and makes them friendly with one another.

Revolution means to bring about a wholesale change in a system. The idea of the title is that Bangladesh will grow crops many more times than it has ever done before. Why green? Because all paddies like rice are green while growing on the field. The green revolution therefore suggests the idea of having the lands of Bangladesh carpeted with green crops.

The title, however, addresses our dream more truly than the reality. The reality is that we are still a very backward country in producing crops. Our yield per acre is deplorably low compared to that of many neighbouring countries. The dream remains a dream.

The government comes up with a new plan of cultivation every five years. It talks of financing the farmers through issuing loans on soft terms, of supplying them with the necessary fertilizer, and of collecting their crops at a comfortable rate. But nothing of these seems to work. The peasants do not get the loans in time because of complicated bureaucratic procedures, the fertilizers are never supplied to the genuine farmers because of the interference of the middlemen, and the crops which the farmers produce with their sweat are never collected on the fare price. The peasants are cheated and deprived at every stage of cultivation. Such conditions are not amenable to starting a revolution.

We know that agriculture is the backbone of our economy. So we should not pursue policies that are detrimental to the interest of our peasantry. The political slogan that “if the peasant is saved, the country will be saved’ contains a grain of truth. The sooner we try to realize it the better.

What we should do is what we are not doing now. We should not base our economy on false priorities. That is, if it is proved that in our import policy buying of lawn tennis racket gets priority over the buying of seeds, it means we are not doing anything to hasten the green revolution. We also must see through the fallacy that singing about virtues of the peasants does not guarantee their well-being.

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